Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality
W.J. Benschop (Annemieke)
Annemieke Benschop is al meer dan twintig jaar als onderzoeker betrokken bij de jaarlijkse Antenne monitor naar trends in alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs onder jongvolwassenen. Ze heeft ruime ervaring in ontwerp, opzet, uitvoering, gegevensverzameling, dataverwerking, analyse en rapportage van lokale, nationale en internationale onderzoeksprojecten. Haar belangrijkste expertise ligt in kwantitatief onderzoek met survey- en registratiegegevens.
Na haar studie Biomedische Wetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1995) was Annemieke onder andere verbonden aan het Bonger Instituut voor Criminologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en zat zij enkele jaren in het bestuur van de European Society for Social Drug Research. Sinds 2018 werkt ze als onderzoeker voor de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Comparing NPS users in nightlife settings and online communities
Henriques, S., Silva, J. P., Van Hout, M. C., Hearne, E., Benschop, A., Korf, D., Bujalski, M., Wieczorek, Ł., Werse, B., Felvinczi, K., Dąbrowska, K., Kaló, Z., Kamphausen, G., & Nabben, T. (2024). Comparing NPS users in nightlife settings and online communities. Video Journal of Social and Human Research, 3(1), 45-57. https://doi.org/10.18817/vjshr.v3i1.50
Antenne Nederland
Nabben, T., Boekholt, M., & Benschop, A. (2024). Antenne Nederland: Regiomonitor drugs en risicojongeren 2022-2023. Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://verslavingskundenederland.nl/database/?_type_bron=eindrapportage%2Conderzoeksrapport
Antenne Amsterdam 2023
Benschop, A., & Nabben, T. (2024). Antenne Amsterdam 2023: Trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2023
Nabben, T., & Benschop, A. (2024). Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2023: Trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Antenne Amsterdam 2022
Nabben, T., & Benschop, A. (2023). Antenne Amsterdam 2022: trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2022
Benschop, A., & Nabben, T. (2023). Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2022: Trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Cannabis users and stigma: A comparison of users from European countries with different cannabis policies
Skliamis, K., Benschop, A., & Korf, D. J. (2022). Cannabis users and stigma: A comparison of users from European countries with different cannabis policies. European Journal of Criminology, 19(6), 1483-1500. https://doi.org/10.1177/1477370820983560
Triangulating Amsterdam’s illicit stimulant use trends by wastewater analysis and recreational drug use monitoring
Laak, T. L. T., Emke, E., Benschop, A., Nabben, T., & Béen, F. (2022). Triangulating Amsterdam’s illicit stimulant use trends by wastewater analysis and recreational drug use monitoring. Forensic Science International, 340, Article 111449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2022.111449
Antenne Amsterdam 2021
Benschop, A., & Nabben, T. (2022). Antenne Amsterdam 2021: Trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Reply on comments from Paul Calle on ‘Visitors of the Dutch drug checking service: Profile and drug use experience.’
Koning, R. P. J., Benschop, A., Wijffels, C., & Noijen, J. (2022). Reply on comments from Paul Calle on ‘Visitors of the Dutch drug checking service: Profile and drug use experience.’. International Journal of Drug Policy, 105, 1-2. Article 103684. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103684
Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2021
Nabben, T., & Benschop, A. (2022). Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2021: trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Klantenonderzoek testservices Randstad 2021
Benschop, A. (2022). Klantenonderzoek testservices Randstad 2021: Resultaten van een survey onder klanten van drugstestservices in de Randstad. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Vitality.
