Urban Technology
R.G. Memelink (Robert)
Docent-onderzoekerRobert Memelink is docent bij de opleiding Voeding en Diëtetiek en onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Voeding en Beweging. Hij verzorgt onderwijs in onderzoeksvaardigheden, het meten van lichaamssamenstelling, en de interactie tussen voeding en bewegen. Daarnaast begeleidt hij vierdejaarsstudenten Voeding en Diëtetiek die hun afstudeeropdracht uitvoeren in het Amsterdam Nutritional Assessment Center (ANAC).
In 2017 ontving Robert een NWO-promotiebeurs voor leraren, voor zijn promotieonderzoek ‘Behoud van spiermassa bij ouderen met obesitas en diabetes type 2’. Naast zijn werk voor de HvA is Robert als gastdocent verbonden aan de faculteit Gedrag en Bewegingswetenschappen, waar hij in de master Human Movement Sciences een vak over sportvoeding verzorgt.
Robert studeerde af als levensmiddelentechnoloog aan de Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen en schoolde zich naast zijn werk om tot bewegingswetenschapper (VU). Na werkzaamheden in het hoger beroepsonderwijs, werkte Robert 10 jaar bij Nutricia Research, achtereenvolgens als onderzoeker sportvoeding en klinische voeding. De overstap naar de HvA maakte het voor hem mogelijk om zijn passie voor voeding en bewegen te combineren in een eigen onderzoeksproject bij het lectoraat en zijn passie voor het onderwijs voort te zetten met inmiddels 10 jaar ervaring in het bedrijfsleven op zak.
“Mijn passie is de combinatie van voeding en bewegen voor gezondheid en prestatie.”
Adherence to resistance training and hypocaloric diet among persons near retirement age - A secondary data analysis of three randomized controlled trials
Bauer, S., Reiter, L., Weijs, P. J. M., Schoufour, J. D., Boirie, Y., Topinková, E., Memelink, R. G., Verreijen, A. M., Borenich, A., Eglseer, D., & SO-NUTS consortium (2024). Adherence to resistance training and hypocaloric diet among persons near retirement age - A secondary data analysis of three randomized controlled trials. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 28(10), 1-8. Article 100344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnha.2024.100344
Lifestyle interventions improve muscle function, fat mass, muscle mass and the sarcopenic obesity index
Reijnierse, E. M., Valentin, B., Benz, E., Pinel, A., Boirie, Y., Memelink, R. G., Weijs, P. J., Verlaan, S., & Schoufour, J. D. (2024). Lifestyle interventions improve muscle function, fat mass, muscle mass and the sarcopenic obesity index. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 63, 1002. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2024.07.127
The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in older adults with obesity differs between the use of the chair stand test and handgrip strength as measure of altered muscle function
Valentin, B., Reijnierse, E., Memelink, R. G., Weijs, P. J., Verlaan, S., & Schoufour, J. D. (2024). The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in older adults with obesity differs between the use of the chair stand test and handgrip strength as measure of altered muscle function. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 63, Article 1095. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2024.07.368
Long-term preservation of lean mass and sustained loss of fat mass after completion of an intensive lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, R. G., Hijlkema, A., Valentin, B., Streppel, M. T., Pasman, W. J., Wopereis, S., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., Tieland, M., Schoufour, J. D., Bautmans, I., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2024). Long-term preservation of lean mass and sustained loss of fat mass after completion of an intensive lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle Medicine, 5(3), Article e2103. https://doi.org/10.1002/lim2.103
The effect of a combined lifestyle intervention with and without protein drink on inflammation in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, R. G., Njemini, R., de Bos Kuil, M. J. J., Wopereis, S., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., Schoufour, J. D., Tieland, M., Weijs, P. J. M., & Bautmans, I. (2024). The effect of a combined lifestyle intervention with and without protein drink on inflammation in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Experimental gerontology, 190, Article 112410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exger.2024.112410
Additional effects of exercise to hypocaloric diet on body weight, body composition, glycaemic control and cardio-respiratory fitness in adults with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, R. G., Hummel, M., Hijlkema, A., Streppel, M. T., Bautmans, I., Weijs, P. J. M., Berk, K. A., & Tieland, M. (2023). Additional effects of exercise to hypocaloric diet on body weight, body composition, glycaemic control and cardio-respiratory fitness in adults with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetic Medicine, 40(7), Article e15096. https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.15096
Additional effects of exercise to hypocaloric diet on body weight, body composition, glycaemic control, and cardio-respiratory fitness in adults with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Memelink, R., Hummel, M., Hijlkema, A., Streppel, M., Bautmans, I., Weijs, P., Berk, K., & Tieland, M. (2022). Additional effects of exercise to hypocaloric diet on body weight, body composition, glycaemic control, and cardio-respiratory fitness in adults with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 37-37. Abstract from Annual Dutch Diabetes Research Meeting 2022, Wageningen, Netherlands. https://www.addrm.online/
