Urban Technology

SUN-P297 : The role of calcium, iron magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc on muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in older adults

a systematic review

Reference van Dronkelaar, C., van Velzen, A., Abdelrazek, M., van der Steen, A., Weijs, P. J. M., & Tieland, M. (2017). SUN-P297 : The role of calcium, iron magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc on muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in older adults: a systematic review. Poster session presented at 39th ESPEN congress, The Hague, Netherlands.
Published by  Faculteit Bewegen, Sport en Voeding 1 January 2017

Publication date

Jan 2017


C, van Dronkelaar
A. van Velzen
M. Abdelrazek


Research database