Urban Technology
Dr. E.M. Dale (Liz)
Docent-onderzoeker, cluster Talen-
Werken aan meertalige competenties en mediation-vaardigheden: voorbeelden uit beroeps(gericht)onderwijs
van Batenburg, E. S. L., Dale, E. M., & Groeneveld, A. C. (2025). Werken aan meertalige competenties en mediation-vaardigheden: voorbeelden uit beroeps(gericht)onderwijs. Manuscript in preparation. In C. van Beuningen, D. Polišenská, J. Duarte, & M. Gunther (Eds.), Talenbewust lesgeven in vo en mbo Uitgeverij Coutinho.
Plurilingualism in vocational education & training: exploring students’ plurilingual repertoires, behaviours and attitudes towards interactions in daily life, school and work
van Batenburg, E., & Dale, L. (2024). Plurilingualism in vocational education & training: exploring students’ plurilingual repertoires, behaviours and attitudes towards interactions in daily life, school and work. International Journal of Multilingualism, 1-25. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/14790718.2024.2443817
Exploring pre-service English teachers’ beliefs about plurilingualism: using visual and spoken methodologies with learners in a CLIL setting
Dale, E. M., & van Batenburg, E. S. L. (2024). Exploring pre-service English teachers’ beliefs about plurilingualism: using visual and spoken methodologies with learners in a CLIL setting. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2024.2374418
‘A pencil for your thoughts’: uncovering learners’ multilingual experiences using visual mapping
Dale, E. M., & van Batenburg, E. S. L. (2024). ‘A pencil for your thoughts’: uncovering learners’ multilingual experiences using visual mapping. Paper presented at Grensverleggend Leren, Amersfoort, Netherlands.
Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning: voorbeelden uit tweetalig onderwijs
Dale, E. M., & van Batenburg, E. S. L. (2024). Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning: voorbeelden uit tweetalig onderwijs. Manuscript in preparation. In C. van Beuningen (Ed.), Taalbewust lesgeven in vo en mbo Uitgeverij Coutinho.
CLIL challenges in designing learning experiences
Dale, L., & Mearns, T. (2023). CLIL challenges in designing learning experiences. In D. Banegas, & S. Zappa-Hollman (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Content and Language Integrated Learning (pp. 313-327). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003173151-26
Meertaligheid in het mbo
van Batenburg, E., Dale, L., Polišenská, D., & van Beuningen, C. (2022). Meertaligheid in het mbo: een inventarisatiestudie naar opvattingen en gerapporteerde praktijken van docenten Nederlands en Engels. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 2022(4), 14-29. https://lt-tijdschriften.nl/ojs/index.php/ltt/article/view/2287
Stickers en stiften
van Batenburg, E., & Dale, L. (2022). Stickers en stiften: meertalig bewustzijn verbeelden in het mbo. Levende Talen Magazine, 109(6), 8-13.
Why literature?
Dale, L. (2021). Why literature? language teachers’ subject-specific beliefs and practices in a CLIL context. Abstract from AILA 2021 World Congress, Groningen, Netherlands.
English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Schools: Part 1
Bentley, K., & Dale, L. (2021). English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Schools: Part 1. (Cambridge Papers in ELT and Education). Cambridge University Press.
English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Schools: Part 2
Bentley, K., & Dale, L. (2021). English as a Medium of Learning (EML) in Schools: Part 2. (Cambridge Papers in ELT and Education). Cambridge University Press.