Bio-electrical impedance analysis
van den Helder, J., Verreijen, A. M., van Dronkelaar, C., Memelink, R. G., Engberink, M. F., Engelbert, R. H. H., Weijs, P. J. M., & Tieland, M. (2022). Bio-electrical impedance analysis: a valid assessment tool for diagnosis of low appendicular lean mass in older adults? Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, Article 874980. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.874980
Boerdijk, L., Memelink, R., & Valentin, B. (2022). 2Do: intensieve leefstijlinterventie voor ouderen met overgewicht/obesitas en type 2 diabetes/prediabetes. Web publication or website, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. https://www.loketgezondleven.nl/interventies-zoeken#/InterventionDetails/2100113
Increased species richness in the oral microbiome by a 13-week protein and combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Haji, M., Memelink, R. G., Brandt, B. W., Buijs, M. J., Pasman, W. J., de Vogel-Van den Bosch, J., Wopereis, S., Zaura, E., & Weijs, P. J. (2021). Increased species richness in the oral microbiome by a 13-week protein and combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 46, 667-667. Article P235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.09.351
A higher protein intake at breakfast and lunch is associated with a higher total daily protein intake in older adults: a post-hoc cross-sectional analysis of four randomised controlled trials
Verreijen, A. M., van den Helder, J., Streppel, M. T., Rotteveel, I., Heman, D., van Dronkelaar, C., Memelink, R. G., Engberink, M. F., Visser, M., Tieland, M., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). A higher protein intake at breakfast and lunch is associated with a higher total daily protein intake in older adults: a post-hoc cross-sectional analysis of four randomised controlled trials. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 34(2), 384-394. https://doi.org/10.1111/jhn.12838
Benefits of exercise in addition to diet in people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Memelink, R., Hijlkema, A., Hummel, M., Streppel, M., Berk, K., & Tieland, M. (2021). Benefits of exercise in addition to diet in people with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis: Study protocol. FigShare. https://doi.org/10.21943/auas.14237765.v1
Effect of an enriched protein drink on muscle mass and glycemic control during combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, R. G., Pasman, W. J., Bongers, A., Tump, A., van Ginkel, A., Tromp, W., Wopereis, S., Verlaan, S., Den Bosch, J. D. V. V., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). Effect of an enriched protein drink on muscle mass and glycemic control during combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a double-blind rct. Nutrients, 13(1), Article 64. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13010064
Obese older Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with muscle insulin resistance benefit from an enriched protein drink during combined lifestyle intervention
Pasman, W. J., Memelink, R. G., de Vogel-Van den Bosch, J., Begieneman, M. P. V., van den Brink, W. J., Weijs, P. J. M., & Wopereis, S. (2020). Obese older Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with muscle insulin resistance benefit from an enriched protein drink during combined lifestyle intervention: the PROBE study. Nutrients, 12(10), Article 2979. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12102979
Preservation of lean mass upon combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes during 6-months follow-up after RCT (PROBE study)
Memelink, R., Bongers, A., Pasman, W. J., van Rijmenam, M. J., Wopereis, S., Verlaan, G., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). Preservation of lean mass upon combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes during 6-months follow-up after RCT (PROBE study). Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(supplement 2), 53. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa040_053
Larger health benefits in severe obese (BMI>35) older adults with type 2 diabetes during combined lifestyle intervention
Memelink, R. G., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). Larger health benefits in severe obese (BMI>35) older adults with type 2 diabetes during combined lifestyle intervention. Poster session presented at ICFSR - International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research, Toulouse, France.
Weijs, P. J. M., Looijaard, W. G. P. M., Dekker, I. M., Memelink, R., Stapel, S. N., Molinger, J., & Oudemans-van Straaten, H. M. (2020). Imaging. In Lessons from the ICU (pp. 109-124). (Lessons from the ICU). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24250-3_8
Sustained changes in body composition during 6 months follow-up after combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, RG., Pasman, WJ., Valentin, B., de Vogel - van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, PJM. (2019). Sustained changes in body composition during 6 months follow-up after combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at 13th edition Science Exchange Day , Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The effect of hydration status on intracellular and extracellular water using bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements
van Dronkelaar, C., Verstappen, J. J. J., Memelink, R. G., Tieland, M., Kruizenga, H. M., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2019). The effect of hydration status on intracellular and extracellular water using bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements. Poster session presented at 15th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Kraków, Poland.
