Urban Technology
N.L. Blankvoort (Nadine) MSc
Onderzoeker | Docent ergotherapieNadine Blankvoort is onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Ergotherapie: Participatie en Omgeving. Zij doet promotieonderzoek aan de Universiteit Maastricht binnen de onderzoeksgroep Health Inequities and Societal Participation. Daarnaast geeft Nadine les in de bachelor- en masteropleidingen Ergotherapie aan de HvA.
Nadine is medevoorzitter van Civic, een stichting die zich inzet voor een fundamenteel ander perspectief op inburgering en integratie. Vanuit haar rol als bestuurslid bij deze stichting, maar ook als promovenda, nam ze in juli 2022 deel aan een paneldiscussie over het nieuwe inburgeringsbeleid tijdens een conferentie aan de Radboud Universiteit.
Nadine behaalde haar bachelor in Psychology and Anthropology en haar master in Occupational Therapy, beide aan de University of Manitoba in Canada. Daarnaast voltooide zij de masteropleiding Global Health aan de Maastricht University.
Reproduction of (Un)-modernity at the site of the everyday
Blankvoort, N., Rudman, D. L., van Hartingsveldt, M., & Krumeich, A. (Accepted/In press). Reproduction of (Un)-modernity at the site of the everyday: Knowledge production practices on ‘migrant families’ in the Netherlands. Journal of Occupational Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2024.2437765
Unraveling Modernity Logics: Everyday Doing of Migrant Families as Described in Dutch Knowledge Production Practices
Blankvoort, N. (2024). Unraveling Modernity Logics: Everyday Doing of Migrant Families as Described in Dutch Knowledge Production Practices. Abstract from European Conference on Politics and Gender, Ghent, Belgium. https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/73922
Critical reflexivity vs reflection
Blankvoort, N., Kramer - Roy, D., Rivas-Quarneti, N., Galli, C., Hengelaar, R., Satink, T., Moldes, I., & Kottorp, A. (2024). Critical reflexivity vs reflection: implications for research, practice, governance and education. Abstract from Occupational Therapy Europe Conference.
‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference
Blankvoort, N., Laliberte Rudman, D., van Hartingsveldt, M., & Krumeich, A. (2024). ‘New’ Dutch Civic Integration: learning ‘Spontaneous Compliance’ to address inherent difference. Critical Discourse Studies, 21(4), 463-481. https://doi.org/10.1080/17405904.2023.2179648
Reflections on the teachers role when working with communities in European occupational therapy
Blankvoort, N. L., Georgiadou, M., Roos, K., Schiller, S., Mondaca, M., & Bogeas, T. (2024). Reflections on the teachers role when working with communities in European occupational therapy. Abstract from Occupational Therapy Europe Conference.
Blankvoort, N. L., Laliberte Rudman, D., van Hartingsveldt, M. J., & Krumeich, A. (Accepted/In press). THE REPRODUCTION OF MODERNITY AT THE SITE OF THE EVERYDAY: MIGRANT FAMILIES IN THE NETHERLANDS. Abstract from Occupational Therapy Europe Conference.
Unpacking the Normative Power of Technological Assessments in Migrant Integration Governance: A Case Study of the Dutch Civic Integration Learnability Test
Blankvoort, N. L. (2024). Unpacking the Normative Power of Technological Assessments in Migrant Integration Governance: A Case Study of the Dutch Civic Integration Learnability Test. Abstract from 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference , Lisbon and Online, Portugal.
Community-Engaged-Scholarship: Approaching the future by exploring pedagogical experiences
Blankvoort, N., Mondaca, M., Georgiadou, M., Bogeas, T., Hart, C., & Schiller, S. (2023). Community-Engaged-Scholarship: Approaching the future by exploring pedagogical experiences. 61-61. Abstract from 27th ENOTHE (European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education) Annual Meeting, Oviedo, Spain.
Preventative Parenting: Governmental Racialization of Migrant Families
Blankvoort, N. (2023). Preventative Parenting: Governmental Racialization of Migrant Families. Abstract from Strange(r) Families Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Exploring Positionality: The role of the teacher in guiding students' critical reflexivity
Blankvoort, N., Hengelaar, R., Galli, C., Rivas Quarneti, N., Viana-Moldes, I., & Kramer-Roy, D. (2023). Exploring Positionality: The role of the teacher in guiding students' critical reflexivity. 100-100. Abstract from 27th ENOTHE (European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education) Annual Meeting, Oviedo, Spain.
'New' Civic Integration: Stuck in the Discursive Mobilization of 'Distance'
Blankvoort, N. L. (2023). 'New' Civic Integration: Stuck in the Discursive Mobilization of 'Distance'. Abstract from 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
Critically Exploring Discourse on Migration and Integration in Occupational Science
Blankvoort, N., & Mondaca, M. (2023). Critically Exploring Discourse on Migration and Integration in Occupational Science: Dialogical Session. Abstract from Occupational Science Europe (OSE) conference 2023, Odense, Denmark.
Science and Technology Studies (STS): exploring potential use for a demigranticized view on integration
Blankvoort, N. L. (2023). Science and Technology Studies (STS): exploring potential use for a demigranticized view on integration. Abstract from International Conference Migration Studies and Social Theory, Tübingen, Germany.
