Algebra, Economics and Accounting
Thank you for showing interest in one of the programmes at our International Business School. Since your diplomas do not qualify you for a direct entrance into our institute you have opted to take our 21+ test, which as its title indicates can only be taken by applicants aged 21 or above.
The 21+ test consists of two exams, a basic algebra test and an economics/accounting exam. You will need to score a pass rate on both exams in order to pass the 21+ exam. Any grade equal to or above 5.5 is considered to be a pass. Both exams are seen as separate: you only have to take a re-examination for the part you did not pass.
Testing methods and duration
Testing methods and duration of the Algebra test
Duration: 1 hour. The test consists of 50 questions in total, divided into the following parts:
- Part 1 - Arithmetic (14 questions)
- Part 2 - Fractions and percentages (14 questions)
- Part 3 - Roots and Powers (11 questions)
- Part 4 - Expressions and equations (11 questions).
Each question yields one point. A student will pass the test when the score is 30 or more. Using a calculator is not allowed!
Testing methods and duration of the Economics and Accounting test
The exam will take place on campus if possible. Duration: 2 hours. The exam will consist of 50 multiple choice questions.
To prepare for the Algebra test you can use the following course book:
- Schaum's Outline of Elementary Algebra (Any Edition)
authors: Barnett Rich & Philip A. Schmidt
Price: 22.50 euro
Paperback 400 Pages McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
Examples Algebra test(opent in nieuw venster)
To prepare for the Accounting test you may use one of the following text books:
- Accounting an Introduction by Atrill and McLaney
- Principles of Accounting by Needles, Powers, Anderson
You should have a basic understanding of financial statements, how these relate to one another and the basic rules of preparing them. Relevant topics from management accounting include cost-volume-profit relationships, budgeting, break-even analysis and knowledge of different cost terms.
To prepare for the Economics part of the exam you may use the following text book:
- Economics by Parkin, Powell and Matthews
Relevant topics to be studied include:
- Demand and supply;
- Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly;
- Elasticities
- Infation;
- Unemployment;
- Business cycle and economic growth;
You don’t have to buy the most recent editions of these books. Topics mentioned can be found in any edition.
The use of a calculator is permitted, but not a graphic calculator.
Example of economics and accounting test(opent in nieuw venster)
Any grade equal to or above 5.5 is considered to be a pass.