Urban Technology
B. Visser (Bart) PhD
Lector Oefentherapie - Dagelijks Bewegen!Bart Visser (1963) is opgeleid tot bewegingswetenschapper aan de Faculteit der Gedrags- en Bewegingswetenschappen van de VU Amsterdam. Na zijn opleiding werkte hij in verschillende functies (o.a. Als Universitair docent en als Onderzoeker en later Hoofd van EXPres, het expertise voor Revalidatie Ergonomie en Sport) ruim 20 jaar bij deze faculteit. In 2004 promoveerde Bart op het proefschrift: Upper extremity load in low-intensity tasks.
Sinds 2011 is Bart Visser lector aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, in combinatie met de functie van opleidingsmanager van de opleiding Oefentherapie. Het lectoraat Oefentherapie - Dagelijks Bewegen! heeft als doelstelling een bijdrage te leveren aan de gezondheidszorg van de toekomst. Dit doet het lectoraat door innovatie van de beroepspraktijk en door het vernieuwen en verbeteren van het onderwijs voor de professionals van de toekomst. Het lectoraat richt zich op dagelijks bewegen en in het bijzonder op het zelfmanagement van dit dagelijks bewegen.
Bart geeft inhoud aan het praktijkgericht onderzoek door te stimuleren dat onderzoekers actief participeren in Communities of Practice (COP’s) en Living Labs. In deze rijke leeromgevingen wordt ‘geleerd’ door alle betrokkenen, studenten, docenten, onderzoekers en zorgprofessionals. Daarnaast werkt Bart aan het SIA-SPRONG project Mensen in Beweging. In dit project kijken onderzoekers naar gezonde voeding en bewegen voor kwetsbare groepen in combinatie met duurzame gedragsbeïnvloeding met behulp van creatieve technologie.
Bart heeft zich sinds 1 maart 2018 verbonden aan het living lab, GRZPLUS, waar hij bijdraagt aan onderzoek en innovatie in de geriatrische revalidatie. GRZPLUS is een samenwerkingsverband van zorgorganisaties De Zorgcirkel en Omring in Noord-Holland en richt zich op ouderen tijdens hun herstel- of revalidatietraject.
Bart is (co-)auteur van ruim 80 wetenschappelijke publicaties en rapporten (Voor een overzicht zie: researchgate.net/profile/Bart_Visser ).
Publicaties op Researchgate
Publicties op PubMed
Artikel: 'It's up to you' - Gezond gedrag is eigen verantwoordelijkheid
Lectorale Rede Bart Visser: Dagelijks bewegen, it's up to you!
Exercise-induced muscle fatigue leads to changes in gait-related parameters among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Voorn, P. B., Oomen, R., Buczny, J., Bossen, D., Visser, B., & Pijnappels, M. (2024). Exercise-induced muscle fatigue leads to changes in gait-related parameters among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Version 1 ed.) OSF. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/pn3sq
The effectiveness of a nation-wide implemented fall prevention intervention in reducing falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial
van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bossen, D., Frazer, S. W. T., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., & Pijnappels, M. (2024). The effectiveness of a nation-wide implemented fall prevention intervention in reducing falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial. (Version 1 ed.) OSF. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/etq4u
The Short Physical Performance Battery does not correlate with daily life gait quality and quantity in community-dwelling older adults with an increased fall risk
van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bossen, D., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Bruijn, S. M., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., & Pijnappels, M. (2024). The Short Physical Performance Battery does not correlate with daily life gait quality and quantity in community-dwelling older adults with an increased fall risk. Gait & Posture, 114(october), 78-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2024.09.005
Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program
van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., Frazer, S. W. T., Pijnappels, M., & Bossen, D. (2024). Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(2), Article 162. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21020162
Machine Learning Methods to Personalize Persuasive Strategies in mHealth Interventions That Promote Physical Activity
Brons, A., Wang, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Bakkes, S., & Veltkamp, R. (2024). Machine Learning Methods to Personalize Persuasive Strategies in mHealth Interventions That Promote Physical Activity: Scoping Review and Categorization Overview. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, Article e47774. https://doi.org/10.2196/47774
The cost-effectiveness of the Dutch In Balance fall prevention intervention compared to exercise recommendations among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial
Delfgaauw, J., van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bossen, D., Olij, B. F., Visser, B., Pijnappels, M., & Bosmans, J. E. (2024). The cost-effectiveness of the Dutch In Balance fall prevention intervention compared to exercise recommendations among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/p9dn6
