Urban Technology

Multilevel participation within on-line collections of local memories as a practice of cultural citizenship

the value of local cultural heritage for societ


Collecting local memories on-line is a growing practice with participatory elements on different levels. Three levels of participation – micro, meso and macro – are introduced by describing an exemplary case: the Memory of East in Amsterdam. These levels of this particular case can be grounded in the statements of the Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society. This indicates that the Memory of East case might be a good practice. However, looking at 53 other cases shows that the three levels are present, but designed differently with respect to the degree in which residents participate. Since the convention is not specific enough we choose the notion of cultural citizenship to assess the value of cases like these. We claim that the cases that have more focus on ordinary residents participating on all three levels assures a sustainable and self-feeding system, which is the best answer to the goals of the convention.

Reference de Kreek, M. (2011). Multilevel participation within on-line collections of local memories as a practice of cultural citizenship: the value of local cultural heritage for societ. In Digital Strategies for Heritage 2011 Digital Heritage Netherlands.
1 January 2011

Publication date

Jan 2011



Research database