Recap Studio Encounters On Water

A two-day event on the theme of climate imaginaries

18 apr 2023 10:18 | Kenniscentrum FDMCI

The ARIAS coalition Climate Imaginaries at Sea held a two day event called Studio Encounters on Water at the Perdu Theatre on 13 & 14 April. The event consisted of workshops, film screenings, pod readings and artistic research presentations on the theme of climate imaginaries to celebrate the launch of three new artistic research studios.

Each studio concentrates on one of the following perspectives: material inquiry (GRA), indigenous and global south perspectives (AHK), and interspecies philosophies (AUAS) - facilitating and amplifying embodied and situated forms of knowledge and experience.

These studios encourage research without predetermined disciplinary boundaries through practice-led artistic research and written and non-textual forms such as installations, sounds, movements, images and objects. Students and various publics will also be involved in this move from inertia to imagination, based on experiences of imagined futures, but also imaginative engagements with sea level rise as a present reality in other parts of the world.

The first day

This two day event kicked-off with a lecture by architect Anne Dessing on the materiality of water and she presented work from the Drawing Water exhibition by architecture design students from the Rietveld Academie.

Coco Duivenvoorde of the Villa Zapakara organization presented the UNDP funded kids photography workshop where children in Suriname get the chance to capture images of climate change in their local surroundings.

Kim Spierenburg of the Visual Methodologies Collective showed her short film 'Water Nation' which is an exploration of Dutch identity and its connection to water inspired by archival collections from the Institute of Sound and Vision.

Sarah Setter and Sophie Emmitt from Zikzira Physical Theatre presented the short film 'Turning to Birds', which was shot remotely from three locations during lockdown. This film is based on texts co-authored by the Visual Methodologies Collective and AI as part of their Climate Futures Programme. The screening was followed by a Q&A session moderated by Sabine Niederer.

Thursday’s program concluded with the launch of Making Waves, the publication of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea Coalition. Issue one of the the zine includes artistic responses and creative refelxions on the coalition’s work over the past year and was presented by Carlo de Gaetano, Mariana Fernandez and Andy Dockett.

The second day

The friday program consisted of pod readings of the book Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gumbs by DAS research and presentations by Amanda Piña and Cecilia Vallejos on their ongoing project the School of Mountains and Water.


The Climate Imaginaries at Sea project is brought forward by Art & Spatial Praxis at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (GRA), the Lectorate of the Academy of Theatre and Dance at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) and the Visual Methodologies Collective at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). The research groups work in partnership with ARIAS, platform for artistic research in Amsterdam, and a network of partners that includes Tolhuistuin, the Institute for Sound & Vision and CoECI - Centre of Expertise for Creative Innovation.

This project is partly made possible by the Center of Expertise for Creative Innovation (CoECI)

Climate Imaginaries at Sea is part of the Route Kunst NWA project 'Bit by bit, or not at all' within the 'Small Projects' scheme funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)

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