Urban Technology

Experimental learning labs

strenghtening a professional dialogue trough a train the trainer program in Frankfurt


The Master is based on stimulating the interdiscplinairy learning of students through practical assignments in collaboration in multidisciplinary teams in a haus der zukunft and thus bringing the "outside world" more in the curriculum.

This requires a structural collaboration of faculties and lecturers in teams. Problem: the master attracts very few students, is considered strategically important by frankfurt university, committed professors from the faculties of social work, architecture and computer science hardly have any time for mutual co ordination for recruitment and program co ordination.

Lecturers involved in the Master hardly see each other and there is a hierarchical distance between professors and lecturers.

Reference van Middelkoop, D., Engelmann, S., Kattouf, S., & Horsselenberg, P. (2020). Experimental learning labs: strenghtening a professional dialogue trough a train the trainer program in Frankfurt. Paper presented at U!REKA, Frankfurt, Germany.
Published by  CAREM 1 January 2020

Publication date

Jan 2020


Sabrina Engelmann
Saida Kattouf


Research database