Urban Technology

dr. W. van Winden (Willem)
Directeur CET/ Lector Urban Economic InnovationWillem van Winden (1971) is stadseconoom. Hij promoveerde in 2003 aan de Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, en werkte daarna als universitair hoofddocent en onderzoeker bij het European Institute for Comparative Urban research. Hij publiceerde vele internationaal vergelijkende studies, onder andere over steden in de kenniseconomie, smart cities, de toekomst van de industrie in Europese industriële regio's, economische clusters, en innovatiedistricten.
In 2008 werd hij benoemd tot lector aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA). Hij geeft leiding aan een onderzoeksgroep waar actie-onderzoek wordt verricht naar complexe stedelijke innovatieprojecten waar meerdere stakeholders bij betrokken zijn: smart city projecten, circulaire economie initiatieven, positive energy districts, en het ontwikkelen van campusgebieden/innovatiedistricten. Steeds staat de vraag centraal hoe actoren gezamenlijk kunnen komen tot een succesvolle en opschaalbare innovatie.
De laatste jaren denken we steeds meer vanuit regeneratieve principes en Donut-economie: hoe kunnen (stedelijke) innovaties ontwikkeld en opgeschaald worden die bijdragen aan een duurzame en sociale samenleving? Hoe stel je positieve sociale en milieu-impact centraal in de aanpak? Welke nieuwe rollen krijgen de actoren? Welke nieuwe business modellen passen daarbij?
Van Winden is directeur van het Centre for Economic Transformation, en nauw berokken bij de Master for Economic Transformation (in oprichting). Naast zijn lectoraat is Willem van Winden oprichter van UrbanIQ, een internationaal georiënteerde adviespraktijk voor stedelijk beleid. Verder is hij verbonden aan het European Institute for Comparative Urban Research (Euricur), en werkzaam als adviseur voor URBACT en UIA, Europese programma’s gericht op het bevorderen van kennisuitwisseling tussen steden. Hij is ook medeoprichter en adviseur van EUniverCities, een Europees netwerk waarin kennis worden uitgewisseld over hoe stad en universiteit strategisch kunnen samenwerken om grootstedelijke vraagstukken aan te pakken.
Can Urban Resource Centres Help Us Re-Use CDW?
van Winden, W., & Ordóñez , I. (2024). Can Urban Resource Centres Help Us Re-Use CDW?. 74-74. Abstract from Sustainability in Practice: DIY Repair, Reuse and Innovation, Tartu.
Towards the Circular Management of Construction and Demolition Waste
Tolentino-Zondervan, F., & van Winden, W. (2024). Towards the Circular Management of Construction and Demolition Waste: (Learning from innovative practices, barriers and enablers for designing Urban Resource Centre in European cities). 68-68. Abstract from Sustainability in Practice, Tartu, Estonia.
