Urban Technology
D. Bossen (Daniel) PhD
Associate lector eHealth & BeweeggedragSinds september 2023 is Daniël Bossen associate lector eHealth & Beweeggedrag onder het lectoraat Oefentherapie – Dagelijks Bewegen! Als onderzoeker werkt hij aan het SPRONG-project: Urban Vitality - Mensen in Beweging. In dit project wordt kennis over gezonde voeding en bewegen gekoppeld aan kennis over gedragsbeïnvloeding met behulp van technologie.
Daniël is daarnaast hoofddocent bij de HvA-opleiding Oefentherapie. Hij studeerde Fysiotherapie aan de HvA en Gezondheidswetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. In 2014 promoveerde hij aan de Tilburg University. Na zijn promotie werkte hij als Postdoc bij het NIVEL en Amsterdam UMC.
Parents' information needs during the first year at home with their very premature born child; a qualitative study
Flierman, M., Bossen, D., de Boer, R., Vriend, E., van Nes, F., van Kaam, A., Engelbert, R., & Jeukens-Visser, M. (2024). Parents' information needs during the first year at home with their very premature born child; a qualitative study. PEC Innovation, 4, Article 100270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecinn.2024.100270
People with short symptom duration of knee osteoarthritis benefit more from exercise therapy than people with longer symptom duration
van Middelkoop, M., Schiphof, D., Hattle, M., Simkins, J., Bennell, K. L., Hinman, R. S., Allen, K. D., Knoop, J., van Baar, M. E., Bossen, D., Wallis, J., Hurley, M., Holden, M. A., & Bierma-Zeinstra, S. M. A. (2024). People with short symptom duration of knee osteoarthritis benefit more from exercise therapy than people with longer symptom duration: An individual participant data meta-analysis from the OA trial bank. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 32(12), 1620-1627. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2024.07.007
Feasibility of a Dutch post-discharge parenting intervention (TOP program) for moderate preterm born infants
Flierman, M., Möller, E. L., Engelbert, R. H. H., van Kaam, A. H., Bossen, D., & Jeukens-Visser, M. (2024). Feasibility of a Dutch post-discharge parenting intervention (TOP program) for moderate preterm born infants. Early Human Development, 198(november), Article 106124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2024.106124
Exercise-induced muscle fatigue leads to changes in gait-related parameters among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Voorn, P. B., Oomen, R., Buczny, J., Bossen, D., Visser, B., & Pijnappels, M. (2024). Exercise-induced muscle fatigue leads to changes in gait-related parameters among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Version 1 ed.) OSF. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/pn3sq
The effectiveness of a nation-wide implemented fall prevention intervention in reducing falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial
van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bossen, D., Frazer, S. W. T., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., & Pijnappels, M. (2024). The effectiveness of a nation-wide implemented fall prevention intervention in reducing falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial. (Version 1 ed.) OSF. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/etq4u
The Short Physical Performance Battery does not correlate with daily life gait quality and quantity in community-dwelling older adults with an increased fall risk
van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bossen, D., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Bruijn, S. M., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., & Pijnappels, M. (2024). The Short Physical Performance Battery does not correlate with daily life gait quality and quantity in community-dwelling older adults with an increased fall risk. Gait & Posture, 114(october), 78-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2024.09.005
Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program
van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., Frazer, S. W. T., Pijnappels, M., & Bossen, D. (2024). Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(2), Article 162. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21020162
The cost-effectiveness of the Dutch In Balance fall prevention intervention compared to exercise recommendations among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial
Delfgaauw, J., van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bossen, D., Olij, B. F., Visser, B., Pijnappels, M., & Bosmans, J. E. (2024). The cost-effectiveness of the Dutch In Balance fall prevention intervention compared to exercise recommendations among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: a randomized controlled trial. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/p9dn6
Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis
STEER OA Patient Advisory Group, & OA Trial Bank Exercise Collaborative (2023). Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. The Lancet Rheumatology, 5(7), e386-e400. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2665-9913(23)00122-4
Ervaringen en ondersteuningsbehoeften van leefstijlcoaches in het gebruik van digitale coachingsmiddelen bij cliënten met overgewicht
Bak, M., Bossen, D., Braam, K., Holla, J., Visser, B., & Dallinga, J. (2023). Ervaringen en ondersteuningsbehoeften van leefstijlcoaches in het gebruik van digitale coachingsmiddelen bij cliënten met overgewicht. TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 101(2), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-023-00379-w
The development of an online information platform to support parents of very and moderate preterm born infants
Bossen, D., Flierman, M., Jeukens, M., Vijn, V., & Engelbert, R. (2022). The development of an online information platform to support parents of very and moderate preterm born infants. 1344-1345. Abstract from European Academy of Paediatric Societies, Barcelona, Spain.
