Urban Technology
R.J.B. Lubberink (Rob)
Assistant Professor Circular EconomyRob Lubberink is a social scientist who joined the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in 2021 as assistant professor in sustainability and circular economy. Through engaged research, he aims to learn together with individuals & collectives how to use entrepreneurship to transform global value chains such that these become purpose-driven, sustainable, and distributive by design. His research interests predominantly focus on global agri-food value networks where climate- and social injustices are pressing, such as the cocoa industry.
Being an engaged scholar , Rob enjoys to stand in the midst of the action instead of observing at the sidelines. This manifests in connecting fellow researchers and students with entrepreneurs, and to experiment together how to transform global value chains for the better. For example, he recently initiated a multi-stakeholder events to close the living income gap in the cocoa industry, and he is leading workshops for small- and medium enterprise owners how to transform towards more sustainable- and circular business. He is also leading the theme on ‘economic ecosystems transformed’ in the CoE ‘Center for Economic Transformation’ at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Rob is convinced that through education we can empower a next generation of young professionals to transform our vulnerable and harmful global value chains to become resilient and sustainable. Amongst others, he is therefore teaching in sustainability and the circular economy at the AUAS School of International Business and is a visiting lecturer in Entrepreneurship & Systems Change at Montpellier Business School. Part and parcel is to foster a supportive environment where students are critical and reflexive on current states of affairs and are empowered to imagine alternative futures. By connecting these students with industry professionals, he aims to foster collaborations where we bridge the idea(l)s of sustainable international business with current practices to make the necessary transformation happen.
Rob has published in international peer-reviewed journals including Organization Studies, Business & Society, interdisciplinary journals such as Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability and Sustainability, and topic journals such as Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, Journal of Responsible Innovation, and Journal of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. He has also written opinion pieces in Food & Business Knowledge Platform and CCAFS, and appeared in panel discussions at de Balie. Rob holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Management, Economics, and Consumers studies from Wageningen University, after which he completed his PhD on responsible innovation & social entrepreneurship at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands
Systems mapping can facilitate the collective and shared understanding of complex problems
Dentoni, D., Cucchi, C., Roglic, M., Lubberink, R., Bender-Salazar, R., & Manyise, T. (2023). Systems mapping can facilitate the collective and shared understanding of complex problems. Web publication or website, World Economic Forum (WEF). https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/03/systems-mapping-can-facilitate-the-collective-and-shared-understanding-of-complex-problems/
Open for Business: Pathways to strengthen CGIAR's responsible engagement with the private sector
Cummings, S., Koerner, J., Schut, M., Lubberink, R., Minh, T., Spielman, D., Vos, J., Kropff, M. (Ed.), & Leeuwis, C. (Ed.) (2022). Open for Business: Pathways to strengthen CGIAR's responsible engagement with the private sector. CGIAR and the NL-CGIAR Strategic Partnership. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/119305
‘That’s Witchcraft’
Cucchi, C., Lubberink, R., Dentoni, D., & Gartner, W. B. (2022). ‘That’s Witchcraft’: community entrepreneuring as a process of navigating intra-community tensions through spiritual practices. Organization Studies, 43(2), 179-201. https://doi.org/10.1177/01708406211031730
Circular Economy Ecosystem Coordination
DiVito, L., & Lubberink, R. (2022). Circular Economy Ecosystem Coordination: A comparative study of two sectoral cases. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Business Models: Sustainable Business Model Challenges: Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation (pp. 149-154). LUMSA University.