The longitudinal relationship between fear of movement and physical activity after cardiac hospitalization
Keessen, P., Kan, K. J., ter Riet, G., Visser, B., Jørstad, H. T., Latour, C. H. M., van Duijvenbode, I. C. D., & Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M. (2024). The longitudinal relationship between fear of movement and physical activity after cardiac hospitalization: A cross lagged panel model. PLoS ONE , 19(4 ), Article e0297672. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0297672
Ouderenzorg in de huisartsenpraktijk
Schoufour, J. D., & Visser, B. (2023). Ouderenzorg in de huisartsenpraktijk: Hoofdstuk 2, deel 1: Gezond ouder worden. In Prelum, medische media en nascholing
Ervaringen en ondersteuningsbehoeften van leefstijlcoaches in het gebruik van digitale coachingsmiddelen bij cliënten met overgewicht
Bak, M., Bossen, D., Braam, K., Holla, J., Visser, B., & Dallinga, J. (2023). Ervaringen en ondersteuningsbehoeften van leefstijlcoaches in het gebruik van digitale coachingsmiddelen bij cliënten met overgewicht. TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 101(2), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-023-00379-w
Towards a core-set of mobility measures in ageing research
Reijnierse, E. M., Geelen, S. J. G., van der Schaaf, M., Visser, B., Wüst, R. C. I., Pijnappels, M., & Meskers, C. G. M. (2023). Towards a core-set of mobility measures in ageing research: the need to define mobility and its constructs. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1), Article 220. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-023-03859-5
Effectiveness of psychosomatic therapy for patients with persistent somatic symptoms: Results from the CORPUS randomised controlled trial in primary care
Wortman, M. S. H., van der Wouden, J. C., Twisk, J. W. R., Visser, B., Assendelft, W. J. J., van der Horst, H. E., & Olde Hartman, T. C. (2023). Effectiveness of psychosomatic therapy for patients with persistent somatic symptoms: Results from the CORPUS randomised controlled trial in primary care. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 167, 1-10. Article 111178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2023.111178
A first step towards a framework for interventions for individual working practice to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders
van de Wijdeven, B., Visser, B., Daams, J., & Kuijer, P. P. F. M. (2023). A first step towards a framework for interventions for individual working practice to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a scoping review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1), Article 87. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12891-023-06155-w
Impact of kinesiophobia on initiation of cardiac rehabilitation
Keessen, P., Kan, K.-J., ter Riet, G., Visser, B., Jørstad, H., Latour, C., van Duijvenbode, I., & Scholte op Reimer, W. (2022). Impact of kinesiophobia on initiation of cardiac rehabilitation: a prospective cohort path analysis. BMJ Open, 12(11). https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066435
Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study
Brons, A., Braam, K., Broekema, A., Timmerman, A., Millenaar, K., Engelbert, R., Kröse, B., & Visser, B. (2022). Translating Promoting Factors and Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended and Technology-Supported Intervention to Stimulate Physical Activity in Children With Asthma (Foxfit): Design Study. JMIR Formative Research, 6(7), Article e34121. https://doi.org/10.2196/34121
Design of a Remote Coaching Program to Bridge the Gap From Hospital Discharge to Cardiac Rehabilitation: Intervention Mapping Study
Keessen, P., van Duijvenbode, I. CD., Latour, C. HM., Kraaijenhagen, R. A., Janssen, V. R., Jørstad, H. T., Scholte op Reimer, W. JM., & Visser, B. (2022). Design of a Remote Coaching Program to Bridge the Gap From Hospital Discharge to Cardiac Rehabilitation: Intervention Mapping Study. JMIR Cardio, 6(1), Article e34974. https://doi.org/10.2196/34974
Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle
Bossen, D., Bak, M., Braam, K., Wentink, M., Holla, J., Visser, B., & Dallinga, J. (2022). Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), Article 521. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19010521
Assessing Changes in Fear of Movement in Patients attending Cardiac Rehabilitation
ter Hoeve, N., Keessen, P., den Uijl, I., Visser, B., Kraaijenhagen, R. A., Sunamura, M., Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M., Latour, C. H. M., Jørstad, H. T., & van den Berg-Emons, H. J. G. (2022). Assessing Changes in Fear of Movement in Patients attending Cardiac Rehabilitation: Responsiveness of the TSK-NL Heart Questionnaire. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 54, Article 00328. https://doi.org/10.2340/jrm.v54.2519
Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study
Bossen, D., Bak, M., Braam, K., Wentink, M., Holla, J., Visser, B., & Dallinga, J. (2022). Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology, Groningen.
