Centre of Expertise Urban Education

Designing a flood-risk education program in the Netherlands


This study focused on designing a flood-risk education program to enhance 15-year-old students’ flood-risk perception. In the flood-risk education program, learning processes were modeled in such a way that the arousal of moderate levels of fear should prompt experiential and analytical information processing.

In this way, understanding of flood risk in the surroundings should prompt students’ threat and coping appraisal. To accomplish this, the program consisted of a variety of student-directed parts, such as serious games and flood simulations. The design of the program was based on theoretical understandings from learning theory, information processing, and risk communication. Furthermore, empirical findings about students’ risk perceptions were incorporated. The design process was guided by the principles of Educational Design Research and had an iterative character.

Reference Bosschaart, A. M. W., Van der Schee, J., & Kuiper, W. (2016). Designing a flood-risk education program in the Netherlands. The Journal of environmental education, 47(4), 271-286. https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.2015.1130013
Published by  Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding 1 January 2016

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