CURE+ Baseline study: City of Barcelona, Spain
Rueda Raya, S., Tolentino-Zondervan, F., & van Winden, W. (2024). CURE+ Baseline study: City of Barcelona, Spain. https://www.euki.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Barcelona_Cure-document-template_Final-draft.pdf
CURE+ Baseline study: City of Kavala, Greece
Rueda Raya, S., Tolentino-Zondervan, F., van Hemert, P., & van Winden, W. (2024). CURE+ Baseline study: City of Kavala, Greece. https://www.euki.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Kavala_Cure-document-template_Final-draft.pdf
CURE+ Baseline study: City of Riga, Latvia
Rueda Raya, S., Tolentino-Zondervan, F., van Winden, W., & van Hemert, P. (2024). CURE+ Baseline study: City of Riga, Latvia. https://www.euki.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Riga_Cure-document-template_Final-draft-1.pdf
CURE+ Baseline study: City of Tartu, Estonia
Rueda Raya, S., Tolentino-Zondervan, F., van Winden, W., & van Hemert, P. (2024). CURE+ Baseline study: City of Tartu, Estonia. https://www.euki.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Tartu_Cure-document-template_Final.pdf
Multiple pathways to solve urban challenges
van den Ouweland, C., van Winden, W., & Mora, L. (2024). Multiple pathways to solve urban challenges: A shared portfolio approach towards smart city development. Public Policy and Administration, 39(2), 193-213. https://doi.org/10.1177/09520767231183864
Exploring the coworking space as an innovation intermediary: a case study in Amsterdam
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2024). Exploring the coworking space as an innovation intermediary: a case study in Amsterdam. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 14(1), 87-111. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2024.137599
“Recovering” the political
Sierhuis, D., Bertolini, L., & van Winden, W. (2024). “Recovering” the political: unpacking the implications of (de)politicization for the transformative capacities of urban experiments. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 42(2), 303-321. https://doi.org/10.1177/23996544231205256
Cities for talent
van Winden, W., & Counihan, M. (2023). Cities for talent: medium-sized European cities are becoming more international. International Higher Education, 114, 20-21. https://doi.org/10.36197/IHE.2022.109.00
Scaling up smart city innovations
van Winden, W. (2022). Scaling up smart city innovations: how it is done in Växjö. Web publication or website, The Urban Lab of Europe. https://uia-initiative.eu/en/news/scaling-smart-city-innovations-how-it-done-vaxjo
What Doughnut Economics means for business
Sahan, E., Sanz Ruiz, C., Raworth, K., van Winden, W., & van den Buuse, D. (2022). What Doughnut Economics means for business: creating enterprises that are regenerative and distributive by design. Doughnut Economics Action Lab.
City of Amsterdam Voluntary Local Review 2022
Hogenstijn, M., Morel, M., de Nijs, K., van Winden, W., den Boer, G., Grujic, T., Goilo, J.-C., Gimbrère, S., & Buurma, O. (2022). City of Amsterdam Voluntary Local Review 2022: Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on the City of Amsterdam. Gemeente Amsterdam. https://openresearch.amsterdam/nl/page/88765/rapport-implementatie-van-de-sdg-s-in-amsterdam
The reaction of coworking spaces to the COVID-19 pandemic. A dynamic capabilities perspective
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2022). The reaction of coworking spaces to the COVID-19 pandemic. A dynamic capabilities perspective. Service Business, 16(2), 257-281. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-022-00489-6
RESILIO Final report
Langewen, J., Holstein, A. N., Spaan, K., Haer, T., de Moel, H., Solcerova, A., Drukker, E., van den Buuse, D., van Winden, W., Switzer, A., Morel, M., van der Grijp , N., Tigelaar, J. H., Logjes, P., Braat, W., Nieuwesteeg, R., Jacobi, J., & Molenaar, A. (2022). RESILIO Final report: A roof journey. https://resilio.amsterdam/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Final-Report-RESILIO.pdf
Five hard questions and the need for capacity building
van Winden, W. (2022). Five hard questions and the need for capacity building. Web publication or website, ATELIER. https://smartcity-atelier.eu/allgemein/blog-5-hard-questions-and-the-need-for-capacity-building/
Leestip: Netto positief, door Paul Polman en Andrew Winston
van Winden, W. (2022). Leestip: Netto positief, door Paul Polman en Andrew Winston. Web publication or website
Cities for talent
Counihan, M., & van Winden, W. (Eds.) (2022). Cities for talent: good practices for internationalisation in medium-sized European cities. University of Groningen Press. https://doi.org/10.21827/6270dd2d5e9b0
The campus as location for firms
Cabral, V., Koops, E., Schrama, W., Switzer, A., & van Winden, W. (2022). The campus as location for firms: marketing and acquisition of knowledge intensive businesses in Amsterdam. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Developing smart city solutions using the Innovation Partnership method: how does it work? Lessons from Växjö
van Winden, W. (2021). Developing smart city solutions using the Innovation Partnership method: how does it work? Lessons from Växjö. Web publication or website, Urban Innovative Actions. https://uia-initiative.eu/en/news/diaccess-zoomin-1-developing-smart-city-solutions-using-innovation-partnership-method-how-does
Handbook for Strategic City-University co-operation
van Winden, W., Agnetti, G., de Perrot, M., Bernazzoli, A., & Darbellay, P. (Eds.) (2021). Handbook for Strategic City-University co-operation. EUniverCities Network .