Perceived working mechanisms of psychosomatic therapy in patients with persistent somatic symptoms in primary care
Wortman, M. S. H., Olde Hartman, T. C., van der Wouden, J. C., Dankers, S., Visser, B., Assendelft, W. J. J., & van der Horst, H. E. (2022). Perceived working mechanisms of psychosomatic therapy in patients with persistent somatic symptoms in primary care: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 12(1), e057145. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057145
Physical activity as a risk or protective factor for falls and fall-related fractures in non-frail and frail older adults: a longitudinal study
van Gameren, M., Hoogendijk, E. O., van Schoor, N. M., Bossen, D., Visser, B., Bosmans, J. E., & Pijnappels, M. (2022). Physical activity as a risk or protective factor for falls and fall-related fractures in non-frail and frail older adults: a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics, 22, Article 695. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-03383-y
Mobile App (WHEELS) to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle in Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury or Lower Limb Amputation: Usability and Feasibility Study
Hoevenaars, D., Holla, J. F. M., te Loo, L., Koedijker, J. M., Dankers, S., Houdijk, H., Visser, B., Janssen, T. W. J., de Groot, S., Deutekom, M., & WHEELS-study group (2021). Mobile App (WHEELS) to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle in Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury or Lower Limb Amputation: Usability and Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research, 5(8), Article e24909. https://doi.org/10.2196/24909
The Use of a tablet to increase older adults’ exercise adherence
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Visser, B. (2021). The Use of a tablet to increase older adults’ exercise adherence. In R. Ali, B. Lugrin, & F. Charles (Eds.), Persuasive Technology: 16th International Conference, Persuasive 2021: Proceedings (Vol. 12684, pp. 47-54). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12684 LNCS). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79460-6_4
Implementation of blended and combined exercise and nutrition programs for older adults:
van den Helder, J. E. M., Mehra, S., Tieland, C. A. B., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). Implementation of blended and combined exercise and nutrition programs for older adults: Perspective of allied health professionals in the Amsterdam metropolitan region. S209. Abstract from 16th International
Congress of Behavioural Medicine (ICBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom. -
Behoeftes rondom (beweeg)activiteiten bij ouderen in tijden van Corona
Nauta, B., Kanis, M., Visser, B., Ben Allouch, S., & Bossen, D. (2021). Behoeftes rondom (beweeg)activiteiten bij ouderen in tijden van Corona: Contextuele informatie inwinnen over behoeftes rondom bewegen, activiteiten en technologie bij ouderen met een co-creatieve toolkit op afstand. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oefentherapie, 2021(2), 26-31. https://www.digitallifecentre.nl/redactie/resources/publicatientvobehoeftesrondombeweegactiviteitbijouderenincoronatijd-2.pdf
The relevance of diet, physical activity, exercise, and persuasive technology in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenic obesity in older adults
Schoufour, J. D., Tieland, M., Barazzoni, R., Ben Allouch, S., van der Bie, J., Boirie, Y., Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., Eglseer, D., Topinková, E., Visser, B., Voortman, T., Tsagari, A., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). The relevance of diet, physical activity, exercise, and persuasive technology in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenic obesity in older adults. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, Article 661449. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2021.661449
Changes in fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation
ter Hoeve, N., Keessen, P., den Uijl, I., Visser, B., Kraaijenhagen, R. A., Sunamura, M., Latour, C. H. M., Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M., & Van Den Berg-Emons, HJG. (2021). Changes in fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation: responsiveness of the TSK-NL Heart. European journal of preventive cardiology, 28(suppl. 1), i358. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjpc/zwab061.364
Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning
de Vries, J., Verbunt, J., Stubbe, J., Visser, B., Ramaekers, S., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2021). Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning. Healthcare, 9(5), Article 525. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9050525
Digitally Supported Dietary Protein Counseling Changes Dietary Protein Intake, Sources and Distribution in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
van den Helder, J., Verlaan, S., Tieland, M., Scholten, J., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). Digitally Supported Dietary Protein Counseling Changes Dietary Protein Intake, Sources and Distribution in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Nutrients, 13(2), Article 502. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13020502
Bridging the gap from hospital discharge to cardiac rehabilitation using the intervention mapping approach (BRIDGE2CARE)
Keessen, P., van Duijvenbode, I. C. D., Latour, C. H. M., Kraaijenhagen, RA., Janssen, V., Jørstad, H. T., Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M., & Visser, B. (2021). Bridging the gap from hospital discharge to cardiac rehabilitation using the intervention mapping approach (BRIDGE2CARE). European journal of preventive cardiology, 28(suppl. 1), 416-417. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjpc/zwab061.426
Digitally supported dietary counselling increases protein intake in community-dwelling older adults
van den Helder, J., Mehra, S., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Engelbert, R., & Weijs, P. (2021). Digitally supported dietary counselling increases protein intake in community-dwelling older adults: subgroup analysis of the vitamin RCT. S209. Abstract from 16th International
Congress of Behavioural Medicine (ICBM), Glasgow, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12529-021-09997-7 -
The (cost-)effectiveness of an implemented fall prevention intervention on falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: protocol for the in balance randomized controlled trial
van Gameren, M., Bossen, D., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., Frazer, S. W. T., & Pijnappels, M. (2021). The (cost-)effectiveness of an implemented fall prevention intervention on falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: protocol for the in balance randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics, 21, Article 381. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02334-3
How to establish increased protein intake in a blended lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults?