Stimulating healthy behavior: the development of a modular e-health platform
Schoufour, J., Mehra, S., Bossen, D., Verwijs, M., Brons, A., van der Bie, J., Oey, M., Weijs, P., & Ben Allouch, S. (2022). Stimulating healthy behavior: the development of a modular e-health platform. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology, Groningen.
Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle
Bossen, D., Bak, M., Braam, K., Wentink, M., Holla, J., Visser, B., & Dallinga, J. (2022). Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), Article 521. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19010521
Feasibility of a stratified blended physiotherapy intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods study
van Tilburg, M. L., Kloek, C. J. J., Staal, J. B., Bossen, D., & Veenhof, C. (2022). Feasibility of a stratified blended physiotherapy intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 38(2), 286-298. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2020.1756015
Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study
Bossen, D., Bak, M., Braam, K., Wentink, M., Holla, J., Visser, B., & Dallinga, J. (2022). Online and offline behavior change techniques to promote a healthy lifestyle: a qualitative study. Abstract from Supporting Health by Technology, Groningen.
Physical activity as a risk or protective factor for falls and fall-related fractures in non-frail and frail older adults: a longitudinal study
van Gameren, M., Hoogendijk, E. O., van Schoor, N. M., Bossen, D., Visser, B., Bosmans, J. E., & Pijnappels, M. (2022). Physical activity as a risk or protective factor for falls and fall-related fractures in non-frail and frail older adults: a longitudinal study. BMC Geriatrics, 22, Article 695. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-03383-y
The Development of an Online Information Platform to Support Parents of Very and Moderate Preterm Born Infants
Möller, E., Flierman, M., Bossen, D., Jeukens, M., Vijn, V. L., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2022). The Development of an Online Information Platform to Support Parents of Very and Moderate Preterm Born Infants. Poster session presented at International Society on Early Intervention, Chicago, United States.
Behoeftes rondom (beweeg)activiteiten bij ouderen in tijden van Corona
Nauta, B., Kanis, M., Visser, B., Ben Allouch, S., & Bossen, D. (2021). Behoeftes rondom (beweeg)activiteiten bij ouderen in tijden van Corona: Contextuele informatie inwinnen over behoeftes rondom bewegen, activiteiten en technologie bij ouderen met een co-creatieve toolkit op afstand. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oefentherapie, 2021(2), 26-31. https://www.digitallifecentre.nl/redactie/resources/publicatientvobehoeftesrondombeweegactiviteitbijouderenincoronatijd-2.pdf
Physical Functioning After Admission to the PICU: A Scoping Review
Bossen, D., de Boer, R. M., Knoester, H., Maaskant, J. M., van der Schaaf, M., Alsem, M. W., Gemke, R. J. B. J., van Woensel, J. B. M., Oosterlaan, J., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2021). Physical Functioning After Admission to the PICU: A Scoping Review. Critical Care Explorations, 3(6), 1-10. Article e0462. https://doi.org/10.1097/CCE.0000000000000462
How to facilitate guideline use?