Governance of BG roofs
Switzer, A., van Winden, W., van den Buuse, D., & van der Heijden, E. (2021). Governance of BG roofs: assessing the business case. RESILIO.
Balancing exploration and exploitation in sustainable urban innovation
van den Buuse, D., van Winden, W., & Schrama, W. (2021). Balancing exploration and exploitation in sustainable urban innovation: an ambidexterity perspective toward smart cities. Journal of urban technology, 28(1-2), 175-197. https://doi.org/10.1080/10630732.2020.1835048
Microwatermanagement overeenkomst
van der Heijden, E., Switzer, A., van der Grijp , N., Spaan, K., van den Buuse, D., & van Winden, W. (2020). Microwatermanagement overeenkomst: RESILIO Deliverable 6.1.5. RESILIO.
Hoe Amsterdamse campussen zich positioneren als bedrijfslocaties
Koops, E., Schrama, W., Switzer, A., & van Winden, W. (2020). Hoe Amsterdamse campussen zich positioneren als bedrijfslocaties: een eerste verkenning. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Urban Innovation Systems
van Winden, W. (2020). Urban Innovation Systems. Web publication or website, Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780190922481-0031
It works! But now what? Upscaling smart city experiments
van Winden, W. (2020). It works! But now what? Upscaling smart city experiments. In Conference proceedings of the Urban Economy Forum 2020
Policy evaluation report
Hagemans, I., van Hemert, P., Meerkerk, J., Risselada, A., & van Winden, W. (2020). Policy evaluation report. https://www.interregeurope.eu/abcities/library/#folder=1682
Governance protocol Location 1: ‘Bijltjespad’
Switzer, A., van den Buuse, D., van den Ouweland, C., van Winden, W., van der Grijp , N., Petrovics, D., van der Heijden, E., & Morel, M. (2020). Governance protocol Location 1: ‘Bijltjespad’: RESILIO deliverable 6.1.3. RESILIO.
Tech Scale-Ups in the Amsterdam City Region
van Winden, W., Kör, B., Sierhuis, D., & Grijsbach, P. (2020). Tech Scale-Ups in the Amsterdam City Region. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
The promise of coworking environments: a content analysis of the positioning of collaborative workspaces in Amsterdam
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2020). The promise of coworking environments: a content analysis of the positioning of collaborative workspaces in Amsterdam. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 40(3), 399-423. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESB.2020.107804
Governance of urban collectives in theory and practice
van Hemert, P., & van Winden, W. (2019). Governance of urban collectives in theory and practice. https://www.hbo-kennisbank.nl/details/amsterdam_pure:oai:pure.hva.nl:publications%2Fb8c18dfa-edba-443b-bb56-eb6a20cf416e
Intermediation in public procurement of innovation: How Amsterdam’s startup-in-residence programme connects startups to urban challenges
van Winden, W., & Carvalho, L. (2019). Intermediation in public procurement of innovation: How Amsterdam’s startup-in-residence programme connects startups to urban challenges. Research policy, 48(9), Article 103789. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2019.04.013
Governance Models for Blue-Green Roof Projects
Switzer, A., van Winden, W., van den Buuse, D., van der Grijp , N., Morel, M., van den Ouweland, C., & van der Heijden, E. (2019). Governance Models for Blue-Green Roof Projects: Resilio Deliverable 6.1. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Governance of urban collectives in Amsterdam
van Hemert, P., & van Winden, W. (2019). Governance of urban collectives in Amsterdam. 198. Abstract from 2019 RSA (Regional Studies Association) Annual Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Co-creation at Amsterdam Science Park
van Winden, W., Switzer, A., Schrama, W., & van den Buuse, D. J. H. M. (2019). Co-creation at Amsterdam Science Park. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Boosting the entrepreneurial scene in cities: experiences and reflections from the InFocus network – a short communication