van den Helder, J., Verlaan, S., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J., Engelbert, R. H., & Weijs, P. J. (2020). How to establish increased protein intake in a blended lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults? subgroup-analysis of the VITAMIN RCT. Clinical Nutrition, 40, 500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2020.09.281
Blended home-based exercise and dietary protein in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial
van den Helder, J., Mehra, S., van Dronkelaar, C., ter Riet, G., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). Blended home-based exercise and dietary protein in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 11(6), 1590-1602. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcsm.12634
Factors related to fear of movement after acute cardiac hospitalization
Keessen, P., Latour, C. H. M., van Duijvenbode, I. C. D., Visser, B., van Proosdij, A., Reen, D., & Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M. (2020). Factors related to fear of movement after acute cardiac hospitalization. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 20, Article 495. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12872-020-01783-9
Corrigendum to Fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation
Keessen, P., den Uijl, I., Visser, B., van den Berg-Emons, H., Latour, C. H. M., Sunamura, M., Jorstad, H. T., Ter Riet, G., Reimer, W. J., Kraaijgenhagen, R. A., & Ter Hoeve, N. (2020). Corrigendum to Fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation: A validation study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 52(10), jrm00114. https://doi.org/10.2340/16501977-2749
How to establish increased protein intake in a blended lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults?
van den Helder, J., Verlaan, S., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). How to establish increased protein intake in a blended lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults? subgroup-analysis of the VITAMIN RCT. Poster session presented at 42th ESPEN congress.
Digitally supported dietary counseling increases protein intake in community dwelling older adults
van den Helder, J., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Engelbert, R., & Weijs, P. (2020). Digitally supported dietary counseling increases protein intake in community dwelling older adults: subgroup-analysis of the VITAMIN RCT. Abstract from ISBNPA - Xchange.
Implementation of blended and combined exercise and nutrition programs for older adults
van den Helder, J., Mehra, S., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Engelbert, R., & Weijs, P. (2020). Implementation of blended and combined exercise and nutrition programs for older adults: perspective of allied health professionals in the Amsterdam metropolitan region. Abstract from ISBNPA - Xchange.
Ontwikkeling en implementatie van een geriatrisch revalidatieprogramma CO-FIT+
Holstege, M., Eckes, C., Tauladan, J., Eskens, C., & Visser, B. (2020). Ontwikkeling en implementatie van een geriatrisch revalidatieprogramma CO-FIT+. Tijdschrift voor ouderengeneeskunde, 2020(4).
Evaluation of a Blended Physical Activity Intervention for Older Adults: Mixed Methods Study
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2020). Evaluation of a Blended Physical Activity Intervention for Older Adults: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), Article e16380. https://doi.org/10.2196/16380
Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet: a usability study
Mehra, S., Visser, B., Cila, N., van den Helder, J., Engelbert, R., Weijs, P., & Kröse, B. (2020). Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet: a usability study. FysioPraxis, 29(6), 30-30.
