Urban Technology
J.E. de Vries (Janneke) MSc
NWO-promovendus | Docent FysiotherapieJanneke de Vries is onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Fysiotherapie waar zij voor haar promotiestudie onderzoek doet bij (jong) volwassenen die soepel zijn. Hoe gaan zij om met hun soepelheid. Hierbij wordt gekeken naar de invloed van de psychosociale factoren op het fysiek functioneren bij deze (jong) volwassenen. Het interessante van het onderzoek is dat Janneke dit doet bij (jong)volwassenen die ‘last’ hebben van de soepelheid (patiënten met hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndroom) en (jong) volwassenen die er juist voordeel van lijken te hebben (dansers van de dansacademie in Amsterdam - Amsterdam school of Theatre and Dance).
Naast onderzoeker is Janneke docent bij de opleiding Fysiotherapie. Hier geeft zij zowel praktijkvakken als theoretische vakken en begeleidt zij scripties.
Janneke heeft de opleiding Fysiotherapie afgerond aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en heeft de master Evidenced Based Practice gevolgd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Zij promoveert op haar onderzoek in 2019. Haar promotor is Raoul Engelbert vanuit de HvA. Daarnaast wordt zij begeleid door prof. dr. J. Verbunt vanuit de Universiteit van Maastricht en prof. dr. P Calders van de Universiteit Gent is co-promotor.
Generalized Joint Hypermobility and Anxiety Are Serious Risk Factors for Dysfunctioning in Dance Students: A One-Year Follow-Up Study
van Die-de Vries, J., Verbunt, J., Ramaekers, S., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2022). Generalized Joint Hypermobility and Anxiety Are Serious Risk Factors for Dysfunctioning in Dance Students: A One-Year Follow-Up Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), Article 2662. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052662
Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning
de Vries, J., Verbunt, J., Stubbe, J., Visser, B., Ramaekers, S., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2021). Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning. Healthcare, 9(5), Article 525. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9050525
Children and adolescents with Marfan Syndrome
de Koning, L., Warnink, J., Scheper, M., de Vries, J., Menke, L., Rombaut, L., & Engelbert, R. (2019). Children and adolescents with Marfan Syndrome: lessons learned from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders regarding chronic pain and fatigue. Poster session presented at European Pediatric Physiotherapy Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands.
The Dutch version of the self-report Child Activity and Limitations Interview in adolescents with chronic pain
de Vries, J. E., Dekker, C., Bastiaenen, C., Goossens, M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Verbunt, J. (2019). The Dutch version of the self-report Child Activity and Limitations Interview in adolescents with chronic pain. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(7), 833-839. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2017.1407969
Psychosocial- and physical functioning in hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: a 5-year follow-up study
de Vries, J., Rombaut, L., De Wandele, I., Scheper, M., Malfait, F., Engelbert, R., & Calders, P. (2018). Psychosocial- and physical functioning in hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: a 5-year follow-up study. Poster session presented at International Symposium on the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, Ghent, Belgium.
Physical fitness, generalised joint hypermobility and psychosocial behaviour in young professional dancers
de Vries, J. E., Verbunt, J., Stubbe, J. H., Visser, B., Scheper, M. C., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2018). Physical fitness, generalised joint hypermobility and psychosocial behaviour in young professional dancers. Poster session presented at World Congress on Pain from the IASP, Boston.
The association between muscle strength and activity limitations in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: the impact of proprioception
Scheper, M., Rombaut, L., de Vries, J., De Wandele, I., van der Esch, M., Visser, B., Malfait, F., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2016). The association between muscle strength and activity limitations in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: the impact of proprioception. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2016.1196396
Chronic pain in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Rombaut, L., Scheper, M., De Wandele, I., De Vries, J., Meeus, M., Malfait, F., Engelbert, R., & Calders, P. (2015). Chronic pain in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: evidence for generalized hyperalgesia. Clinical Rheumatology, 34(6), 1121-1129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10067-014-2499-0
Chronic pain in hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hypermobility type)
Scheper, M. C., de Vries, J. E., Verbunt, J., & Engelbert, R. HH. (2015). Chronic pain in hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hypermobility type): it is a challenge. European Journal of Pain , 8, 591-601. https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S64251
The functional consequences of Generalized Joint Hypermobility
Scheper, M. C., de Vries, J. E., Juul-Kristensen, B., Nollet, F., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2014). The functional consequences of Generalized Joint Hypermobility: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, Article 243. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2474-15-243
Generalized Joint Hypermobility, Muscle Strength and Physical Function in Healthy Adolescents and Young Adults
Scheper, M., de Vries, J., Beelen, A., de Vos, R., Nollet, F., & Engelbert, R. (2014). Generalized Joint Hypermobility, Muscle Strength and Physical Function in Healthy Adolescents and Young Adults. Current Rheumatology Reviews, 10(2), 117-125. https://doi.org/10.2174/1573397111666150120112925
Generalized joint hypermobility in professional dancers: a sign of talent or vulnerability?
Scheper, M. C., de Vries, J. E., de Vos, R., Verbunt, J., Nollet, F., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2013). Generalized joint hypermobility in professional dancers: a sign of talent or vulnerability? Rheumatology , 52(4), 651-658. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/kes220