Towards a professional development tool for teachers of English in bilingual streams
Dale, L., Oostdam, R., & Verspoor, M. (2021). Towards a professional development tool for teachers of English in bilingual streams: the dynamics of beliefs and practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(9), 1288-1305. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2018.1556244
On language teachers and CLIL
Dale, E. M. (2020). On language teachers and CLIL: shifting the perspectives. [Research HvA, graduation external, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Research Institute of Child Development and Education]. Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/98c15569-9e2f-4542-8472-9515aa7bac7d
Juggling ideals and constraints
Dale, L. (2018). Juggling ideals and constraints: The position of English teachers in CLIL contexts. Abstract from Anéla 2018 Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
Juggling ideals and constraints
Dale, L., Oostdam, R., & Verspoor, M. (2018). Juggling ideals and constraints: The position of English teachers in CLIL contexts . Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 177-202. https://doi.org/10.1075/dujal.18002.dal
Searching for identity and focus
Dale, L., Oostdam, R., & Verspoor, M. (2018). Searching for identity and focus: towards an analytical framework for language teachers in bilingual education. Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(3), 366-383. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2017.1383351
English teachers in bilingual streams: in search of identity and focus
Dale, L. (2017). English teachers in bilingual streams: in search of identity and focus. 15. Paper presented at Anela Najaarsstudiedag, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Feeding forward and feeding back
Dale, L., & van Batenburg, E. (2017). Feeding forward and feeding back: language nourishment for subject teachers. Paper presented at National CLIL Day, Utrecht, Netherlands.
B2 or not B2
De Graaff, R., Lowie, W., Dale, L., & Beeker, A. (2016). B2 or not B2: taalvaardigheden en ERK-niveaus in tweetalig onderwijs. Nuffic.
Online Collaboration in CLIL
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Online Collaboration in CLIL. Web publication or website
Tortoise, lioness, or peacock? The role of the CLIL Teacher
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Tortoise, lioness, or peacock? The role of the CLIL Teacher. Web publication or website
Brain-friendly CLIL #3 creativity, personalisation and feedback
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Brain-friendly CLIL #3 creativity, personalisation and feedback. Web publication or website
Brain friendly CLIL #2 challenge
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Brain friendly CLIL #2 challenge. Web publication or website
Brain-friendly CLIL #1
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Brain-friendly CLIL #1. Web publication or website http://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2015/04/brain-friendly-clil-1/
Brainstorming for writing posters
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Brainstorming for writing posters. Web publication or website, Cambridge University Press. http://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2015/03/brainstorming-writing-posters/
Skinny and fat questions and thinking skills
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Skinny and fat questions and thinking skills. Web publication or website
Give CLIL time
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Give CLIL time. Web publication or website
Clarifying CLIL for the English teacher
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2015). Clarifying CLIL for the English teacher. Modern English Teacher, 24(2), 25-28.
CLIL theory in practice: sources of inspiration
Dale, L. (2015). CLIL theory in practice: sources of inspiration. Web publication or website
Reflectie vanuit de vakdidactiek
Dale, L. (2013). Reflectie vanuit de vakdidactiek. In L. Punt, H. Strating, M. Hajer, R. Scharten, & B. de Vos (Eds.), Werken aan vaktaal bij de talen (pp. 26-27). Article 5 SLO, nationaal expertisecentrum leerplanontwikkeling.
CLIL Activities
Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2012). CLIL Activities. Cambridge University Press.
CLIL Skills
Dale, L., van der Es, W., & Tanner, R. (2011). CLIL Skills: A practical book on Content and Language Integrated Learning. European Platform.
Dossier: Content and Language Integrated Learning
Dale, L., & van der Es, W. (2011). Dossier: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Web publication or website
De bijdrage van feedback aan het leren van studenten
Dale, L. (2007). De bijdrage van feedback aan het leren van studenten: bijdrage aan eigenaarschap. In M. Snoek (Ed.), Eigenaar van kwaliteit: veranderingsbekwame leraren en het publieke onderwijsdebat (pp. 43-53). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Leren met toekomstscenario’s
Benammer, K., Snoek, M., Dale, L., Meeder, S., Poortinga, J., van Schaik, M., Schwab, H., & Juist, N. (2006). Leren met toekomstscenario’s: scenarioleren voor het hoger onderwijs. Stichting Digitale Universiteit/Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
On Language Teachers and CLIL
Dale, E. M. (1). On Language Teachers and CLIL: Shifting the perspectives. Nuffic. https://www.nuffic.nl/sites/default/files/2022-02/on-language-teachers-and-clil-shifting-the-perspectives.pdf