Where, When and With Whom: Cannabis Use, Settings and Self-Regulation Rules
Skliamis, K., Benschop, A., Liebregts, N., & Korf, D. J. (2021). Where, When and With Whom: Cannabis Use, Settings and Self-Regulation Rules. Contemporary Drug Problems, 48(3), 241-259. https://doi.org/10.1177/00914509211033921
Visitors of the Dutch drug checking services: Profile and drug use experience
Koning, R. P. J., Benschop, A., Wijffels, C., & Noijen, J. (2021). Visitors of the Dutch drug checking services: Profile and drug use experience. International Journal of Drug Policy, 95, 1-5. Article 103293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103293
Changing Patterns of Substance Use During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Self-Reported Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Drugs
Benschop, A., van Bakkum, F., & Noijen, J. (2021). Changing Patterns of Substance Use During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Self-Reported Use of Tobacco, Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Drugs. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 1-12. Article 633551. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.633551
Antenne Amsterdam 2020
Nabben, T., & Benschop, A. (2021). Antenne Amsterdam 2020: Trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs: with English summary. (Antenne). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2020
Benschop, A., & Nabben, T. (2021). Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2020: trends in gebruik van alcohol, tabak, cannabis en andere drugs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Antenne Nederland
Nabben, T., Boekholt, M., & Benschop, A. (2021). Antenne Nederland: regiomonitor drugs en risicojongeren 2020-2021. Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://www.hva.nl/binaries/content/assets/subsites/urban-sos/antenne-regiomonitor-2021.pdf
Why do people use new psychoactive substances? Development of a new measurement tool in six European countries
Benschop, A., Urbán, R., Kapitány-Fövény, M., Van Hout, M. C., Dąbrowska, K., Felvinczi, K., Hearne, E., Henriques, S., Kaló, Z., Kamphausen, G., Silva, J. P., Wieczorek, Ł., Werse, B., Bujalski, M., Korf, D., & Demetrovics, Z. (2020). Why do people use new psychoactive substances? Development of a new measurement tool in six European countries. Journal of Psychopharmacology , 34(6), 600-611. https://doi.org/10.1177/0269881120904951
A Comparison of Excessive Drinking, Binge Drinking and Alcohol Dependence in Ethnic Minority Groups in the Netherlands
van Amsterdam, J. G. C., Benschop, A., van Binnendijk, S., Snijder, M. B., Lok, A., Schene, A. H., Derks, E. M., & van den Brink, W. (2020). A Comparison of Excessive Drinking, Binge Drinking and Alcohol Dependence in Ethnic Minority Groups in the Netherlands: The HELIUS Study. European Addiction Research, 26(2), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1159/000504881
Antenne 2019
Nabben, T., & Benschop, A. (2020). Antenne 2019: trends in alcohol, tabak en drugs bij jonge Amsterdammers. (Jellinekreeks; No. 31). Rozenberg Publishers.
Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2019
Benschop, A., & Nabben, T. (2020). Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2019: Zicht op middelengebruik onder jonge mensen in de regio. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Discriminative Characteristics of Marginalised Novel Psychoactive Users: a Transnational Study
Felvinczi, K., Benschop, A., Urban, R., Van Hout, M. C., Dabrowska, K., Hearne, E., Henriques, S., Kalo, Z., Kamphausen, G., Silva, J. P., Wieczorek, L., Werse, B., Bujalski, M., Demetrovics, Z., & Korf, D. (2019). Discriminative Characteristics of Marginalised Novel Psychoactive Users: a Transnational Study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-019-00128-8
Sharing, Group-Buying, Social Supply, Offline and Online Dealers: how Users in a Sample from Six European Countries Procure New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)
Werse, B., Benschop, A., Kamphausen, G., van Hout, M.-C., Henriques, S., Silva, J. P., Dąbrowska, K., Wieczorek, Ł., Bujalski, M., Felvinczi, K., & Korf, D. (2019). Sharing, Group-Buying, Social Supply, Offline and Online Dealers: how Users in a Sample from Six European Countries Procure New Psychoactive Substances (NPS). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17(5), 1237-1251. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-0043-1
How and Where to Find NPS Users: a Comparison of Methods in a Cross-National Survey Among Three Groups of Current Users of New Psychoactive Substances in Europe
Korf, D., Benschop, A., Werse, B., Kamphausen, G., Felvinczi, K., Dąbrowska, K., Hernriques, S., Nabben, T., Wieczorek, Ł., Bujalski, M., Kalo, Z., Hearne, E., & Van Hout, M. C. (2019). How and Where to Find NPS Users: a Comparison of Methods in a Cross-National Survey Among Three Groups of Current Users of New Psychoactive Substances in Europe. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-019-0052-8
Antenne 2018
Korf, D. J., Nabben, T., & Benschop, A. (2019). Antenne 2018: trends in alcohol, tabak en drugs bij jonge Amsterdammers. (Jellinekreeks; Vol. 30). Rozenberg Publishers.
Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2018
Korf, D. J., Benschop, A., & Nabben, T. (2019). Antenne Gooi en Vechtstreek 2018: zicht op middelengebruik onder jonge mensen in de regio. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Klantenonderzoek testservice 2018
Benschop, A. (2019). Klantenonderzoek testservice 2018: Resultaten van een survey onder klanten van drugstestservices in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Den Haag, Hilversum, Nijmegen, Rotterdam en Utrecht. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Faculteit Gezondheid.
Health and Social Problems Associated with Recent Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Use Amongst Marginalised, Nightlife and Online Users in Six European Countries
Van Hout, M. C., Benschop, A., Bujalski, M., Dąbrowska, K., Demetrovics, Z., Felvinczi, K., Hearne, E., Henriques, S., Kaló, Z., Kamphausen, G., Korf, D., Silva, J. P., Wieczorek, Ł., & Werse, B. (2018). Health and Social Problems Associated with Recent Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Use Amongst Marginalised, Nightlife and Online Users in Six European Countries. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(2), 480-495. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-017-9824-1