Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality


A new research project on interactive exhibition formats that depict future scenarios on the (energy) transition


In Transition-Scapes, interactive exhibition forms are being explored with which future scenarios about the energy transition can be visualized. The goal is to make the implications of the transition understandable and discussable at the level of residents.

In order to involve residents in the energy transition architects, urban designers and planners are looking for new tools with which they can visualize various scenarios surrounding complex transition tasks. Tools that can make implications understandable and discussable at the level of the resident: the living environment. This research project explores the design of such a tool: Transition-Scapes. These are interactive exhibition formats aimed at depicting and representing future scenarios around the (energy) transition. A design framework for the design and use of such a tool will be developed together with exhibition makers, design professionals, experts in the field of energy transition, researchers and students.

Funding and collaboration

Transition-Scapes, has been accepted for a RAAK SME grant funded by National Organisation for Applied Research SIA (Regieorgaan SIA ), part of the Dutch Research Council (NOW) and will be developed as a collaboration between AUAS – Civic Interaction Design Research Group , AUAS - Spatial Urban Transformation Research Group , International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Arcam, Het Nieuwe Instituut, UNStudio, Bright, One Architecture, Generation.Energy, Clever Franke, Tellart, Shosho, Gemeente Amsterdam, Alliander, &Flux, Over Morgen, Play the City, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, TU Delft.

Gepubliceerd door  Kenniscentrum FDMCI 20 september 2023

Project Info

Startdatum 25 apr 2023
Einddatum 31 dec 2025
