MathifyMe: Game-based learning
1 december 2024 - 31 oktober 2027

Math skills are essential for success in today's knowledge-driven economy, yet many students experience math anxiety (MA). MathifyMe aims to address this issue by fostering positive attitudes towards math and improving teaching/learning approaches.
A customizable digital game is being developed to raise awareness about MA and provide effective learning support for students struggling with MA. The game is designed for use by math teachers in primary and middle schools and its’ development follows an iterative process of creation, testing, and refinement based on continuous input from students and teachers. A needs analysis informs the game's co-design, identifying the causes of math anxiety and effective intervention strategies.
The digital game and the teacher professional development will be developed in close connection with students and teachers from primary and middle school in the countries of the project partners.
Expected results
Digital game: a customizable digital game to support students struggling with math anxiety (MA) in primary and middle schools.
Training: Professional development program that prepares teachers to utilize and customize the MathifyMe game for their classrooms.
Best practices guide: The project will disseminate research findings to teachers through a report and an illustrated best practices guide, detailing the causes, consequences, and solutions for math anxiety detailing the causes, consequences, and solutions for math anxiety.
By fostering positive attitudes towards math and improving teaching/learning approaches, MathifyMe seeks to reduce MA and empower learners.
- Sonia Palha (principal researcher:
- Léon Imanuel
- Daan van Smaalen
- Anders Bouwer
- Karel Millenaar
- Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK), Pori, Finland
- Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (UNITO), Croatia
- University of Malta (UoM), Msida, Malta
- Scholé, Matosinhos, Portugal
Erasmus+ KA220-SCH
The MathifyMe project contributes with theoretical and practical knowledge about learning and teaching with games in STEM education, which is one of the program lines of the Lectoraat Didactiek van de Betavakken.