Van Winden, W. (2019). Boosting the entrepreneurial scene in cities: experiences and reflections from the InFocus network – a short communication. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 10(2), 97-106. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2019.100988
Public Value Creation in a Smart City Context: An Analysis Framework
Neuroni, A. C., Haller, S., van Winden, W., Carabias-Hütter, V., & Yildirim, O. (2019). Public Value Creation in a Smart City Context: An Analysis Framework. In M. P. Rodriguez Bolivar (Ed.), Setting Foundations for the Creation of Public Value in Smart Cities (pp. 49-76). (Public Administration and Information Technology; Vol. 35). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98953-2_3
The Street-Wise University: The Amsterdam Knowledge Mile as an Intermediary and Place-Making Concept
van Winden, W., Hagemans, I., & van Hemert, P. (2019). The Street-Wise University: The Amsterdam Knowledge Mile as an Intermediary and Place-Making Concept. Social Sciences, 8(8), Article 229. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci8080229
Universitäten sind die neuen wirtschaftlichen Antriebsmaschinen der Stadt
van Winden, W. (2018). Universitäten sind die neuen wirtschaftlichen Antriebsmaschinen der Stadt. Bauwelt, 2018(26), 14-19.
Final report
van Winden, W., Kras, N., Situmeang, F., de Boer, D., & Weltevreden, J. (2018). Final report: D3 “assessing the external perceptions about the entrepreneurial ecosystem of AMP and the key variables to work on”. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, CAREM.
Van reststof naar rendement
Kraaijenbrink, J., Oskam, I., Boerema, M., van Dijck, E.-J., van Hees, M., Martina, R., & van Winden, W. (2018). Van reststof naar rendement: een gids voor het ontwikkelen van reststof-gedreven business modellen. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
The promise of coworking environments
Cabral, V., & van Winden, W. (2018). The promise of coworking environments: a content analysis of the positioning of collaborative workspaces in Amsterdam. Paper presented at EGOS 2018 Colloquium, Talinn, Estonia. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325710871_The_promise_of_coworking_environments_a_content_analysis_of_the_positioning_of_collaborative_workspaces_in_Amsterdam
The societal interaction of higher education institutions
Aho, S., van Winden, W., Ainoa, J., & Keränen, P. (2018). The societal interaction of higher education institutions. In M. F. Green, L. Matei, T. Nokkala, E. Egron-Polak, L. Purser, & P. Teixeira (Eds.), Information, promotion and marketing (pp. 93-109). (Internationalisation of higher education; Vol. 2018, No. 3). DUZ Academic Publishers.
Can startups solve urban problems?
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2018). Can startups solve urban problems? An analysis of Amsterdam's "Startup in Residence" programme. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
E-Governance in European and South African Cities
van den Berg, L., van der Meer, A., van Winden, W., & Woets, P. (2018). E-Governance in European and South African Cities: The Cases of Barcelona, Cape Town, Eindhoven, Johannesburg, Manchester, Tampere, The Hague and Venice. (EURICUR). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351159166
European Cities in the Knowledge Economy
van den Berg, L., Pol, P. M. J., van Winden, W., & Woets, P. (2018). European Cities in the Knowledge Economy: The Cases of Amsterdam, Dortmund, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Manchester, Munich, Munster, Rotterdam and Zaragoza. (EURICUR). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351158725
Growth Clusters in European Metropolitan Cities
van den Berg, L., Braun, E., & van Winden, W. (2018). Growth Clusters in European Metropolitan Cities: A comparative analysis of cluster dynamics in the cities of Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Leipzig, Lyons, Manchester, Munich, Rotterdam and Vienna. (Routledge Revivals). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315187297
Cities and digitalization
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2017). Cities and digitalization: how digitalization changes cities - innovation for the urban economy of tomorrow. 1-24.
