The online self


Following the conference Fear and Loathing of the Online Self and the publication of Culture of the Selfie: Self-Representation in Contemporary Visual Culture in May 2017, this episode of INC’s Zero Infinite podcast zooms in on the online self and selfies, with Ana Peraica, Wendy Chun and Rebecca Stein. In the studio, Inte Gloerich, Leonieke van Dipten and Miriam Rasch discuss algorithmic identity, the importance of the background in selfies and the phenomenon of the ‘drelfie’.

Reference Gloerich, I., van Dipten, L., & Rasch, M. D. (2017). The online self. Digital or Visual Products, Institute of Network Cultures.
14 July 2017

Publication date

Jul 2017


L. van Dipten
M.D. Rasch


Research database