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TransEET (Transforming Education with Emergent Technologies)

1 januari 2023 - 31 december 2025

Personen aan het werk.

The TransEET project aims to establish a sustainable network between research labs that will enable a strategic program leading to the co-design, implementation and outreach of innovative educational solutions with emerging technologies at an equal pace and range across the project partners.


In this project we develop and use a new method for desiging education with emergent technologies: the  'Co.F.E.' methode, which comprises the following elements:

  •  creating Communities of Interest involving diverse members engaged in complementary joint enterprises (CoI)
  •  generating home-grown technologies affording a dense flow of useable rapid prototypes (FRP)
  •  augmenting the CoI research actors' hybrid expertise to meet the interdisciplinary necessity to address this research field (AHE).



  • The Educational Technology Lab, University of Athens, Greece (leading partner), 
  • Smart EducationLab, Faculty of Education, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, England
  • University of Turin, Turin
  • Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Project team at AUAS

Sonia Palha (coordinator), Anders Bouwer, Bert Bredeweg, Daan van Smaalen, Erwin Craasbeek, Leon Immanuel


  • Sonia Palha
  • Bert Bredeweg
Bezoek het lectoraat Didactiek van de Bètavakken voor meer informatie