The Science-Policy Nexus: Colonial Modernity Logics of Cultural Distance and Knowledge Production in European Integration Regimes
Blankvoort, N. (2023). The Science-Policy Nexus: Colonial Modernity Logics of Cultural Distance and Knowledge Production in European Integration Regimes. Abstract from ECPR General Conference , Prague, Czech Republic. https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/69689
Critically Analyzing Discourse in Dutch Refugee Integration Programs: Images of the Unmodern Other and their Unmodern [Ways of] Doing
Blankvoort, N. L. (2022). Critically Analyzing Discourse in Dutch Refugee Integration Programs: Images of the Unmodern Other and their Unmodern [Ways of] Doing. Abstract from World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Paris. https://wfotcongress2022.org/uploads/files/WFOT-2022_Programme_15.5.22.pdf
The (mis)use of 'integration' in the Netherlands
Blankvoort, N., & de Waal, T. (2022). The (mis)use of 'integration' in the Netherlands. Journaal Vreemdelingenrecht, 2022(1), 28-38.
‘Doing’ integration: Occupational perspective on discursive power of citizen initiative’s with refugees
Blankvoort, N., Krumiech, A., Laliberte-Rudman, D., & van Hartingsveldt, M. (2022). ‘Doing’ integration: Occupational perspective on discursive power of citizen initiative’s with refugees. Abstract from World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
‘Doing’ Integration: The discursive effects of practices promoting integration in everyday life
Blankvoort, N. (2022). ‘Doing’ Integration: The discursive effects of practices promoting integration in everyday life: For Panel: Problematizing Integration Discourses. Abstract from 19th IMISCOE Annual Conference, OSLO.
Global perspective on migration and human displacement: theory, research and practices for enacting an occupation-based approach
Blankvoort, N., Delaisse, A.-C., Hashemi, G., & Trimboli, C. (2022). Global perspective on migration and human displacement: theory, research and practices for enacting an occupation-based approach: pre-conference workshop. Abstract from World Federation of Occupational Therapy, Paris. https://wfotcongress2022.org/programme/pre-congress-workshops
Migration and human displacement: Global dialogue on the contribution of occupational science
Huot, S., Mondaca, M., Blankvoort, N., Black, M., Smith, Y., Abdo, S., Delaisse, A.-C., Razavi Yekta, A., Damiano, N., Reid, H., Trimboli, C., & Rivas-Quarneti, N. (2022). Migration and human displacement: Global dialogue on the contribution of occupational science. Abstract from World Occupational Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Decolonising civic integration: a critical analysis of texts used in Dutch civic integration programmes
Blankvoort, N., van Hartingsveldt, M., Laliberte Rudman, D., & Krumeich, A. (2021). Decolonising civic integration: a critical analysis of texts used in Dutch civic integration programmes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(15), 3511-3530. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2021.1893668
An Occupational Perspective on Discourse in Practice: The presentation of desirable occupations within texts used in Dutch refugee integration programs
Blankvoort, N. (2019). An Occupational Perspective on Discourse in Practice: The presentation of desirable occupations within texts used in Dutch refugee integration programs. Abstract from Occupational Science Europe Conference Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. https://www.amsterdamuas.com/urban-vitality/events/programme/abstracts/abstracts-ose-2019/an-occupational-perspective-on-discourse-in-practice-the-presentation-of-desirable-occupations-within-texts-used-in-dutch-refugee-integration-programs.html?origin=LAvY77seTeKDQvuMC7VIhg
Higher education students' experiences of a short-term international programme
Blankvoort, N., Kaelin, V. C., Poerbodipoero, S., & Guidetti, S. (2019). Higher education students' experiences of a short-term international programme: exploring cultural competency and professional development. Education Research, 61(3), 356-370. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2019.1632725
The current and future contribution of occupational therapy and occupational science to transforming the situation of forced migrants: Critical perspectives from a think tank
Trimboli, C., Rivas-Quarneti, N., Blankvoort, N., Roosen, I., Simó Algado, S., & Whiteford, G. (2019). The current and future contribution of occupational therapy and occupational science to transforming the situation of forced migrants: Critical perspectives from a think tank. Journal of Occupational Science, 26(2), 323-328. https://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2019.1604408
Two migrants: one is an expat and the other a criminal refugee
Blankvoort, N. (2018). Two migrants: one is an expat and the other a criminal refugee. Digital or Visual Products, TEDx Talks. https://youtu.be/4Dx8w2skkNE
A new you
Blankvoort, N., Muzeyyen, A., Tonoyan, A., Damour, A. Q., & Mpabanzi, L. (2018). A new you: a collaborative exploration of occupational therapy's role with refugees. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 74(2), 92-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/14473828.2018.1526560
COHEHRE Academy: Ethics in Community Based Student Projects
Blankvoort, N., Hengelaar, R., & Poerbodipoero, S. (2018). COHEHRE Academy: Ethics in Community Based Student Projects: Exploring the Possibility of a Win-Win.
Neighbours at the Gate
Blankvoort, N. (2018). Neighbours at the Gate: occupational exploration of alternative approaches to refugee resettlement and integration in the Netherlands. Paper presented at WFOT Conference, Cape Town.
OT-EU Expert Group
Blankvoort, N., Moore, T., Roos, K., & Schiller, S. (2018). OT-EU Expert Group: occupational therapy with refugees and asylum seekers: position paper and action points for the future . Paper presented at European Network for Occupational Therapy Higher Education ENOTHE, Estoril, Portugal.
Neighbours at the Gate: Exploration of Alternative Approaches to Refugee (Re)settlement and Integration in the Netherlands
Blankvoort, N. (2017). Neighbours at the Gate: Exploration of Alternative Approaches to Refugee (Re)settlement and Integration in the Netherlands. Abstract from Second annual U!REKA (Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance) Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.