Urban Technology

  S.J. Poerbodipoero (Soemitro) MSc

Hoofd opleiding, docent Ergotherapie, gastonderzoeker
, Nicolaes Tulphuis, Tafelbergweg 51, 1105 BD Amsterdam
Postbus 2120,1000 CC Amsterdam

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Soemitro Poerbodipoero (Msc) is an occupational therapist, lecturer, junior researcher and curriculum manager at the Occupational Therapy Department of the Amsterdam School of Higher professional Education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) in the Netherlands.

He graduated in 1998 as an occupational therapist (BSc OT) at the Occupational Therapy Department of the Amsterdam School of Higher professional Education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) in the Netherlands, and finished his Master in Movement Sciences at de VU University in Amsterdam in 2003. He has been working as an occupational therapist in rehabilitation (hand therapy) from 2001 until 2007. Since 2008 he worked as a lecturer at the Hogeschool Amsterdam and since 2010 started as manager and became a member of the Research Group of Allied Health Care Hogeschool Amsterdam: Participation and environment.

His expertise in the area of occupational therapy is rehabilitation, transitional care and caregiving. Currently he is focusing on management and research within the Occupation Therapy Department at the Amsterdam School of Higher professional Education (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) in the Netherlands.

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