Urban Technology

Making online products more tangible

the effect of product presentation formats on product evaluations


Although several studies have looked at the effects of online product presentations on consumer decision making, no study thus far has considered a potential key factor in online product evaluations: tangibility. The present study aims at filling this gap by developing and testing a model that relates different online product presentation formats to the three-dimensional concept of product tangibility. We test how the three tangibility dimensions influence perceived diagnosticity and, eventually, online purchase intentions.

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Reference Verhagen, T., Vonkeman, C., & van Dolen, W. (2016). Making online products more tangible: the effect of product presentation formats on product evaluations. Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking, 19(7), 460-464. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2015.0520
Published by  CAREM 18 July 2016

Publication date

Jul 2016


Charlotte Vonkeman
Willemijn van Dolen

Research database