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Wie dit begrijpt is gek. Kansrijke schoolloopbanen door passend mondeling taalaanbod in het hoger onderwijs

Handreiking versie 2024


This guide first gives teachers insight into what academic language is, including illustrative videos with statements by teachers in higher professional education. In addition, it contains examples of and inspiration for various ways to sharpen one's own lectures. This allows for more language development opportunities for students. The '10x eer' described earlier in this study has been further developed into a Kijkwijzer (viewing guide) with 11 points of interest. which was examined for effectiveness. Based on this follow-up research, a revision of the previous Guide (version 1) has been carried out.

Referentie van Diepen, M., van Eerd, B., & Kwakman, M. (2024). Wie dit begrijpt is gek. Kansrijke schoolloopbanen door passend mondeling taalaanbod in het hoger onderwijs: Handreiking versie 2024. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Kansrijke Schoolloopbanen in een Diverse Stad.
Gepubliceerd door  Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding 28 februari 2024