dr. ir. P. Wiggers (Pascal)
Lector Responsible ITPascal Wiggers is per 1 april 2024 lector van het lectoraat Responsible IT bij de faculteit Digitale Media & Creatieve Industrie (FDMCI). Het lectoraat Responsible IT onderzoekt hoe digitale technologie, en in het bijzonder AI, kunnen vormgeven en gebruiken vanuit maatschappelijke waarden, zoals autonomie, inclusie, diversiteit en menselijke waardigheid. Ook ontwerpt en ontwikkelt het lectoraat algoritmes, prototypes en ontwikkelmethodologieën om de individuele, ethische en sociale impact van technologie te begrijpen. Dit doet het lectoraat aan hand van concrete vraagstukken uit de praktijk, in nauwe samenwerking met burgers, programmeurs, ontwerpers, activisten, professionals, ambtenaren, studenten en docenten.
Voor zijn aanstelling als lector was Wiggers associate lector Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI), onderdeel van het lectoraat Responsible IT. In deze positie richtte Wiggers zich op het ontwikkelen van AI vanuit publieke waarden, met oog voor de individuele, sociale en ethische consequenties van AI. Dit was de eerste keer dat de Hogeschool van Amsterdam een associate lector benoemde.
Wiggers is in 2008 gepromoveerd aan de TU Delft op het proefschrift “Modelling Context in Automatic Speech Recognition” en was aan dezelfde universiteit werkzaam als universitair docent, waar hij, samen met zijn promovendi, onderzoek deed naar machine learning, automatisch herkenning van spraak, taal en emotie en naar methoden om te reflecteren op waarden tijdens het ontwerp- en ontwikkelproces van digitale technologie.
Wiggers was kwartiermaker van het HvA-brede Centre of Expertise Applied Artificial Intelligence en mede-initiatiefnemer van de Master Applied Artificial Intelligence. Hij is een van de initatiefnemers van het AI, Media & Democracy ELSA Lab, lid van het strategieteam van Amsterdam AI en lid van de Graduate Committee van de Professional Doctorate Techniek & Digitalisering.
Improving Book Search with AI
Bašić, S., Fuckner, M., & Wiggers, P. (2024). Improving Book Search with AI. Poster session presented at ICT Open 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Uncovering bias in ASR systems
Fuckner, M., Horsman, S., Janssen, I., & Wiggers, P. (2024). Uncovering bias in ASR systems: Evaluating the performance of Wav2vec2 and Whisper for Dutch speakers. Poster session presented at 2nd Dutch Speech Tech Day , Hilversum, Netherlands.
Preface – Second Workshop on Responsible Applied Artificial InTelligence (RAAIT)
van Dierendonck, R., Fuckner, M., Harbers, M., Horsman, S., van der Horst, T., Kok, F., Leijnen, S., Peeters, M., Robben, S., & Wiggers, P. (2024). Preface – Second Workshop on Responsible Applied Artificial InTelligence (RAAIT). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3825, 180-182. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3825/
Reducing Bias in the ASR 'Whisper' Model: A Synthetic Speech Data Approach
Wiggers, P., & Hensen, L. (2023). Reducing Bias in the ASR 'Whisper' Model: A Synthetic Speech Data Approach. Poster session presented at BNAIC 2023, Delft, Netherlands.
DRAMA – Op weg naar inclusieve spraakherkenning
Horsman, S., Fuckner, M., & Wiggers, P. (2023). DRAMA – Op weg naar inclusieve spraakherkenning. Web publication or website, RAAIT. https://raait.nl/kennisbank/inclusieve-spraakherkenning/
Exploring Responsible AI Practices in Dutch Media Organizations
Wiggers, P. (2023). Exploring Responsible AI Practices in Dutch Media Organizations. In J. Abdelnour Nocera, M. Kristín Lárusdóttir, H. Petrie, A. Piccinno, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023 - 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14145 (Vol. 14145, pp. 481-485). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 14145 LNCS). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42293-5_58
Impact van intelligente technologie op onderwijs
Piersma, N., & Wiggers, P. (2023). Impact van intelligente technologie op onderwijs. Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://openresearch.amsterdam/nl/page/94273/impact-van-intelligente-technologie-in-het-onderwijs
Explainable Misinformation Detection from Text: A Critical Look
Bašić, S., Fuckner, M., & Wiggers, P. (2023). Explainable Misinformation Detection from Text: A Critical Look. In T. Calders, C. Vens, J. Lijffijt, & B. Goethals (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 34th Joint Benelux Conference, BNAIC/Benelearn 2022, Mechelen, Belgium, November 7–9, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 1-15). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 1805). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-39144-6_1
Uncovering Bias in ASR Systems
Fuckner, M., Horsman, S., Wiggers, P., & Janssen, I. (2023). Uncovering Bias in ASR Systems: Evaluating Wav2vec2 and Whisper for Dutch speakers. Paper presented at 2023 International Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD), Bucharest, Romania. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10314895
Explainable misinformation detection from text
Bašić, S., Fuckner, M., & Wiggers, P. (2022). Explainable misinformation detection from text: a critical look. Poster session presented at BNAIC/BeNeLearn 2022, Mechelen, Belgium.
