Urban Technology

Living labs for the urban commons

developing collaborative governance arrangements through experimental learning environments


This paper describes how an urban commons is established on the Amsterdam market square Plein ’40-’45, to explain how an experimental learning environment can be a living lab for improving collaborative governance arrangements. We detail how this improvement is facilitated by an experimental learning environment that engages stakeholders in a process where practical solutions are developed and systemic obstacles are addressed and redesigned simultaneously. Our study is guided by the research question: How can an experimental learning environment develop practical solutions as a means to address systemic obstacles and improve collaborative governance arrangements?

Reference Meerkerk, J., Ferguson, J., & Grin, J. (2020). Living labs for the urban commons: developing collaborative governance arrangements through experimental learning environments. In D. Schuurman (Ed.), Proceedings of the Digital Living Lab Days Conference 2020: connecting people and technologies toward a citizen-centered digital future (pp. 185-192). European Network of Living Labs. https://issuu.com/enoll/docs/proceedings_final
1 January 2020

Publication date

Jan 2020


John Grin


Research database