Urban Technology

The role of frame resonance in resistance to touristification

how Amsterdam came to ban tourist shops from its inner city


Recent studies on urban policy responses to increasing tourism have moved beyond the physical impact of tourism to also include the way tourism is framed by social movements.

This paper contributes to this line of research with a focus on frame resonance: the extent to which frames strike a responsive chord with the public in general and policymakers in particular. We introduce a specific form of frame amplification through cultural resonance; the appeal to pre-existing societal beliefs.

Using an analysis of policy documents, print, online and social media, we demonstrate that frames around tourist shops in Amsterdam appealed to pre-existing beliefs that portray the inner city as: a delicate mix of functions, an infrastructure for criminal activities, and a business card reflecting the city’s quality of place.

These beliefs amplified frame resonance to such an extent that they convinced an initially reluctant local government to ban tourist shops from the inner city, a policy that undermines the accessibility and inclusivity of urban spaces that the local government aims to promote (SDG 11).

This suggests that the contingencies in the local context that enable or foreclose the cultural resonance of frames are essential in understanding policy responses to touristification.

Reference Hagemans, I., Spierings, B., Weltevreden, J. J., & Hooimeijer, P. (2024). The role of frame resonance in resistance to touristification: how Amsterdam came to ban tourist shops from its inner city. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32(8), 1669-1685. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2023.2262166
Published by  Centre for Economic Transformation 1 January 2024

Publication date

Jan 2024


Bas Spierings
Pieter Hooimeijer


Research database