Systems Thinking, Mapping and Change in Food and Agriculture
Dentoni, D., Cucchi, C., Roglic, M., Lubberink, R., Bender-Salazar, R., & Manyise, T. (2022). Systems Thinking, Mapping and Change in Food and Agriculture. Bio-based and Applied Economics , 11(4), 277-301. https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/bae/article/view/13930
Using sustainable business models to support socio-ecological resilience
Pinkse, J., Dentoni, D., & Lubberink, R. (2021). Using sustainable business models to support socio-ecological resilience: Blog. Web publication or website, Business & Society. https://businessandsociety.org/socio-ecological-resilience/
Linking Sustainable Business Models to Socio-Ecological Resilience Through Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Complex Adaptive Systems View
Dentoni, D., Pinkse, J., & Lubberink, R. (2021). Linking Sustainable Business Models to Socio-Ecological Resilience Through Cross-Sector Partnerships: A Complex Adaptive Systems View. Business & Society, 60(5), 1216-1252. https://doi.org/10.1177/0007650320935015
Scaling knowledge and innovations for food and nutrition security
Körner, J., Lammers, E., Lubberink, R., & de Winter, D. (2021). Scaling knowledge and innovations for food and nutrition security: tackling dilemmas and blind spots. (Food & Business Research Synthesis Study). Dutch Research Council (NWO) WOTRO Science for Global Development.
Entrepreneurial learning at the boundary
Lans, T., Lubberink, R., Ploum, L., Ammann, M., & Gondwe, S. (2021). Entrepreneurial learning at the boundary: how to learn from a local cheese maker . Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 4(3), 527–548. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515127420925015
Inclusive and adaptive business models for climate-smart value creation
Rosenstock, T. S., Lubberink, R., Gondwe, S., Manyise, T., & Dentoni, D. (2020). Inclusive and adaptive business models for climate-smart value creation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 42, 76-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2019.12.005
Social entrepreneurship and sustainable development
Lubberink, R. (2019). Social entrepreneurship and sustainable development. In W. Leal Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. L. Salvia, & T. Wall (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the UN sustainable development goals Springer, Cham. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_47-1
Responsible innovation by social entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of values integration in innovations
Lubberink, R., Blok, V., van Ophem, J., & Omta, O. (2019). Responsible innovation by social entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of values integration in innovations. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 6(2), 179-210. https://doi.org/10.1080/23299460.2019.1572374
Challenging the ideal of transparency as a process and as an output variable of Responsible Innovation
Blok, V., Lubberink, R., van den Belt, H., Ritzer, S., van der Kruk, H., & Danen, G. (2018). Challenging the ideal of transparency as a process and as an output variable of Responsible Innovation: The case of "The Circle". In Responsible Research and Innovation: From Concepts and Practices (pp. 225-244). Taylor and Francis Ltd..
Innovation for Society: Towards a Typology of Developing Innovations by Social Entrepreneurs
Lubberink, R., Blok, V., van Ophem, J., van der Velde, G., & Omta, O. (2018). Innovation for Society: Towards a Typology of Developing Innovations by Social Entrepreneurs. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 9(1), 52-78. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2017.1410212
Lessons for Responsible Innovation in the Business Context: A Systematic Literature Review of Responsible, Social and Sustainable Innovation Practices
Lubberink, R., Blok, V., Ophem, J. V., & Omta, O. (2017). Lessons for Responsible Innovation in the Business Context: A Systematic Literature Review of Responsible, Social and Sustainable Innovation Practices. Sustainability, 9(5), Article 721. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9050721
A framework for responsible innovation in the business context
Lubberink, R., Blok, V., van Ophem, J., & Omta, O. (2017). A framework for responsible innovation in the business context: lessons from responsible-, social- and sustainable innovation. In L. Asveld, R. van Dam-Mieras, T. Swierstra, S. Lavrijssen, K. Linse, & J. van den Hoven (Eds.), Responsible Innovation 3: a European Agenda? (pp. 181-207). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-64834-7_11
The impact of domestic drivers and barriers on the entrepreneurial start-up decision
Lubberink, R., Blok, V., van Ophem, J. A. C., & Omta, S. W. F. O. (2015). The impact of domestic drivers and barriers on the entrepreneurial start-up decision. In Family Entrepreneurship: Rethinking the Research Agenda (pp. 239-263). Taylor and Francis Inc.. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315732381
Managing the improvement of entrepreneurship education programmes
Blok, V., Lubberink, R., Lans, T., & Omta, O. (2014). Managing the improvement of entrepreneurship education programmes: A comparison of universities in the life sciences in Europe, USA and Canada. In Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University (pp. 64-90). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781781007020.00009