Urban Technology

Strategizing Nature in Cross-Sector Partnerships: Can Plantation Revitalization Enable Living Wages?


Strengthening sustainability in global supply chains requires producers, buyers, and nonprofit organizations to collaborate in transformative cross-sector partnerships (CSPs). However, the role played by nature in such partnerships has been left largely unattended in literature on CSPs. This article shows how strategizing nature helps CSPs reach their transformative potential.

Strategizing nature entails the progressive revealing and reconciling of temporal tensions between “plants, profits, and people.” We show how a CSP took a parallel approach—recognizing the divergent temporalities of plants, people, and profits as interlaced and mutually determined—toward realizing their objective of implementing living wages in a sub-Saharan African country’s the tea industry, simultaneously driven by the revitalization of tea plantations. The promise of better quality tea leaves allowed partners to take a “leap of faith” and to tackle pressing issues before the market would follow. Our findings thus show the potential of CSPs in driving regenerative organizing.

Reference van Hille, I., de Bakker, F. G. A., Groenewegen, P., & Ferguson, J. E. (2021). Strategizing Nature in Cross-Sector Partnerships: Can Plantation Revitalization Enable Living Wages? Organization & Environment, 34(2), 175-197. https://doi.org/10.1177/1086026619886848
1 June 2021

Publication date

Jun 2021


IIteke Van Hille
Frank G. A. de Bakker
Peter Groenewegen
Iteke van Hille


Research database