S.M.C. Niederer (Sabine)
Lector Visual MethodologiesDr. Sabine Niederer is per 4 juli 2017 benoemd tot lector Visual Methodologies. Het lectoraat Visual Methodologies binnen de faculteit Digitale Media en Creatieve Industrie (FDMCI) ontwikkelt visuele methoden voor praktijkgericht onderzoek naar maatschappelijke kwesties en debatten. Het lectoraat richt zich op de rol van beeld in de digitale cultuur en media, en maakt zelf beeldmateriaal dat als ‘tool voor onderzoek’ wordt gebruikt.
Tot januari 2018 vervulde Sabine Niederer de functie van algemeen manager van CREATE-IT applied research (nu kenniscentrum FDMCI) aan de HvA. Ze is ook coördinator van het Digital Methods Initiative, het nieuwe media-PhD-programma van Mediastudies aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Daarnaast is zij programmamanager bij ARIAS, een onderzoeksplatform dat academisch en artistiek onderzoek samenbrengt.
Voor haar PHD-onderzoek aan de UvA ontwikkelde Niederer methoden en tools voor de analyse van webcontent, waarbij de technische context (Technicity) onderdeel van de analyse is. Ze onderzocht de klimaatcontroverse op het web met bijzondere aandacht voor bots op Twitter en Wikipedia, die Tweets en Wikipedia-artikelen produceren over klimaatverandering (www.digitalmethods.net).
Vanaf 2004 tot 2012 werkte Niederer bij het lectoraat Netwerkcultuur, waar ze verschillende publicaties en events coördineerde, zoals Urban Screens, A Decade of Webdesign, Video Vortex, de serie INC Reader en Network Notebooks (www.networkcultures.org).
In 2011 was Niederer visiting scholar aan de Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Niederer gaf daarnaast les in (nieuwe) mediatheorie aan de HvA, UvA, Universiteit Utrecht en Willem de Kooning Academie en maakte verschillende exposities en programma's over nieuwe mediakunst en digitale cultuur. Zij is als curator verbonden aan Impakt Online (www.impakt.nl).
The Symbiotic City
de Gaetano, C. A. M., Niederer, S. M. C., & Dockett, A. C. (2024). The Symbiotic City: Expo at ARTIS-Groote Museum. Exhibition https://www.artis.nl/nl/ontdek/nieuws/2024/06/25/symbiotic-city/
Climate futures
Sánchez Querubín, N., & Niederer, S. (2024). Climate futures: machine learning from cli-fi. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 30(1), 285-303. https://doi.org/10.1177/13548565221135715
Making Waves #2
Fernández Mora, M. (Ed.), De Gaetano, C., Yilmaz, M., Armin, J., Piña, A., Niederer, S. M. C., Cull Ó Maoilearca , L., De Vries, P., & Dockett, A. C. (2024). Making Waves #2. Visual Methodologies Collective. https://research.rietveldsandberg.nl/files/p/opt.70.making_waves_zine_2compressed2.pdf
Synthetic Aesthetics
de Gaetano, C. A. M., Niederer, S. M. C., & Aiello, G. (2024). Synthetic Aesthetics: AI-generated photos and their lives on Instagram. https://www.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/WinterSchool2024AIphotography
What is an inclusive city? Reconfiguring participation in planning with geospatial photovoice to unpack experiences of urban belonging among marginalised communities
Burgos-Thorsen, S., Niederer, S., & Madsen, A. K. (2024). What is an inclusive city? Reconfiguring participation in planning with geospatial photovoice to unpack experiences of urban belonging among marginalised communities. Visual Studies, 39(1-2), 144-163. https://doi.org/10.1080/1472586X.2023.2261897
Who is included? A Mapping of inclusive fashion on Instagram
De Gaetano, C., & Niederer, S. (2023). Who is included? A Mapping of inclusive fashion on Instagram. In D. Reynders, & M. G. Cyr (Eds.), FASHION+ : Inclusive Articulations and Practices in Design, Communication & Development (pp. 112-129). Academic & Scientific Publishers (ASP) .
The Urban Belonging Photo App: A toolkit for studying place attachments with digital and participatory methods
Madsen, A. K., Burgos-Thorsen, S., De Gaetano, C., Ehn, D., Groen, M., Niederer, S., Norsk, K., & Simonsen, T. (2023). The Urban Belonging Photo App: A toolkit for studying place attachments with digital and participatory methods. Methodological Innovations, 16(3), 292-314. https://doi.org/10.1177/20597991231185351
Lesgeven over zeespiegelstijging
Bosschaart, A., & Niederer, S. (2023). Lesgeven over zeespiegelstijging: verbeelding als middel tegen het doemdenken. Tijdschrift Milieu, 2023(september), 10-12.
