
The role of social environment in acquiring agency in Girls Work


Girls Work is a method of professional youth work that support girls in vulnerable circumstances to develop agency (Bandura, 2006). In doing this, girls mediate between who they personally want to be and what is expected of them by their social environment.

Reference Boomkens, C., Metz, J. W., Schalk, R. M. J. D., & Van Regenmortel, T. M. R. F. (2019). The role of social environment in acquiring agency in Girls Work. Children and Youth Services Review, 104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104399
1 January 2019

Publication date

Jan 2019


Judith W. Metz
René M.J.D. Schalk
Tine M.R.F. Van Regenmortel

Research database