Vooijs, M., Bossen, D., Hoving, J. L., Wind, H., & Frings-Dresen, M. H. W. (2021). How to facilitate guideline use? a bottom-up qualitative approach developing a training programme for professionals involved in work participation of people with a chronic disease. Work (Reading, Mass.), 70(2), 603-614. https://doi.org/10.3233/WOR-213596
The (cost-)effectiveness of an implemented fall prevention intervention on falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: protocol for the in balance randomized controlled trial
van Gameren, M., Bossen, D., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., Frazer, S. W. T., & Pijnappels, M. (2021). The (cost-)effectiveness of an implemented fall prevention intervention on falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling older adults with an increased risk of falls: protocol for the in balance randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics, 21, Article 381. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02334-3
Ontwerprichtlijnen voor het eTop systeem
van der Bie, J., Bondietti, S., Flierman, M., de Boer, R., & Bossen, D. (2020). Ontwerprichtlijnen voor het eTop systeem: inventarisatie voor een toegankelijk online content management systeem voor informatie over de gevolgen van prematuriteit en voor ouders van het Top programma. (1.1 ed.) Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.21943/auas.12957845
Physiotherapists’ experiences with a blended osteoarthritis intervention
Kloek, C. J. J., Bossen, D., de Vries, H. J., de Bakker, D. H., Veenhof, C., & Dekker, J. (2020). Physiotherapists’ experiences with a blended osteoarthritis intervention: a mixed methods study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 36(5), 572-579. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2018.1489926
Effectiveness of Serious Games to Increase Physical Activity in Children With a Chronic Disease: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis
Bossen, D., Broekema, A., Visser, B., Brons, A., Timmerman, A., van Etten-Jamaludin, F., Braam, K., & Engelbert, R. (2020). Effectiveness of Serious Games to Increase Physical Activity in Children With a Chronic Disease: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(4), Article e14549. https://doi.org/10.2196/14549
Development and proof of concept of a blended physiotherapeutic intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain
Kloek, C. J. J., van Tilburg, M. L., Staal, B., Veenhof, C., & Bossen, D. (2019). Development and proof of concept of a blended physiotherapeutic intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain. Physiotherapy, 105(4), 483-491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2018.12.006
Physical functioning in pediatric intensive care survivors and its associated determinants: A scoping review protocol
de Boer, RM., Bossen, D., Maaskant, JM., van der Schaaf, M., Alsem, MW., Knoester, H., Gemke, RJBJ., van Woensel, JBM., Oosterlaan, J., Engelbert, RHH., de Boer, R. M., & Bossen, D. (2019). Physical functioning in pediatric intensive care survivors and its associated determinants: A scoping review protocol. Web publication or website, Center for Open Science. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/7XZV5
A training programme facilitating guideline use of occupational health professionals
Vooijs, M., Bossen, D., Hoving, J. L., Wind, H., & Frings-Dresen, M. H. W. (2018). A training programme facilitating guideline use of occupational health professionals: a feasibility study. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 18(226). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-018-1223-1
Cost-effectiveness of a blended physiotherapy intervention compared to usual physiotherapy in patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis
Kloek, C. J. J., van Dongen, J. M., de Bakker, D. H., Bossen, D., Dekker, J., & Veenhof, C. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a blended physiotherapy intervention compared to usual physiotherapy in patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis: a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5975-7
Effectiveness of a blended physical therapist intervention in people with hip osteoarthritis, knee osteoarthritis, or both
Kloek, C. J. J., Bossen, D., Spreeuwenberg, P. M., Dekker, J., de Bakker, D. H., & Veenhof, C. (2018). Effectiveness of a blended physical therapist intervention in people with hip osteoarthritis, knee osteoarthritis, or both: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine, 98(7), 560-570. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzy045
Richtlijn ‘Chronisch zieken en werk’
Wind, H., van der Heide, I., Vooijs, M., Bossen, D., Hoving, J. L., & Frings-Dresen, M. H. W. (2018). Richtlijn ‘Chronisch zieken en werk’. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 161, D2030.
