Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality
17 Resultaten
Effect of telemonitoring and telerehabilitation on physical activity, exercise capacity, health-related quality of life and healthcare use in patients with chronic lung diseases or COVID-19
1 augustus 2024 | Urban VitalityTelemonitoring and telerehabilitation can support home-based pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) and benefit patients with lung diseases or COVID-19. This study aimed to (1) identify which telemonitoring and ...
Perspectives of Rehabilitation Professionals on Implementing a Validated Home Telerehabilitation Intervention for Older Adults in Geriatric Rehabilitation
18 juli 2023 | Urban VitalityOwing to demographic trends and increasing health care costs, quick discharge with geriatric rehabilitation at home is advised and recommended for older adults. Telerehabilitation has been identified as a ...
The quality of geriatric rehabilitation from the patients’ perspective: a scoping review
1 maart 2023 | Urban VitalityThe efficacy and outcomes of geriatric rehabilitation (GR) have previously been investigated. However, a systematic synthesis of the aspects that are important to patients regarding the quality of GR does not exist.
Telerehabilitation Delivery in Canada and the Netherlands: Results of a Survey Study
1 januari 2023 | Urban VitalityFollowing the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, telerehabilitation (TR) has been expanding to address the challenges and risks of in-person delivery. It is likely that a level of TR delivery will continue after the ...
Effectiveness of outpatient geriatric rehabilitation after inpatient geriatric rehabilitation or hospitalisation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
1 januari 2023 | Urban VitalityDue to the increasing number of older people with multi-morbidity, the demand for outpatient geriatric rehabilitation (OGR) will also increase.
A co-creation approach to implementing eHealth applications in care organizations: lessons learned from multiple cases
15 juli 2022 | Kenniscentrum FDMCIThe uptake of eHealth technology in care organizations is low, considering the large supply of available eHealth applications. This study follows the implementation attempts of 18 European eHealth products (of ...
Developing an international research of health-care ICT applied for rehabilitation and daily living support between Japan and the Netherlands
1 januari 2022 | Urban VitalityWhile many health-care issues and technological solutions are viewed locally, developing new technological solutions might benefit from lessons learned globally. The aim of this study was to develop a shared ...
COVID-19 infodemic and digital health literacy in vulnerable populations: A scoping review
1 januari 2022 | Urban VitalityPeople from lower and middle socioeconomic classes and vulnerable populations are among the worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, thus exacerbating disparities and the digital divide.
Kennisontwikkeling en impuls aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek
1 januari 2021 | Urban VitalityIn EM-5 in 2020 schreven we over de Taakgroep Kwaliteit van Zorg als een van de taakgroepen van de Bestuurlijke Afspraken Paramedische Zorg. Daarbij is ook de subsidieoproep Beantwoorden kennis- vragen Kennisagenda ...
18 december 2019 | Urban VitalityHoe kan sensortechnologie worden gebruikt om thuiswonende ouderen te ondersteunen bij het dagelijks functioneren? Margriet Pol promoveerde op 5 februari 2019 met haar proefschrift ‘Sensor monitoring to measure ...
Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in a rehabilitation programme for older patients after hip fracture
1 september 2019 | Urban VitalityTo test the effects of an intervention involving sensor monitoring-informed occupational therapy on top of a cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT)-based coaching therapy on daily functioning in older patients after ...
Everyday life after a hip fracture
1 mei 2019 | Urban Vitality<p>OBJECTIVE: to gain insight into what older adults after hip fracture perceive as most beneficial to their recovery to everyday life.</p><p>DESIGN: qualitative research ...
Effect of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older individuals after hip fracture: the SO-HIP trial A three-arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial
24 mei 2018 | Urban VitalityEffect of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older individuals after hip fracture: the SO-HIP trial A three-arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial
De SO-HIP study: study protocol of a three arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial
1 maart 2017 | Urban VitalityDe SO-HIP study: study protocol of a three arm stepped wedge cluster randomized trial
Effectiveness of sensor monitoring in an occupational therapy rehabilitation program for older individuals after hip fracture, the SO-HIP trial
3 januari 2017 | Urban VitalityThe performance of activities of daily living (ADL) at home is important for the recovery of older individuals after hip fracture. However, 20-90% of these individuals lose ADL function and never fully recover. It is ...
Older people's perspectives regarding the use of sensor monitoring in their home
1 juni 2016 | Urban VitalityThe early detection of a decline in daily functioning of independently living older people can aid health care professionals in providing preventive interventions. To monitor daily activity patterns and, thereby ...
Sensor monitoring to measure and support daily functioning for independently living older people a systematic review and road map for further development
1 januari 2013 | Urban VitalityTo study sensor monitoring (use of a sensor network placed in the home environment to observe individuals' daily functioning (activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living)) as a method to ...