L.A. Taylor (Louise)
Promovendus, docent-onderzoeker, cluster TalenLouise Taylor is a teacher educator and researcher at the Faculty of Education. She has been working at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences since 2014 where she is involved with the training of preservice teachers working towards obtaining a Bachelor of Education. Having lived and worked extensively abroad, Louise brings some of that experience to her teaching and research and in her contacts with young people at the AUAS.
Background & research
Louise studied in the U.K., Belgium and the Netherlands where she obtained her postgraduate teaching diplomas for teaching foreign languages to children between the ages of 4 and 18. Having worked at international, primary, secondary and vocational schools, she made the move in 2000 to primary and secondary school preservice teacher education (in combination with secondary school teaching). Louise was a board member and later chair of the primary school teachers of English association (Vedocep) and a board member of the national association for language teachers (Levende Talen).
Louise’s research focuses on feedback practices in preservice teacher placement. In this, she combines current knowledge and understanding of performance feedback using modern technology with her passion for ensuring teachers enter and remain in the profession equipped with the skills, knowledge and belief in themselves. For more information on aspects of this research, please click here: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/38ZSW.
Please feel free to contact Louise if you are interested in any of the following:
- Information on or organisation of eCoaching for (preservice) teachers
- Professional development for language teachers in primary, secondary or vocational education.
Careful Whisper:
Taylor, L. A., Fukkink, R. G., Oostdam, R. J., & van Beuningen, C. G. (Accepted/In press). Careful Whisper: Using eCoaching and a Feedback Taxonomy to Provide Practicum Feedback for Preservice Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education.
Improving the Pedagogical Skills of PASS Leaders on the Job with Synchronous Feedback
Taylor, L. A., & Dekker, I. (Accepted/In press). Improving the Pedagogical Skills of PASS Leaders on the Job with Synchronous Feedback: A Feasibility Study. Teaching & Learning Inquiry.
Standardising coaching of preservice teachers in the classroom
Taylor, L., Oostdam, R., & Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Standardising coaching of preservice teachers in the classroom: development and trial of the Synchronous Online Feedback Tool (SOFT). Teaching and Teacher Education, 117, Article 103780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2022.103780
Engels op de lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs, een vak op zoek naar status
Corda, A., Taylor, L., & van der Lubbe, M. (2022). Engels op de lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs, een vak op zoek naar status. Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 43(1), 5-15. https://registratiesite.brlo.nl/CMS/RPP/Organizations/1/Shops/1/Media/2/Items/3/00001702T9Y527Y4/TVL2022-1-1.pdf