A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Pressure Training Intervention to Develop Resilience in Female Basketball Players


The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a resilience development intervention, set up around regular exposure to increased pressure. This intervention adopted a quasi-experimental design, delivered within an elite female basketball academy. The mixed methods evaluation combined individual and team resilience measures with semi-structured interviews with athletes and coaches. Quantitative results demonstrated that the intervention was effective in reducing team level vulnerabilities. Qualitative evaluations indicated that the intervention led to increased awareness, emerging leadership, stronger communication channels, and the development and execution of collective plans. Furthermore, potential avenues for intervention improvement were also addressed.

Reference Kegelaers, J., Wylleman, P., Bunigh, A., & Oudejans, R. R. D. (2021). A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Pressure Training Intervention to Develop Resilience in Female Basketball Players. Journal of applied sport psychology, 33(2), 151-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/10413200.2019.1630864
Published by  Urban Vitality 1 January 2021

Publication date

Jan 2021


Jolan Kegelaers
Paul Wylleman
Alexandra Bunigh


Research database