Driving Performance in Patients With Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia; A Driving Simulator Pilot Study
van den Dool, J., Visser, B., Huitema, R. B., Caljouw, S. R., & Tijssen, M. A. J. (2020). Driving Performance in Patients With Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia; A Driving Simulator Pilot Study. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1-9. Article 229. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.00229
Effectiveness of Serious Games to Increase Physical Activity in Children With a Chronic Disease: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis
Bossen, D., Broekema, A., Visser, B., Brons, A., Timmerman, A., van Etten-Jamaludin, F., Braam, K., & Engelbert, R. (2020). Effectiveness of Serious Games to Increase Physical Activity in Children With a Chronic Disease: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(4), Article e14549. https://doi.org/10.2196/14549
ICSFR: 10th International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research. March 11-13, 2020, Toulouse - France Abstracts
van den Helder, J. E. M., Mehra, S., van Dronkelaar, D. C., ter Riet, G., Tieland, C. A. B., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). ICSFR: 10th International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research. March 11-13, 2020, Toulouse - France Abstracts: Symposia, Conferences, Oral communications: 10th International Conference on Frailty, Sarcopenia Research and Geroscience (ICFSR), March 11-13, 2020, Toulouse - France. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 9(SUPPL 1), S1-S179. https://doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2020.8
Fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation
Keessen, P., den Uijl, I., Visser, B., van den Berg-Emons , H. J. G., Latour, C. H. M., Sunamura , M., Jørstad, H. T., ter Riet, G., Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M., Kraaijenhagen, R. A., & ter Hoeve, N. (2020). Fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation: a validation study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 52, Article jrm00021. https://doi.org/10.2340/16501977-2653
Assessment instruments of movement quality in patients with non-specific low back pain: A systematic review and selection of instruments
van Dijk, M. J. H., Smorenburg, N. T. A., Heerkens, Y. F., Mollema, J., Kiers, H., Nijhuis - van der Sanden, M. W. G., & Visser, B. (2020). Assessment instruments of movement quality in patients with non-specific low back pain: A systematic review and selection of instruments. Gait & Posture, 76, 346-357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.12.027
Aging and Physical Activity: A Qualitative Study of Basic Psychological Needs and Motivation in a Blended Home-Based Exercise Program for Older Adults
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Visser, B. (2020). Aging and Physical Activity: A Qualitative Study of Basic Psychological Needs and Motivation in a Blended Home-Based Exercise Program for Older Adults. In B. Ng, & G. Ho (Eds.), Self-Determination Theory and Healthy Aging: Comparative Contexts on Physical and Mental Well-Being (pp. 127-144). Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6968-5_7
An online education program for students sports studies on e-health to optimize lifestyle coaching.
Braam, K., Koeneman, M., Koster, Y., Visser, B., Alpay, L., & Dallinga, J. (2020). An online education program for students sports studies on e-health to optimize lifestyle coaching.. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology. https://healthbytech.com/wp-content/uploads/Abstract-book-2020-1.pdf
Keessen, P., den Uijl, I., Visser, B., van den Berg-Emons , H. J. G., Latour, C. H. M., Sunamura , M., Jørstad, H. T., ter Riet, G., Scholte op Reimer, W. J. M., Kraaijenhagen, RA., & ter Hoeve, N. (2020). Corrigendum: Fear of movement in patients attending cardiac rehabilitation: a validation study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 52.
Determinants of physical activity in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation: perspectives of rehabilitation professionals and wheelchair users
van den Akker, L. E., Holla, J. F. M., Dadema, T., Visser, B., Valent, L. J., de Groot, S., Dallinga, J. M., & Deutekom, M. (2020). Determinants of physical activity in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation: perspectives of rehabilitation professionals and wheelchair users. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(14), 1934-1941. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2019.1577503
Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: results from the VITAMIN CRCT
van den Helder, J., Mehra, S., ter Riet, G., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2019). Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: results from the VITAMIN CRCT. Abstract from Nutritional Science Days 2019, Heeze, Netherlands.
CN04: Effects of a Blended Home-Based Exercise Program and Protein Counselling in Community Dwelling Older Adults: Results of the VITAMIN RCT
van den Helder, J., Mehra, S., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J., Engelbert, R. H., & Weijs, P. J. (2019). CN04: Effects of a Blended Home-Based Exercise Program and Protein Counselling in Community Dwelling Older Adults: Results of the VITAMIN RCT: Clinical Nutrition Symposium. Clinical Nutrition, 38(S1), S2. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5614(19)32119-3
Long-term specialized physical therapy in Cervical Dystonia
van den Dool, J., Visser, B., Koelman, J. H., Engelbert, R. H., & Tijssen, M. A. (2019). Long-term specialized physical therapy in Cervical Dystonia: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 100(8), 1417-1425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2019.01.013
Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and protein counselling in community dwelling older adults: results of the VITAMIN RCT
Helder, J., Mehra, S., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, BJ., Engelbert, RH., & Weijs, PJ. (2019). Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and protein counselling in community dwelling older adults: results of the VITAMIN RCT. Abstract from International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) , Prague, Czech Republic.