Making waves
Carvalho, L., & van Winden, W. (2017). Making waves: the valuation of innovations in San Sebastian’s surf economy. European Planning Studies, Volume 26-2018(1), 75-93.
Smart city pilot projects
van Winden, W., & van den Buuse, D. (2017). Smart city pilot projects: exploring the dimensions and conditions of scaling up. Journal of urban technology, 24(4), 51-72.
Planned knowledge locations in cities
Carvalho, L., & van Winden, W. (2017). Planned knowledge locations in cities: studying emergence and change. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8-2017(1), 47-67. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2017.10003161
Die Politur des Wissensperlen
van Winden, W. (2017). Die Politur des Wissensperlen: was sie rundum glänzen lässt. In M. Braum, C. Zillich, U. Baus, & W. Bachmann (Eds.), Die Wissensstadt von Morgen: Reflexionen (pp. 50-53). (IBA_LOGbuch; No. 1). Park Books.
Een lab in de stad
Majoor, S., Morel, M., Straathof, A., Suurenbroek, F., & van Winden, W. (2017). Een lab in de stad. In S. Majoor, M. Morel, A. Straathof, F. Suurenbroek, & W. van Winden (Eds.), Laboratorium Amsterdam: werken, leren, reflecteren (pp. 191-198). THOTH.
van der Heijden, E., Majoor, S., Reiman, E., Straathof, A., & van Winden, W. (2017). Fieldlab-methodiek. In S. Majoor, M. Morel, A. Straathof, F. Suurenbroek, & W. van Winden (Eds.), Laboratorium Amsterdam: werken, leren, reflecteren (pp. 32-52). THOTH.
Lab Amsterdam
Majoor, S., Morel, M., Straathof, A., Suurenbroek, F., & van Winden, W. (2017). Lab Amsterdam: working, learning, reflections. THOTH.
Laboratorium Amsterdam
Majoor, S., Morel, M., Straathof, A., Suurenbroek, F., & van Winden, W. (Eds.) (2017). Laboratorium Amsterdam: werken, leren, reflecteren. THOTH.
The Campus
van Winden, W. (2017). The Campus: innovation hotspot and city redevelopment catalyst. In M. Schewenius, P. Keränen, & R. al Rawaf (Eds.), Dreams and seeds: the role of campuses in sustainable urban development (pp. 40-44). Stockholm Resilence Center. http://www.metropolia.fi/fileadmin/user_upload/TK/Julkaisut/pdf/2017_Schewenius_et_al_Dreams_and_Seeds_ERILLISJULKAISU.pdf
Zuidoost op de kaart
Arbonés Aran, N., Ingen-Housz, Z., & van Winden, W. (2017). Zuidoost op de kaart. In S. Majoor, M. Morel, A. Straathof, F. Suurenbroek, & W. van Winden (Eds.), Laboratorium Amsterdam: werken, leren, reflecteren (pp. 116-126). THOTH.
Meedoen in plaats van toekijken
van Winden, W. (2016). Meedoen in plaats van toekijken. Web publication or website, New Scientist. https://newscientist.nl/blogs/willem-van-winden-meedoen-in-plaats-van-toekijken/
Tussen de klusjesman en de universiteit
van Winden, W. (2016). Tussen de klusjesman en de universiteit. Folia magazine, 68(9), 40-41.
Organising smart city projects
van Winden, W., Oskam, I., van den Buuse, D., Schrama, W., & van Dijck, E.-J. (2016). Organising smart city projects: lessons from Amsterdam. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Polishing knowledge pearls
van Winden, W. (2016). Polishing knowledge pearls. In F. Bettac, & P. Hössel (Eds.), IBA_SUMMIT No 2: knowledge base(d) urbanism (pp. 18-19).
