Urban Technology

Elektrisch vrachtvervoer

wat zijn de lessen uit FREVUE project?


A short report on the final meeting of the FREVUE project: Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe. On the four central themes in this 4 year project were the main conclusions: on technics, there is still a lack of an OEM who delivers large scale electric freight vehicles with the required quality and support. On economics it became clear that only for small FREV there is a business case. Social factors show that all stakeholder have a positive attitude towards FREV. For politics there are several instruments available.

Referentie Warmerdam, J. (2017). Elektrisch vrachtvervoer: wat zijn de lessen uit FREVUE project?. Web publication or website, De laatste meter. http://www.delaatstemeter.nl/gastcolumns/elektrisch-vrachtvervoer-lessen-frevue-project/
Gepubliceerd door  Kenniscentrum Techniek 12 juli 2017


jul 2017



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