Proefdraaien met de chronisch zieke werkende centraal
van der Burg-Vermeulen, S., Bossen, D., van der Klink, J., & Hulshof, C. (2018). Proefdraaien met de chronisch zieke werkende centraal: Een proeftuinproject. Tijdschrift voor bedrijfs- en Verzekeringskunde, 26(6), 288-291. https://mijn.bsl.nl/proefdraaien-met-de-chronisch-zieke-werkende-centraal/15852070#pay-wall
Determinants of adherence to the online component of a blended intervention for patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis
de Vries, H. J., Kloek, C. J. J., de Bakker, D. H., Dekker, J., Bossen, D., & Veenhof, C. (2017). Determinants of adherence to the online component of a blended intervention for patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis: a mixed methods study embedded in the e-exercise trial. Telemedicine and e-Health, 23(12), 1002-1010. https://doi.org/10.1089/tmj.2016.0264
Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (STEER OA):
OA Trial Bank (2017). Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (STEER OA): a systematic review update and individual participant data meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018971
Chronically ill and work
Bossen, D., Vooijs, M., Hoving, J., Wind, H., & Frings-Dresen, M. (2017). Chronically ill and work: A multidisciplinary directive for occupational and insurance physicians. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 25(8), 360-363. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12498-017-0137-x
Blended interventions to change behavior in patients with chronic somatic disorders
Kloek, C., Bossen, D., de Bakker, D. H., Veenhof, C., & Dekker, J. (2017). Blended interventions to change behavior in patients with chronic somatic disorders: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(12). https://doi.org/10.2196%2Fjmir.8108
A blended intervention for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis in the physical therapy practice
Bossen, D., Kloek, C., Snippe, H. W., Dekker, J., de Bakker, D., & Veenhof, C. (2016). A blended intervention for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis in the physical therapy practice: development and a pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.2196/resprot.5049
An overview of 5 years of patient self-referral for physical therapy in the Netherlands
Swinkels, I. C. S., Kooijman, M. K., Spreeuwenberg, P. M., Bossen, D., Leemrijse, C. J., van Dijk, C. E., Verheij, R., de Bakker, D. H., & Veenhof, C. (2014). An overview of 5 years of patient self-referral for physical therapy in the Netherlands. Physical Therapy, 94(12), 1785-1795. https://doi.org/10.2522/ptj.20130309
The effectiveness of self-guided web-based physical activity interventions among patients with a chronic disease
Bossen, D., Veenhof, C., Dekker, J., & De Bakker, D. (2014). The effectiveness of self-guided web-based physical activity interventions among patients with a chronic disease: A systematic review. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(3), 665-677. https://doi.org/10.1123/jpah.2012-0152
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a blended exercise intervention for patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Kloek, C. JJ., Bossen, D., Veenhof, C., van Dongen, J. M., Dekker, J., & de Bakker, D. H. (2014). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a blended exercise intervention for patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, Article 269. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2474-15-269
Effectiveness of a web-based physical activity intervention in patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis
Bossen, D., Veenhof, C., van Beek, K. EC., Spreeuwenberg, P. MM., Dekker, J., & de Bakker, D. H. (2013). Effectiveness of a web-based physical activity intervention in patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(11), Article e257. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2662
Adherence to a Web-based physical activity intervention for patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis
Bossen, D., Buskermolen, M., Veenhof, C., De Bakker, D., & Dekker, J. (2013). Adherence to a Web-based physical activity intervention for patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis: A mixed method study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(10), Article 2742. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2742
The usability and preliminary effectiveness of a web-based physical activity intervention in patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis
Bossen, D., Veenhof, C., Dekker, J., & de Bakker, D. (2013). The usability and preliminary effectiveness of a web-based physical activity intervention in patients with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 2013(13), Article 61. https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6947-13-61
- BITE-IT: Blended Intervention for Frail Elderly
- BITE-IT: blended intervention for frail elderly
- LION: een leefstijlinterventie voor ouderen in de wijk
- AmSOS 2.0: AMSterdam jOint Selfmanagement study
- Gezond Verder
- VIVENDI: Vitaal verder na dwarslaesierevalidatie
- Oefentherapie voor gezond beweeggedrag in leefomgeving cliënten
- e-TOP: aanvullende digitale ondersteuning voor ouders zeer prematuur geboren kinderen
- De invloed van vermoeidheid door fysieke inspanning op bewegen en vallen
- Effectiviteit preventietraining In Balans op vallen en valletsels bij ouderen met verhoogd valrisico
- SO NUTS: voorkomen van sarcopenie, obesitas en sarcopene obesitas bij mensen die met pensioen gaan
- Modulair online platform voor toekomstige projecten Mensen in Beweging
- Goed leven met artrose studie
- Inzet van technologie voor leefstijlcoaches (ITLC)
- BAAT: Bewegen op mAAT - Creatief behoefte onderzoek