Urbanize or perish?
van Winden, W., & Carvalho, L. (2016). Urbanize or perish? assessing the urbanization of knowledge locations in Europe. Journal of urban technology, 23(1), 53-70.
van Winden, W. (2016). Campusmanagement. Rooilijn, 49(2), 120-125.
Coworking: an analysis of coworking strategies for interaction and innovation
Cabral, V., & Van Winden, W. (2016). Coworking: an analysis of coworking strategies for interaction and innovation. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(4), 357-377. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2016.080869
Smart city pilot projects, scaling up or fading out?
van Winden, W. (2016). Smart city pilot projects, scaling up or fading out? Experiences from Amsterdam. Paper presented at Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Graz, Austria.
Smaller university cities
van Winden, W. (2015). Smaller university cities: lost in globalisation or hidden gems? In W. Onclin, & M. Roberts (Eds.), The class of 2020 (2016 ed., pp. 12-14)
Synergy management at knowledge locations
van Winden, W., & Carvalho, L. (2015). Synergy management at knowledge locations. In J. T. Miao, P. Benneworth, & N. A. Phelps (Eds.), Making 21th century knowledge complexes: technopoles of the world revisited (pp. 62-81). Routledge. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295902793_Synergy_management_at_knowledge_locations
Intermezzo II: Persoonlijke reflecties uit de praktijk rondom steden als living/urban labs en de samenwerking tussen kennisinstellingen, bedrijfsleven, stedelijk en nationaal bestuur
van Winden, W. (2015). Intermezzo II: Persoonlijke reflecties uit de praktijk rondom steden als living/urban labs en de samenwerking tussen kennisinstellingen, bedrijfsleven, stedelijk en nationaal bestuur. Bestuurskunde, 24(1), 63-64. https://doi.org/10.5553/Bk/092733872015024001008
Economic Intelligence For Cities: Strategies And Pitfalls
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). Economic Intelligence For Cities: Strategies And Pitfalls. In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 46-48). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
Food For Thought: Citizens As 'Part-Time' Entrepreneurs
van Winden, W. (2015). Food For Thought: Citizens As 'Part-Time' Entrepreneurs. In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 44-45). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
Health & Care: Drivers Of Urban Growth?
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). Health & Care: Drivers Of Urban Growth? In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 29-32). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
New urban economies
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’. (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
'New urban economies': challenges ahead
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). 'New urban economies': challenges ahead. In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 51-53). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
Setting The Scene: Economic Transitions In European Cities
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). Setting The Scene: Economic Transitions In European Cities. In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 6-9). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
The Different Faces Of The Urban Digital Economy
de Carvalho, L., & van Winden, W. (2015). The Different Faces Of The Urban Digital Economy. In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 20-24). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
The Open Data Economy: promoting digital innovation in Dublin
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). The Open Data Economy: promoting digital innovation in Dublin. URBACT.
Triple Helix (3H): Where Are Europe's Cities Standing?
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). Triple Helix (3H): Where Are Europe's Cities Standing? In W. van Winden, & L. de Carvalho (Eds.), New urban economies: How can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’ (pp. 10-14). (Urbact II capitalisation). URBACT.
City & University: a sympony for progress
van Winden, W. (2015). City & University: a sympony for progress. EUniverCities.
New style cluster policy: riding the waves of San Sebastian's emerging surf economy
van Winden, W., & de Carvalho, L. (2015). New style cluster policy: riding the waves of San Sebastian's emerging surf economy: case study. (URBACT II capitalisation). URBACT.
Carvalho, L., & van Winden, W. (2014). CAPTURING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES: How can cities carve out new growth paths? ONBEKEND. http://urbact.eu/fileadmin/general_library/URBACT-Tribune2014.pdf
Connecting cities building successes
van Winden, W. (2014). Connecting cities building successes: The city as classroom and living lab: how universities can benefit from a deeper local involvement. EUniverCities.
Huisvestingsbehoeften van internationale studenten
Kostelijk, E., Arbones Aran, N., van den Berg, D., de Wit, H., & van Winden, W. (2014). Huisvestingsbehoeften van internationale studenten: publieksversie. Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.