The Bubble Machine: An agent-based modelling tool to analyse the interplay between cognitive preferences, social network interactions and algorithmic curation
Fuckner, M., Bašić, S., Wiggers, P., Westplat, Y., van Kersbergen, R., & Firouzifard, I. (2022). The Bubble Machine: An agent-based modelling tool to analyse the interplay between cognitive preferences, social network interactions and algorithmic curation. 1-3. Abstract from BNAIC/BeNeLearn 2022, Mechelen, Belgium. https://bnaic2022.uantwerpen.be/wp-content/uploads/BNAICBeNeLearn_2022_submission_1650.pdf
Algorithm curation and the emergence of filter bubbles
Fuckner, M., Bašić, S., & Wiggers, P. (2022). Algorithm curation and the emergence of filter bubbles: an agent-based modelling approach. Poster session presented at AI, media & democracy lab, opening event, Amsterdam.
Als de machine kiest
de Zwart, H., & Wiggers, P. (2022). Als de machine kiest: diversiteit en inclusie in kunstmatige intelligentie voor werving en selectie. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Algorithm curation and the emergence of filter bubbles
Fuckner, M., Bašić, S., & Wiggers, P. (2022). Algorithm curation and the emergence of filter bubbles: an ABM approach. Abstract from ICT.OPEN 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Exploring Bias in Data and Models for Misinformation Detection from Text
Bašić, S., Fuckner, M., & Wiggers, P. (2022). Exploring Bias in Data and Models for Misinformation Detection from Text. Abstract from ICT.OPEN 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Large Cone Beam CT SCan Image Quality Improvement Using a Deep Learning U-Net Model
Ruhe, J., Codreanu, V., & Wiggers, P. (2020). Large Cone Beam CT SCan Image Quality Improvement Using a Deep Learning U-Net Model. Paper presented at BNAIC / BeneLearn 2020, Leiden, Netherlands. https://bnaic.liacs.leidenuniv.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/papers/BNAICBENELEARN_2020_Final_paper_77.pdf
Responsible Design of Technical Applications of AI
Wiggers, P., Pauwels, E., & Piersma, N. (2020). Responsible Design of Technical Applications of AI. 1-4. Paper presented at NordiCHI 2020, Talinn, Estonia.
The Hipper Therapeutics Platform
Oey, M., Bondietti, S., Haitjema, S., Wiggers, P., & Nait Aicha, A. (2018). The Hipper Therapeutics Platform. Software, Hipper Therapeutics. http://www.hipperacademy.nl
sensor monitoring system tbv Hipper
Nait Aicha, A., Haitjema, S., & Wiggers, P. (2016). sensor monitoring system tbv Hipper. Digital or Visual Products https://www.hippertx.nl
Managing Flexible Care With a Context Aware System for Ageing-In-Place
Robben, S., Bosch, L., Wiggers, P., Decancq, J., & Kanis, M. (2015). Managing Flexible Care With a Context Aware System for Ageing-In-Place. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications, 15(5), Article e1. https://doi.org/10.4108/icst.pervasivehealth.2015.259229
Care4Balance Report on final evaluation Care4Balance prototype
Jacobs, A., Decancq, J., Coppens, P., Versteeg, L., Wüthrich, M., Andrushevich, A., Wiggers, P., Robben, S., & Nemhe, Z. (2015). Care4Balance Report on final evaluation Care4Balance prototype. iMinds.
Integrating meta-Information into recurrent neural network language models
Shi, Y., Larson, M., Pelemans, J., Jonker, C. M., Wambacq, P., Wiggers, P., & Demuynck, K. (2015). Integrating meta-Information into recurrent neural network language models. Speech Communication, 73(October), 64-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2015.06.006
Managing Flexible Care With a Context Aware System for Ageing-In-Place
Robben, S., Bosch, L., Wiggers, P., Decancq, J., & Kanis, M. (2015). Managing Flexible Care With a Context Aware System for Ageing-In-Place. In B. Arnrich, C. Ersoy, A. Dey, K. Kunze, & N. Berthouze (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth): PervasiveHealth 2015 ICST. https://doi.org/10.4108/icst.pervasivehealth.2015.259229
Na heupoperatie thuis revalideren
Wiggers, P. (2015). Na heupoperatie thuis revalideren. Sfeer, 4(3).
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