Beweegtool Foxfit voor kinderen met astma
Braam, K. I., Brons, A. E., Broekema, W. A., Ricken-Timmerman, A. X. C., Millenaar, K., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. R. H., & Visser, B. (2019). Beweegtool Foxfit voor kinderen met astma. Inspiratie, 29(1), 14-16.
Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet
Mehra, S., Visser, B., Cila, N., van den Helder, J., Engelbert, R. HH., Weijs, P. JM., & Kröse, B. JA. (2019). Supporting older adults in exercising with a tablet: a usability study. JMIR human factors, 6(1), Article e11598. https://doi.org/10.2196/11598
Increasing physical activity in older adults with a tablet and e-coaching
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J. E. M., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2019). Increasing physical activity in older adults with a tablet and e-coaching. Abstract from 8th Annual ARPH Conference.
Fear of movement in patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation
Keessen, P., Den Uijl, I., Ter Hoeve, N., Visser, B., Latour, C., Sunamura, M., Jorstad, HT., Scholte Op Reimer, WJM., Kraaijenhagen, RA., & Van Den Berg-Emons, HJG. (2019). Fear of movement in patients referred to cardiac rehabilitation: Poster Session 2. European journal of preventive cardiology, 26(1_suppl), S78. Article P450. https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487319860053
Promoting factors for physical activity in children with asthma explored through concept mapping
Brons, A., Braam, K., Timmerman, A., Broekema, A., Visser, B., van Ewijk, B., Terheggen-Lagro, S., Rutjes, N., van Leersum, H., Engelbert, R., Kröse, B., Chinapaw, M., & Altenburg, T. (2019). Promoting factors for physical activity in children with asthma explored through concept mapping. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), Article 4467. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16224467
Psychosomatic therapy for patients frequently attending primary care with medically unexplained symptoms, the CORPUS trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Wortman, M. S. H., van der Wouden, J. C., Grutters, J. P. C., Visser, B., Assendelft, W. J. J., van der Horst, H. E., & olde Hartman, T. C. (2019). Psychosomatic therapy for patients frequently attending primary care with medically unexplained symptoms, the CORPUS trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 20, Article 697. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-019-3913-3
Wat stimuleert kinderen met astma om meer te gaan bewegen?
Braam, K., Brons, A., Broekema, A., Visser, B., Altenburg, T., Chin a Paw, M., Engelbert, R., & Timmerman, A. (2019). Wat stimuleert kinderen met astma om meer te gaan bewegen? ideeën van kind, ouder en zorgverlener. FysioPraxis, 2019(februari), 14-17.
Wat stimuleert kinderen met astma om meer te gaan bewegen?
Braam, KI., Brons, AE., Broekema, WA., Visser, B., Altenburg, TM., Chin A Paw, MJM., Engelbert, RHH., & Timmerman, AXC. (2018). Wat stimuleert kinderen met astma om meer te gaan bewegen? Ideeën van het kind, de ouder en de zorgverlener. Beweegreden, 14(3).
Suitable and sustainable health game development through Concept Mapping
Brons, A., Braam, K. I., Timmerman, A. X. C., Broekema, A., Visser, B., Altenburg, T. M., Chinapaw, M. J. M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Kröse, B. (2018). Suitable and sustainable health game development through Concept Mapping. Abstract from Games for Health, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Cost-effectiveness of interventions for medically unexplained symptoms
Wortman, M. S. H., Lokkerbol, J., van der Wouden, J. C., Visser, B., van der Horst, H. E., & Olde Hartman, T. C. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of interventions for medically unexplained symptoms: a systematic review. PLoS ONE . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205278
Digitally supported dietary counseling increases protein intake in community dwelling older adults: preliminary results of the VITAMIN RCT
van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). Digitally supported dietary counseling increases protein intake in community dwelling older adults: preliminary results of the VITAMIN RCT. Clinical Nutrition, 37(Supplement 1), S162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2018.06.1594
A digitally supported home-based exercise training program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of the cluster randomised controlled VITAMIN trial
van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Dadema, T., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). A digitally supported home-based exercise training program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of the cluster randomised controlled VITAMIN trial. BMC Geriatrics, 18, Article 183. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-018-0863-7
Physical fitness, generalised joint hypermobility and psychosocial behaviour in young professional dancers
de Vries, J. E., Verbunt, J., Stubbe, J. H., Visser, B., Scheper, M. C., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2018). Physical fitness, generalised joint hypermobility and psychosocial behaviour in young professional dancers. Poster session presented at World Congress on Pain from the IASP, Boston.
