Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality

Werken aan een toekomst

Eventhands Empowert kwetsbare jongeren


Psychological problems are common amongst youth who experience problems in multiple area’s of life. Connection to community and social networks is essential in order to treat and resolve mental illness. As it o¥ ers youths the chance to experience positivity and success, improve their self image and regain perspective. To stimulate the development of this target group, youth welfare and youth mentalhealthcare sectors need each other. In cooperation lies the chance of creating better opportunities for a large group of adolescents. The EventHandsprogram, operational in Amsterdam since 2010, o¥ ers youths who experience di¼ culties in school, work or at home, the opportunity to get their lives back on track. They gain work experience within the cultural sector under professional supervision. The approach links up with the branch of positive psychology and aims to: empower and facilitate personal growth, prepare for education, labor and social participation. Initial results are promising.

Referentie Bos, E., Verheul, R., & de Bruijn, T. (2017). Werken aan een toekomst: Eventhands Empowert kwetsbare jongeren. De psycholoog, 52(4), 34-41.
Gepubliceerd door  Kenniscentrum Maatschappij en Recht 1 januari 2017


jan 2017


Eltje Bos
Rosa Verheul
Tamara de Bruijn

Research database