Preservation of lean mass upon combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes during 6-months follow-up after RCT (Probe study)
Memelink, R. G., Bongers, A., Pasman, W., van Rijmenam, M. J., Wopereis, S., de Vogel - van den Bosch, J., Weijs, P. J. M., & Verlaan, G. (2019). Preservation of lean mass upon combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes during 6-months follow-up after RCT (Probe study). Clinical Nutrition, 30(supplement 1), S16-S17. Article OR33. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5614(19)32505-1
Sustained changes in body composition during 6 months follow-up after combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, RG., Pasman, WJ., Valentin, B., de Vogel - van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, PJM. (2019). Sustained changes in body composition during 6 months follow-up after combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at 37th International Symposium on Diabetes & Nutrition, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
Thirteen weeks of supplementation of vitamin D and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement attenuates chronic low-grade inflammation in sarcopenic older adults: the PROVIDE study
Liberman, K., Njemini, R., Luiking, Y., Forti, L. N., Verlaan, S., Bauer, J. M., Memelink, R., Brandt, K., Donini, L., Maggio, M., Mets, T., Weijers, S. L. J., Sieber, C., Cederholm, T., & Bautmans, I. (2019). Thirteen weeks of supplementation of vitamin D and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement attenuates chronic low-grade inflammation in sarcopenic older adults: the PROVIDE study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 31(6), 845-854. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-019-01208-4
Weijs, P. J. M., & Memelink, R. G. (2019). Imaging. In Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (pp. 109-124). Springer.
Sarcopic obesity in the Elderly
Tieland, C. A. B., Trouwborst, I., Verreijen, A. M., Memelink, R. G., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2019). Sarcopic obesity in the Elderly. In D. Meynial-Denis (Ed.), Sarcopenia: Molecular, Cellular, and Nutritional Aspects - Applications to Humans (1 ed., pp. 403-220). CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429155260
Sustained body composition change during 6-month follow-up after combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
Memelink, RG., Pasman, WJ., Valentin, B., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, PJM. (2019). Sustained body composition change during 6-month follow-up after combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Poster session presented at EFAD conference, Berlin, Germany.
Wat is ASSM?
Kruizenga, H., Memelink, R., Zweers - Van Essen, H., & Hulshof, P. (2019). Wat is ASSM? In de nieuwe sarcopeniecriteria wordt de appendiculaire skeletspiermassa gemeten. Wat is dit? En wat is de waarde ervan? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Voeding & Diëtetiek, 74(3), 37-38.
Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a double-blind randomised controlled trial
Memelink, R. G. (2018). Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a double-blind randomised controlled trial: Foppe ten Hoor award session, Nutritional Science Days 2018. Abstract from Nutritional Science Days 2018.
A higher protein intake at breakfast does not compromise total daily protein intake in older adults
Verreijen, A. M., Streppel, M. T., Rotteveel, I., Heman, D., van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Memelink, R. G., Tieland, M., Visser, M., Engberink, M. F., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). A higher protein intake at breakfast does not compromise total daily protein intake in older adults. European Geriatric Medicine, 9(Suppl 1), S98. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41999-018-0097-4
A higher protein intake at breakfast does not compromise total daily protein intake in older adults
Verreijen, A. M., Streppel, M. T., Rotteveel, I., Heman, D., van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Memelink, R. G., Tieland, M., Visser, M., Engberink, M. F., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). A higher protein intake at breakfast does not compromise total daily protein intake in older adults.
Assessment of appendicular lean mass for diagnosis of sarcopenia in older adults
Verreijen, A. M., van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Memelink, R. G., Engberink, M. F., Weijs, P. J. M., & Tieland, M. (2018). Assessment of appendicular lean mass for diagnosis of sarcopenia in older adults: bio-electrical impedance analysis versus dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Clinical Nutrition, 37(Supplement 1), S102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2018.06.1392
Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a lifestyle intervention in obese older adults with (pre-)diabetes type 2
Memelink, R., Pasman, W., Bongers, A., Tump, A., van Ginkel, A., Tromp, W., Wopereis, S., Verlaan, S., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, P. (2018). Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a lifestyle intervention in obese older adults with (pre-)diabetes type 2: a double-blind RCT. Clinical Nutrition, 37(Supplement 1), S216-S217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2018.06.1775
Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a lifestyle intervention in obese older adults with (pre-)diabetes type 2: a double-blind RCT
Memelink, R. G., Pasman, W. J., Bongers, A., Tump, A., van Ginkel, A., Tromp, W., Wopereis, S., Verlaan, S., de Vogel - van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a lifestyle intervention in obese older adults with (pre-)diabetes type 2: a double-blind RCT. Poster session presented at 40th ESPEN congress, Madrid, Spain.