Prospectief Cohort Onderzoek naar de behandeling volgens het Chronisch Pijn Protocol
Wortman, M., & Visser, B. (2018). Prospectief Cohort Onderzoek naar de behandeling volgens het Chronisch Pijn Protocol. Nederlandstalig Tijdschrift Pijnbestrijding, 37(74), 6-13.
The reliability and validity of the standardized Mensendieck test in relation to disability in patients with chronic pain
Keessen, P., Maaskant, J., & Visser, B. (2018). The reliability and validity of the standardized Mensendieck test in relation to disability in patients with chronic pain. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 34(8), 629-636. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2017.1423428
Translating behavior change principles into a blended exercise intervention for older adults
Mehra, S., Visser, B., Dadema, T., van den Helder, J., Engelbert, R. HH., Weijs, P. JM., & Kröse, B. JA. (2018). Translating behavior change principles into a blended exercise intervention for older adults: design study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(5). https://doi.org/10.2196/resprot.9244
A digitally supported home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of a cluster randomized controlled study (VITAMIN study)
van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Dadema, T., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Engelbert, R., & Weijs, P. (2017). A digitally supported home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of a cluster randomized controlled study (VITAMIN study). Poster session presented at Science Exchange Day, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Studie Betrouwbaarheid en validiteit
Keessen, P., Maaskant, J., & Visser, B. (2017). Studie Betrouwbaarheid en validiteit: van de Standardized Mensendieck Test in relatie tot functionele beperkingen bij patiënten met chronische pijn. Beweegreden, 13(3), 28-31.
How clinicians analyze movement quality in patients with non-specific low back pain
van Dijk, M., Smorenburg, N., Visser, B., Heerkens, Y. F., & Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G. (2017). How clinicians analyze movement quality in patients with non-specific low back pain: a cross-sectional survey study with Dutch allied health care professionals. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 18, Article 288. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12891-017-1649-3
Getting older adults to exercise with a blended intervention
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Dadema, T., Cila, N., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2017). Getting older adults to exercise with a blended intervention. Abstract from Getamoveon Network + 1st Symposium On Enhancing Physical Activity Through Technology, London, United Kingdom.
A home based exercise program: are older adults able to use mHealth technology?
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Dadema, T., Cila, N., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Kröse, B. J. A. (2017). A home based exercise program: are older adults able to use mHealth technology?. 125. Abstract from 12th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands. https://pure.hva.nl/admin/files/5661452/Adjunct_proceedings_2nd_ed.pdf
The Design and Usability Testing of a mHealth Application for Supporting Self-Regulation of Exercising Older Adults
Mehra, S., V. Helder, J., Dadema, T., Cila, N., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H., Weijs, P. J., & Kröse, B. (2017). The Design and Usability Testing of a mHealth Application for Supporting Self-Regulation of Exercising Older Adults. Abstract from 3rd UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference 2017: Harnessing digital technology for behaviour change, London, United Kingdom.
Analysetechnieken ten behoeve van krachtuitoefening en het verplaatsen van lasten
Hoozemans, M. J. M., Kuijer, P. P. F. M., & Visser, B. (2017). Analysetechnieken ten behoeve van krachtuitoefening en het verplaatsen van lasten. In W. J. T. van Alphen, R. Houba, A. A. M. Leutscher, H. P. Pennekamp, & K. B. J. Schreibers (Eds.), Arbeid & Gezondheid 2017: Handboek over het beheersen van gezondheidsrisico's op het werk (pp. 652-700). Vakmedianet.
