Urban Technology

Sociaal werk in stadswijken waar problemen zich opstapelen


The impact of residualisation on social work has so far hardly been explored. Based on existing literature and recently started empirical research in Amsterdam we analyze several consequences. Residualisation refers to the process whereby urban social housing is strictly allocated to the lowest income groups. What does this concentration of disadvantaged households mean for the role of social workers? Firstly, for community workers residualisation mostly implies a renewed role as instigators of residents’ participation in urban renewal trajectories for social mix. Furthermore community activities are increasingly used to offer safe havens for new and old groups of residents and also to prevent expensive treatments for several residential groups. For social workers focusing on individual support or casework residualisation results in an increasingly complex caseload. Residualisation does not imply extra formation for social work, but rather extra attention for the effortful coproduction of welfare between formal and informal actors. Within this playing field, we distinguish link work as vital for both formal and informal social work. Link work is about establishing vertical and horizontal connections between different worlds, across sectoral, professional or trust gaps. We expect that in areas of residualisation successful urban social work is dependent on strong linking skills.

Referentie Welschen, S., & Veldboer, L. (2019). Sociaal werk in stadswijken waar problemen zich opstapelen. Beleid en Maatschappij, 46 (3), 348-365. https://doi.org/10.5553/BenM/138900692019046003003
Gepubliceerd door  Kenniscentrum Maatschappij en Recht 1 januari 2019


jan 2019


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