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“Think. It’s not illegal.” – Unknown.

Dr. Swiecinski joined the Amsterdam School of International Business in the spring of 2015 as an instructor of Business English and a supervisor, and assessor of theses for the International Business and Languages programme. In the Fall 2015, he was proud to be appointed Associate Professor in Business and Languages.

The inter-linguistic and inter-cultural encounters experienced on a day-to-day basis at the Amsterdam School of International Business are a source of inspiration for Dr. Swiecinski. He feels that the extremely unique international character of AMSIB is what makes it such an enjoyable and exciting environment to work in.

Prior to joining AMSIB, Dr. Swiecinski worked part time in the Marketing department teaching Business English, in addition to lecturing at the University of Amsterdam. After spending nearly a year of commuting every week between positions in Amsterdam and Mary Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland, he decided to make the move to the Netherlands.

An expert in linguistics and TOEFL, Dr. Swiecinski has an extensive background at Mary Curie-Sklodowska University, where he received his Master’s in English Language and Literature/Letters in 2000, and eventually his PhD in English Linguistics and General Linguistics in 2013. In addition to this, he spent ten years as a research associate for the Department of Phonetics and Phonology and was eventually promoted to adjunct professor. Dr. Swiecinski has conducted extensive research in the fields of English didactics, phonetics and phonology, and speech therapy.


  • Recent Developments in Applied Phonetics. 2014. (co-editor) Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.

Articles and book chapters:

  • (accepted for publication) Articulatory Studies of the Polish Sound System (with Anita Lorenc). In: Logopedia.
  • Lorenc, A., R Swiecinski, D. Król. 2015. Assessment of Sound Laterality with the Use of a Multi-Channel Recorder. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. 895.1-5.
  • Król, D., A. Lorenc, R. Swiecinski. 2015. Detecting Laterality and Nasality in Speech with the Use of a Multi-Channel Recorder. In: Proceedings of the 40 th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2015. IEEE: Brisbane, Australia. 5147 – 5151.
  • Święciński, R. 2014. Phonetic characteristics of the palatal glide in Polish and their phonological implications. In: E. Cyran and J. Szpyra-Kozłowska [eds.] Crossing Phonetics-Phonology Lines. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Lorenc, A., R. Święciński. 2014. Application of phonetics in speech therapy: a case of abnormally convex tongue setting in Polish. In: J. Szpyra-Kozłowska et al. [eds.] Recent Developments in Applied Phonetics. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. 287-324.
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska, J. S. Stasiak, R. Święciński. 2014. On the teachability of English allophonic distinctions to intermediate Polish learners In: J. Szpyra-Kozłowska et al. Recent Developments in Applied Phonetics. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. 217-238.
  • Święciński, R. 2013. An EMA study of articulatory settings in Polish speakers of English. In: Waniek-Klimczak, Ewa; Shockey, Linda R. [eds.] Teaching and Researching English Accents in Native and Non-native Speakers. Heidelberg: Springer Publications. 73-82.
  • Gonet, W., Szpyra-Kozłowska, J., Święciński, R . 2013. Acquiring angma – the velar nasal in advanced learners’ English. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak and L. R. Shockey [eds.] Teaching and Researching English Accents in Native and Non-native speech. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 49-58.
  • Święciński, R., W. Gonet. 2012. More On the Voicing of English Obstruents: Voicing Retention vs. Voicing Loss. Research in Language, vol. 12.2. 183-199.
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska, J., W. Gonet, R. Święciński. 2010. Clashes with ashes. In: Waniek-Klimczak, E.[ed.]. Issues in Accents of English 2. Variability and Norm..Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 213-232.
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska, J. W. Gonet, R. Święciński. 2010. The acquisition of vowel reduction by Polish students of English. In: Waniek-Klimczak, E. [ed.] Issues in Accents of English 2. Variability and Norm. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 291-308.
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska, J., W. Gonet, R. Święciński. 2010. Unstressed unreduced English vowels in the speech of Polish students. In: Waniek-Klimczak, E. [ed.] Issues in Accents of English 2. Variability and Norm. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 341-360.
  • Trochymiuk, A., Święciński R. 2009. ‘Wymowa grzbietowa. Studium przypadku.’ (Dorsal articulation. A case study.) Logopedia. Tom 38. Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne.
  • Święciński, R. 2006. ‘Teaching English articulatory setting features to Polish students of English – a study of phonation.’ In: Sobkowiak, W. and E. Waniek-Klimczak [eds.] Dydaktyka fonetyki języka obcego w Polsce. Konin: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Koninie. 203-215.
  • Święciński, R. 2006. ‘The Value of Phonetics in Phonology’. In: R. Wolny [ed.] Kultura, Literatura, Język. Zeszyty Wszechnicy Świętokrzyskiej. Wydawnictwo Wszechnicy Świętokrzyskiej w Kielcach. 177-189.
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska, J., J. Frankiewicz, R. Święciński. 2006. ‘The Language Laboratory and Modern Pronunciation Pedagogy.’ W: Neofilologia. Tom 8. 285-304.
  • Trochymiuk, A., R. Święciński. 2004. „Symbole podstawowej transkrypcji Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Fonetycznego (IPA) i jej rozszerzenia (ExtIPA).” (Symbols of the IPA transcription and its extensions ExtIPA ). Audiofonologia. Tom 25. 97-114.
  • Święciński, R. 2004. ‘Articulatory Setting in Polish and its Implications for Teaching English Pronunciation to Poles.’ In: Zeszyt Naukowy Instytutu Neofilologii (3), Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Koninie. 1/2004 (4). 141-150.
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska Jolanta, Justyna Frankiewicz, Wiktor Gonet, Radosław Święciński, Marta Nowacka, Lidia Bąk, Iwona Chaber, Grzegorz Pietroń. 2003. „Komponent fonetyczny w podręcznikach przygotowujących do egzaminów Cambridge (FCE, CAE, CPE).” (The phonetic component in handbooks for Cambridge exams FCE, CAE, CPE) Zeszyt Naukowy Instytutu Neofilologii;. Konin: Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa. Tom 2. 137-144
  • Szpyra-Kozłowska Jolanta, Nowacka Marta, Bąk Lidia, Chaber Iwona i Radosław Święciński. 2003. „Priorytety w nauczaniu fonetyki języka angielskiego –1.” (Priorities in teaching English phonetics - 1) Dydaktyka Fonetyki Języka Obcego. Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ w Płocku. Tom 5. 2003. 211-223
  • Gonet, W., Święciński R. 2002. Speech Lab @ Work and @ Home. Speech and Language Technology 6. Poznań. 57-79.
  • Święciński, R. 2002. „Ślepa prawda – O ewaluacji pracy nauczyciela.” (The blind truth. On the evaluation of an educator’s work). In: W. Gonet, H. Kardela [red.] Badania naukowe. Zeszyt 1. Kielce: Wydawnictwo WSU. 101-112.
  • Święciński, R. 2000. Vowel Retraction Before Dark /l/. In: Janusz Golec [ed.], Lubelskie materiały neofilologiczne 24. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS. 109-129.