Exercise and nutrition strategies to counteract sarcopenic obesity
Trouwborst, I., Verreijen, A., Memelink, R., Massanet, P., Boirie, Y., Weijs, P., & Tieland, M. (2018). Exercise and nutrition strategies to counteract sarcopenic obesity. Nutrients, 10(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10050605
Effectiveness of a combined lifestyle intervention using dietary counselling and resistance exercise in obese older adults with type 2 diabetes (the PROBE study)
Valentin, B., Vu, V., Tump, A., van Rijmenam, M., Schuurman, C., Pasman, W., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., van Ginkel, A., Memelink, R., & Weijs, P. (2018). Effectiveness of a combined lifestyle intervention using dietary counselling and resistance exercise in obese older adults with type 2 diabetes (the PROBE study). Poster session presented at EFAD Conference 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Reduction in energy expenditure during weight loss is higher than predicted based on fat free mass and fat mass in older adults
ten Haaf, T., Verreijen, A. M., Memelink, R. G., Tieland, M., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). Reduction in energy expenditure during weight loss is higher than predicted based on fat free mass and fat mass in older adults. Clinical Nutrition, 37(1), 250-253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2016.12.014
Bone mineral density is associated with muscle mass in obese older adults with diabetes type 2
Memelink, R. G., Verreijen, A. M., de Bos Kuil, M. J. J., Engberink, M. F., Verlaan, S., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2017). Bone mineral density is associated with muscle mass in obese older adults with diabetes type 2.
Effect of a high protein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preservation of fat free mass during weight loss in overweight and obese older adults: a randomized controlled trial
Verreijen, A. M., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., van der Plas, S. E., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2017). Effect of a high protein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preservation of fat free mass during weight loss in overweight and obese older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal , 16, Article 10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-017-0229-6
Energy intake and expenditure in obese older adults with and without type 2 diabetes
Memelink, R. G., Verreijen, A. M., de Vogel-van den Bosch, J., & Weijs, P. J. (2017). Energy intake and expenditure in obese older adults with and without type 2 diabetes. In N. E. P. Deutz, J. A. Mays, & S. C. Roeske (Eds.), Abstracts of the 39th ESPEN Congress: 9-12 September 2017 • The Hague, Netherlands (pp. S232). (Clinical Nutrition; Vol. 36, No. supplement 1). Elsevier.
OR25: Validity of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure for overweight older adults with and without diabetes
Verreijen, A. M., Garrido, V., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. (2017). OR25: Validity of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure for overweight older adults with and without diabetes. Clinical Nutrition, 36(6), S10-S11. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5614(17)30762-8
The Difference between Body Composition Analysis Measured by Air-Displacement Plethysmography and Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry Depends on Relative Fat Mass
Ten Haaf, T., Memelink, R. G., Tieland, M., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2016). The Difference between Body Composition Analysis Measured by Air-Displacement Plethysmography and Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry Depends on Relative Fat Mass: Oral Communication V: Body Composition and Nutritional Risk. Clinical Nutrition, 35(1, Supplement), S11-S12. Article OR28. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5614(16)30267-9
Fat mass and muscle mass show opposite relationships with physical performance in older obese type 2 diabetes patients
Memelink, R. G., ten Haaf, T. P. G., van der Plas, S. E., Pasman, W., Wopereis, S., Bongers, A., de Vogel, J., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2016). Fat mass and muscle mass show opposite relationships with physical performance in older obese type 2 diabetes patients: baseline data PROBE trial. In EOS 2016 Programme Book
MON-PP209: Effect of a High Protein Diet and/or Resistance Exercise on Preservation of Fat Free Mass During Weight Loss in Overweight Older Adults: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Verreijen, A. M., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., van der Plas, S. E., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. (2015). MON-PP209: Effect of a High Protein Diet and/or Resistance Exercise on Preservation of Fat Free Mass During Weight Loss in Overweight Older Adults: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Nutrition, 34(Supplement 1), S206. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5614(15)30641-5