Description of movement quality in patients with low back pain: A qualitative study as a first step to a practical definition
van Dijk, M. J. H., Smorenburg, N. T. A., Visser, B., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., & Heerkens, Y. F. (2017). Description of movement quality in patients with low back pain: A qualitative study as a first step to a practical definition. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 33(3), 227-237. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2017.1282998
The design and usability testing of a mHealth application for supporting self-regulation of exercising older adults
Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Dadema, T., Cila, N., Visser, B., Engelbert, R., Weijs, P., & Kröse, B. (2017). The design and usability testing of a mHealth application for supporting self-regulation of exercising older adults. Abstract from 3rd UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference 2017: Harnessing digital technology for behaviour change, London, United Kingdom. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/behaviour-change/events/cbc-conf17-abstracts.pdf
Attitudes of older adults in a group-based exercise program toward a blended intervention: a focus-group study
Mehra, S., Dadema, T., Kröse, B. J. A., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., Van Den Helder, J., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2016). Attitudes of older adults in a group-based exercise program toward a blended intervention: a focus-group study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 1827. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01827
The association between muscle strength and activity limitations in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: the impact of proprioception
Scheper, M., Rombaut, L., de Vries, J., De Wandele, I., van der Esch, M., Visser, B., Malfait, F., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2016). The association between muscle strength and activity limitations in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: the impact of proprioception. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2016.1196396
Attitudes of older adults towards a blended exercise program
Mehra, S., Dadema, T., Kröse, B. J. A., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H. H., van den Helder, J., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2016). Attitudes of older adults towards a blended exercise program. In 2nd Behaviour Change Conference: Digital Health and Wellbeing Frontiers Media S.A.. https://doi.org/10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2016.01.00104
Behandelprotocol revalidatie na een heupfractuur
Post, M. H. T., Kruijne, R., Pol, M. C., Wiggers, P., van Hartingsveldt, M. J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Visser, B. (2016). Behandelprotocol revalidatie na een heupfractuur: RAAK-Publiek onderzoek HIPPER. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Achieve.
Determinants of disability in cervical dystonia
van den Dool, J., Tijssen, M. A. J., Koelman, J. H. T. M., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Visser, B. (2016). Determinants of disability in cervical dystonia. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 32, 48-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parkreldis.2016.08.014
An Evidence-Based Multidisciplinary Practice Guideline to Reduce the Workload due to Lifting for Preventing Work-Related Low Back Pain
Kuijer, P. P. FM., Verbeek, J. HAM., Visser, B., Elders, L. AM., Van Roden, N., Van den Wittenboer, M. ER., Lebbink, M., Burdorf, A., & Hulshof, C. TJ. (2014). An Evidence-Based Multidisciplinary Practice Guideline to Reduce the Workload due to Lifting for Preventing Work-Related Low Back Pain. Annals of occupational and environmental medicine, 26(1), Article 16. https://doi.org/10.1186/2052-4374-26-16
Impact of Combined Skin Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Subpectoral Prosthetic Reconstruction on the Pectoralis Major Muscle Function: A Preoperative and Postoperative Comparative Study
Hage, J. J., van der Heeden, J. F., Lankhorst, K. M., Romviel, S. M. G., Vlutters, M. E., Woerdeman, L. A. E., Visser, B., & Veeger, H. E. J. (2014). Impact of Combined Skin Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Subpectoral Prosthetic Reconstruction on the Pectoralis Major Muscle Function: A Preoperative and Postoperative Comparative Study. Annals of plastic surgery, 72(6), 631-637. https://doi.org/10.1097/SAP.0b013e318269e4ee
Cervical dystonia: effectiveness of a standardized physical therapy program; study design and protocol of a single blind randomized controlled trial
van den Dool, J., Visser, B., Koelman, J. H. TM., Engelbert, R. HH., & Tijssen, M. AJ. (2013). Cervical dystonia: effectiveness of a standardized physical therapy program; study design and protocol of a single blind randomized controlled trial. BMC neurology, 13, Article 85. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2377-13-85
Temporal strategy and performance during a fatiguing short-cycle repetitive task
Bosch, T., Mathiassen, S. E., Hallman, D., de Looze, M. P., Lyskov, E., Visser, B., & van Dieën, J. H. (2012). Temporal strategy and performance during a fatiguing short-cycle repetitive task. Ergonomics, 55(8), 863-873. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2012.682739
The effect of work pace on workload, motor variability and fatigue during simulated light assembly work
Bosch, T., Mathiassen, S. E., Visser, B., de Looze, M. P., & van Dieën, J. H. (2011). The effect of work pace on workload, motor variability and fatigue during simulated light assembly work. Ergonomics, 54(2), 154-168. https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2010.538723
Electromyographical manifestations of muscle fatigue during different levels of simulated light manual assembly work
Bosch, T., de Looze, M. P., Kingma, I., Visser, B., & van Dieën, J. H. (2009). Electromyographical manifestations of muscle fatigue during different levels of simulated light manual assembly work. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 19(4), e246-e256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jelekin.2008.04.014
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- Effectiviteit preventietraining In Balans op vallen en valletsels bij ouderen met verhoogd valrisico
- De ontwikkeling van een nieuw Amsterdams EBP-model in het onderwijs
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