Urban Technology
Drs. S. Stoker (Saskia)
Docent/OnderzoekerSaskia Stoker is a lecturer-researcher at Faculty of Business & Economics at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam. She teaches research methodology, and on the topic of diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, she is a thesis supervisor and a coach to student ambassadors diversity & inclusion working at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam.
Stoker did a sociological master's degree specializing in gender and sexuality at the University of Amsterdam. In her PhD research, "Embedding women entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial industries" at the Vrije Universiteit, she is investigating how women entrepreneurs can be better embedded in the entrepreneurial environment. Her PhD project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Svetlana Khapova of the Vrije Universiteit and AUAS lector Dr. Ingrid Wakkee.
In the first three of five sub-studies, she used data from project WeRin, the project of which she was project leader. WeRIn was a 3-year project to create inclusive entrepreneurship education. More information can be found on the WeRIn website (https://werinproject.eu/), LinkedIn page or twitter account.
Saskia Stoker's doctoral research began in December 2021 and is expected to finish in December 2025.
Diversity, inclusion and entrepreneurship
Gender and entrepreneurship
How strong network ties in service clubs can create business opportunities for women entrepreneurs
Stoker, S., Martens, J. W. G. M., & Wakkee, I. A. M. (2025). How strong network ties in service clubs can create business opportunities for women entrepreneurs. In M. Breivik-Meyer, M. Lindvert, A.-C. Callerstig, D. Balkmar, & G. Agnete Alsos (Eds.), Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Levelling the Field (pp. 134). Article 9 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Educators and students in entrepreneurship education are challenging the “think entrepreneur–think male” paradigm
Stoker, S., Wakkee, I., & Khapova, S. (2024). Educators and students in entrepreneurship education are challenging the “think entrepreneur–think male” paradigm. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-08-2023-0910
From women entrepreneurs doing things better, to better things for women entrepreneurs
Stoker, S., & Wakkee, I. A. M. (2024). From women entrepreneurs doing things better, to better things for women entrepreneurs: The topic of this paper is on which role influential actors have on creating an inclusive start-up and scale-up ecosystem.. Unpublished In ISBE Conference 2024
Pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities is not a choice
Stoker, S., Rossano-Rivero, S., Davis, S., Wakkee, I., & Stroila, I. (2024). Pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities is not a choice: the interplay between gender norms, contextual embeddedness, and (in)equality mechanisms in entrepreneurial contexts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 30(7), 1725-1749. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-12-2022-1139
The Double-Edged Sword effect of Women-Only Business Networks
Stoker, S., Kör, B., & Wakkee, I. A. M. (2024). The Double-Edged Sword effect of Women-Only Business Networks. In Diana Conference 2024
Navigating The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Unveiling The Confirming And Restricting Power of Women Entrepreneurs’ To Create Belonging And Embeddedness With Their Agency
Stoker, S., Wakkee, I. A. M., & Cruz Garcia , A. (2023). Navigating The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Unveiling The Confirming And Restricting Power of Women Entrepreneurs’ To Create Belonging And Embeddedness With Their Agency. In RENT conference 2023
From Perception to Practice: Integrating Gender Inclusivity in Business Incubators
Been, C., Stoker, S., & Wakkee, I. A. M. (2023). From Perception to Practice: Integrating Gender Inclusivity in Business Incubators. In 3E conference Denmark Aarhus
Vooronderzoek Kennisontwikkeling Diversiteit en Inclusie in relatie tot Studensuccess
de Coninck, L., Snabilie, M., Bouzaggou, S., van Geffen, E., Zeewijk, S., Eckmeyer, K., Steffens, H., Tahsin, T., & Stoker, S. (2023). Vooronderzoek Kennisontwikkeling Diversiteit en Inclusie in relatie tot Studensuccess: Onderzoeksverslag en Organisatievoorstel.
“Is there a fit?”
Stoker, S., & Martens, J. (2022). “Is there a fit?”: An investigation of gendered vocabulary in entrepreneurship education and its effect on students. Paper presented at 3E 2022 - Entrepreneurship Education Excellence: from Outcome Assessment to Individual and Societal Impacts , Dijon, France.
Regional Scan of the Current State of Gender Inclusivity
Stoker, S., Wakkee, I., & Martens, J. (2022). Regional Scan of the Current State of Gender Inclusivity: The Netherlands. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Understanding Current Research on Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Stroila, I., Rossano-Rivero, S., Stoker, S., & Wakkee, I. (2022). Understanding Current Research on Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Literature Review Report.
Towards an understanding of inclusive ecosystems
Stoker, S., Rossano-Rivero, I., Rossano, S., Davis, S., & Wakkee, I. (2021). Towards an understanding of inclusive ecosystems. Paper presented at RENT XXXV. Turku, Finland, Turku, Finland.
The Position of Female Entrepreneurs and Women in Tech
Stoker, S., Wakkee, I., Martens, J., Lucassen, I., Visser, V., & Steeman, S. (2021). The Position of Female Entrepreneurs and Women in Tech: A research aimed at identifying obstacles and opportunities for female entrepreneurs and women in tech in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Ondernemerschap.
I’m not your stereotype: gendering entrepreneurial education (EE)
Stoker, S., Wakkee, I., & Martens, J. (2021). I’m not your stereotype: gendering entrepreneurial education (EE). In 3E Conference - ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference 2021 (pp. 1-17)