Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality

Becoming a democratic citizen

a study among adolescents in different educational tracks


Democracy is often seen as the most preferable way of ruling a country and dealing with conflicts of interest. For a democracy to flourish it is important that citizens are positively oriented towards its institutions and their underlying principles.

For a democracy to flourish it is important that citizens are positively oriented towards its institutions and their underlying principles. This means that citizens should hold generally positive views towards the parliament and rule of law, and towards principles such as freedom of expression, equality between citizens, and minority rights. Moreover, the will to decide political issues collectively and to contribute to the common good is paramount for democratic citizenship

Reference Nieuwelink, H. (2016). Becoming a democratic citizen: a study among adolescents in different educational tracks. s.n.
Published by  Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding 1 January 2016

Publication date

Jan 2016


G.T.M. ten Dam
P. Dekker


Research database