Modelling Dynamic Lifecycle Impacts of Circular Procurement in Healthcare (MODLI)

Advancing the transition towards circular procurement in healthcare.


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerability in supply networks in the healthcare sector and the tremendous waste problem and ecological impact of disposable healthcare products such as isolation gowns. Reusable gowns on the other hand can potentially reduce climate impacts and improve the resilience of healthcare systems by ensuring a steady supply in times of high demand. However, scaling the use of reusable, circular isolation gowns in healthcare organizations is not straightforward. It is impeded by economic, logistics and hygiene barriers, as processes for transport, storage and safety need to be (re)designed. Furthermore, healthcare professionals, such as purchasing managers, often lack complete information about social, economic and ecological costs of products and future benefits from recovered materials. Circular procurement, however, is considered a key driver in the transition to a circular economy as it contributes to closing energy and material loops and minimizes negative impacts and waste throughout entire product lifecycles.

MODLI Objectives

This 2-year project aims to facilitate the transition towards circular procurement in healthcare by designing and developing an open-source decision-support tool to inform circular procurement in healthcare organizations. The project further focuses on mapping business models emphasizing different ownership and service models, an analysis of opportunities to adapt the decision support tool to other circular products in healthcare and other sectors, use cases and best practices illustrating the benefits of circular procurement and educational material.

Consortium partners

Amsterdam Economic Board


For more information please contact Zita Ingen-Housz:

Published by  Centre for Economic Transformation 12 July 2024

Project Info

Start date 01 Sep 2023
End date 01 Sep 2025