Internationalization and the Dutch fashion industry
Divito, L., & van Winden, W. (Eds.) (2014). Internationalization and the Dutch fashion industry: an investigation of inward and outward internationalization. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Urban innovation systems
van Winden, W., Braun, E., Oltgaar, A., & Witte, J.-J. (2014). Urban innovation systems: what makes them tick? (Regions and cities; No. 72). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
De stad als klaslokaal en onderzoekslab
Bay, N., van den Berg, D., Haverkort, E., Meerman, M., Methorst, J., Michaelis, D., Simonse, H., Swart, F., & Winden, W. V. (Ed.) (2013). De stad als klaslokaal en onderzoekslab: Ervaringen en dilemma's. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Management. https://www.hva.nl/carem/gedeelde-content/publicaties/publicaties-algemeen/de-stad-als-klaslokaal-en-onderzoekslab-ervaringen-en-dilemma-s.html
Creating knowledge locations in cities
van Winden, W., de Carvalho, L., van Tuijl, E., van Haaren, J., & van den Berg, L. (2013). Creating knowledge locations in cities: Innovation and integration challenges. Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203127162
Amsterdamse kansenzones
van den Berg, D., & van Winden, W. (2012). Amsterdamse kansenzones: een onderzoek naar ondernemers en het ondernemersklimaat in de Amsterdamse achterstandswijken en het effect van economische kansenzones. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Multinational Knowledge Strategies, Policy and the Upgrading Process of Regions
Van Tuijl, E., Carvalho, L., Van Winden, W., & Jacobs, W. (2012). Multinational Knowledge Strategies, Policy and the Upgrading Process of Regions: Revisiting the Automotive Industry in Ostrava and Shanghai. European Planning Studies, Volume 20(10), 1627-1646. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2012.713329
Amsterdam Kennisstad in Internationaal Perspectief
Van Winden, W., O. Aldershoff, G., M. Plekkenpol, C., & Ligtvoet, W. (2011). Amsterdam Kennisstad in Internationaal Perspectief. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.
Innoveren en Participeren in de Kenniseconomie
van Winden, W. (Ed.), Meerman, M. G. M., Weltevreden, J. W. J., & de Wit, J. W. M. (2011). Innoveren en Participeren in de Kenniseconomie: Onderzoeksprogramma 2011-2014. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Creating knowledge locations in the city
van Winden, W. (2011). Creating knowledge locations in the city: a handbook: practical guidelines for developing campuses, science quarters, creative districts and other knowledge hotspots. URBACT.
Innovation and participation in the knowledge economy
Van Winden, W., Meerman, M. G. M., Weltevreden, J. W. J., & De Wit, J. W. M. (2011). Innovation and participation in the knowledge economy. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Leegstand van kantoren in Amsterdam
Van Winden, W., & Verpalen, P. (2011). Leegstand van kantoren in Amsterdam: Wie betaalt de rekening? Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.
Wederzijds profijt in Amsterdam Zuidoost?
van Winden, W., & van Grevenhof, B. (2011). Wederzijds profijt in Amsterdam Zuidoost? relaties tussen Amstel III en het woongebied. Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management.
What role for manufacturing industries in the urban knowledge economy?
Van Winden, W., Carvalho, L., Van Tuijl, E., & Van den Berg, L. (2011). What role for manufacturing industries in the urban knowledge economy? In www.urbaniq.nl https://www.urbaniq.nl/publicationspresentations/knowledge-and-the-european-city/
Manufacturing in the New Urban Economy
van Winden, W., Van den Berg, L., Carvalho, L., & Tuijl, L. V. (2010). Manufacturing in the New Urban Economy. Unknown Publisher. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415586078/
Kennis van de stad
van Winden, W. (2010). Kennis van de stad. HVA Publicaties.
Knowledge and the European city
van Winden, W. (2010). Knowledge and the European city. Journal of economic and social geography, 101(1), 100-106.
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