Urban Technology

  Drs. S. Stoker (Saskia)

Fraijlemaborg, Fraijlemaborg 133, 1102 CV Amsterdam
Postbus 526,1000 AM Amsterdam
genderdiversiteit en inclusie, (ondernemerschaps)onderwijs
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Saskia Stoker is a lecturer-researcher at Faculty of Business & Economics at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam. She teaches research methodology, and on the topic of diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, she is a thesis supervisor and a coach to student ambassadors diversity & inclusion working at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam.

Stoker did a sociological master's degree specializing in gender and sexuality at the University of Amsterdam. In her PhD research, "Embedding women entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial industries" at the Vrije Universiteit, she is investigating how women entrepreneurs can be better embedded in the entrepreneurial environment. Her PhD project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Svetlana Khapova of the Vrije Universiteit and AUAS lector Dr. Ingrid Wakkee.

In the first three of five sub-studies, she used data from project WeRin, the project of which she was project leader. WeRIn was a 3-year project to create inclusive entrepreneurship education. More information can be found on the WeRIn website (https://werinproject.eu/), LinkedIn page or twitter account.

Saskia Stoker's doctoral research began in December 2021 and is expected to finish in December 2025.


Diversity, inclusion and entrepreneurship

Gender and entrepreneurship

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