Urban Technology
A.D. van Woudenberg-Swicegood (Amie)
'Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant'. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr. Amie van Woudenberg, an American native, has called the Netherlands home since 1997. She joined the Amsterdam School of International Business (AMSIB) in 2007 and the WorkLab in 2020, where she has taken on various roles, including associate program manager, lecturer, and researcher.
With a deep passion for teaching, research, and building meaningful relationships, Dr. Van Woudenberg finds joy in making a positive difference—whether in the classroom, through her collaborative projects, or via her research. She specializes in courses on leadership and change management, where she strives to empower students with practical skills and insights.
Her doctoral research, Understanding Co-worker Relationships in Hybrid Work: Adapting to a Post-COVID-19 Workplace, explores how connections between colleagues can foster well-being and improved organizational outcomes. This subject is not only her academic focus but also a personal passion.
Educational profile
Dr. Van Woudenberg earned her Doctorate in Business Administration from Northumbria University in 2024. She also holds a Bachelor's degree in International Trade, Economics, and French, and a Master's degree in French Literature from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA. Additionally, Dr. Van Woudenberg is a Certified Professional Coach (International Coach Federation). She is fluent in Dutch, conversant in French, and a native English speaker.
Professional experience
Her professional experience includes 12 years in management roles within multinational and professional organizations, alongside over 20 years of teaching in the US, France, and the Netherlands. In addition to her teaching and research, Dr. Van Woudenberg has worked as a business coach, focusing on supporting professional and personal development.
Whether she is engaging with students, collaborating with colleagues, or conducting research, Dr. Van Woudenberg is driven by the belief that meaningful connections can transform lives and organizations.
Understanding Co-worker Relationships in Hybrid Work
van Woudenberg - Swicegood, A. D. (2024). Understanding Co-worker Relationships in Hybrid Work: Adapting to a Post-COVID-19 Workplace. [Research external, graduation external, Northumbria University].
Aan de slag met een inclusief hybride werkbeleid
Smit, W., Hartendorp, M., & van Woudenberg - Swicegood, A. (2024). Aan de slag met een inclusief hybride werkbeleid. Holland Management Review, 2024(210), 60-67. https://hmr.nl/artikel/aan-de-slag-met-een-inclusief-hybride-werkbeleid/#:~:text=Een%20inclusief%20hybride%20werkbeleid%20vereist%20een%20integrale%20aanpak,werken%20biedt%20medewerkers%20met%20een%20arbeidsbeperking%20veel%20mogelijkheden.
Tips voor een toegankelijke werkplek
Smit, W., & van Woudenberg - Swicegood, A. D. (2024). Tips voor een toegankelijke werkplek. Web publication or website https://weekvandetoegankelijkheid.nl/toegankelijke-werkplek/
Virtueel samenwerken in teams
van den Berg, L., van Woudenberg-Swicegood, A., & van Middelkoop, D. (2020). Virtueel samenwerken in teams: Voor- en nadelen van virtueel teamwerk en wat je daar in de praktijk mee kunt. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Digitale en sociale transformatie
van Middelkoop, D., Bay, N., van den Berg, L., van Berkel, K., Smit, W., & van Woudenberg-Swicegood, A. (2020). Digitale en sociale transformatie: werk en welzijn van HvA professionals in tijden van corona: infographic . Digital or Visual Products, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, The Work Lab.
Tips voor virtueel samenwerken in teams
van den Berg, L., van Woudenberg-Swicegood, A., & van Middelkoop, D. (2020). Tips voor virtueel samenwerken in teams. Digital or Visual Products, Hogeschool van Amsterdam.