Urban Technology

Skills als basis voor een nieuwe (re-)integratiepraktijk


Substantial and continuous shifts in skills demands urge us to rethink education, labour market and reintegration policies and practices. In this article, we argue for a more skills based approach to (re)integration. This skills based (re)integration practice is based more on up-to-date, complete and validated skills sets of candidates, than on diplomas and other, more or less, outdated and incomplete proxies to one’s current skills.

Such a new reintegration practice seems feasible if the actual and complete skills set of an individual becomes the starting point for both matching, guidance and (up/re)skilling efforts. Intersectoral mobility, alternative career pathways and suitable training and development routes can be designed on a more fine-grained skills basis, with occupations considered more as dynamic sets of tasks requiring specific skills.

This new (re)integration practice presupposes a common skills language, which is being developed in the Netherlands, Competent NL. Sectoral and intersectoral experiments with skills instruments using this language, such as skills passports, are conducted to optimize their quality and effectiveness.

Since first experiments with skills instruments seem promising, we argue that more room for experiment is required. So that integration in the labor market can be sustained and reintegration practices can be prevented.

Referentie Sanders , J., Post, J., van Genabeek, J., & Ballafkih, H. (2022). Skills als basis voor een nieuwe (re-)integratiepraktijk. Beleid en Maatschappij, 49(1), 53-72. https://doi.org/10.5553/BenM/138900692022049001006
Gepubliceerd door  CAREM 1 maart 2022


mrt 2022


Jos Sanders
Jouke Post
Joost van Genabeek


Research database