Prompting for biodiversity: visual research with generative AI
Colombo, G., De Gaetano, C., & Niederer, S. (2023). Prompting for biodiversity: visual research with generative AI. Web publication or website, The Digital Methods Initiative. https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/PromptingForBiodiversity
Design voor dialoog over zeespiegelstijging
Verouden, N. W., Dockett, A. C., Niederer, S. M. C., de Gaetano, C. A. M., & Bessembinder, J. J. E. (2023). Design voor dialoog over zeespiegelstijging. Exhibition
How did I end up here? Advocating for situated media literacy
de Vos, J. M., Witschge, T. A. C., & Niederer, S. M. C. (2023). How did I end up here? Advocating for situated media literacy. 35. Abstract from MISDOOM.
Innovatie in de culturele en creatieve sector: Onderzoek naar ervaringen en opbrengsten van zestien Innovatielabs-projecten
van Andel, W. V., van den Eijnde, J., Niederer, S., Rutten, P., Geboers, M., Huiskens, L., Verouden, N., & Wijnterp, L. (2023). Innovatie in de culturele en creatieve sector: Onderzoek naar ervaringen en opbrengsten van zestien Innovatielabs-projecten. Innovatielabs.
Making Waves
Andreatta, I., Armin, J., Cull Ó Maoilearca , L., De Gaetano, C., Dockett, A., Fernández, M., Groene, M., Niederer, S. (Ed.), Pinheiro, F., Prins, L., Rege Turo, L., Spierenburg, K., & de Vries, P. (2023). Making Waves. Artefact, Visual Methodologies Collective. https://flowpaper.com/online-pdf-viewer/?theme=dark&pdf=https://visualmethodologies.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/makingwaves1_apr_2023.pdf&wp-hosted=1&title=&header=&singlepage=auto&thumbs=1&modified=2306141208#page=1
The earnest platform
Niederer, S., & Colombo, G. (2023). The earnest platform: U.S. presidential candidates, COVID-19, and social issues on Instagram. In R. Rogers (Ed.), The propagation of misinformation in social media: a cross-platform analysis (pp. 139-163). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.1231864
The media ecology of weight loss on TikTok, Instagram and Telegram
de Gaetano, C. A. M., Niederer, S. M. C., & de Vos, J. M. (2023). The media ecology of weight loss on TikTok, Instagram and Telegram: A networked media mapping of weight loss. https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/WinterSchool2023NetworkedMediaLiteracy
Urban belonging toolkit
Groen, M. N., de Gaetano, C. A. M., & Niederer, S. M. C. (2022). Urban belonging toolkit. Software
Engaged Research-Led Teaching: Composing Collective Inquiry with Digital Methods and Data
Gray, J., Bounegru, L., Rogers, R., Venturini, T., Ricci, D., Meunier, A., Mauri, M., Niederer, S., Sánchez Querubín, N., Tuters, M., Kimbell, L., & Munk, A. K. (2022). Engaged Research-Led Teaching: Composing Collective Inquiry with Digital Methods and Data. Digital Culture & Education, 14(3), 55-86. https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/volume-143-papers/gray-etal-2022
A Rising Ocean
de Gaetano, C. A. M., Niederer, S. M. C., & Pearce, W. (2022). A Rising Ocean: Mapping the imagination and presentation of sea-level rise on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/SummerSchool2022ARisingOcean
Civic Empowerment Toolbox - Cahier C: Civic Media to shape citizen empowerment
Groen, M., Niederer, S., Bardelli, F., & Schouten, B. (2022). Civic Empowerment Toolbox - Cahier C: Civic Media to shape citizen empowerment. Jap Sam Books.
Turning to the Birds
Sánchez Querubín, N., & Niederer, S. (2022). Turning to the Birds: Walking with Climate Fiction. Kunstlicht, 43(2/3), 16-23. https://tijdschriftkunstlicht.nl/algorhythms-living-in-and-out-of-sync-with-technology/
All Gone: Co-authoring climate imaginaries with AI
De Gaetano, C., Dockett, A., & Niederer, S. (2021). All Gone: Co-authoring climate imaginaries with AI. Exhibition, Visual Methodologies Collective. https://www.artistsforplants.com/alberoni
Diseña 19 | Visual Methods for Online Images: Collection, Circulation, and Machine Co-Creation Intro
Colombo, G., & Niederer, S. (2021). Diseña 19 | Visual Methods for Online Images: Collection, Circulation, and Machine Co-Creation Intro. Diseña, 19, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.19.Intro
Making sustainability work
Bogers, L., Kloppenburg, I., Maldini, I., Nachtigall, T., Oskamp, O., Vlaanderen, A., de Wit, A., van Woerden, A., van Zeijl, M., Niederer, S. (Ed.), & de Gaetano, C. (Ed.) (2021). Making sustainability work: critical making in collaboration with nature. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Feminist data practices
Niederer, S., & Colombo, G. (2021). Feminist data practices: conversations with Catherine D’Ignazio, Lauren Klein, and Maya Livio. (Diseña ; Vol. 19). School of Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. http://ojs.uc.cl/index.php/Disena/article/view/41545/33485
Mapping microplastics
Bardelli, F., De Gaetano, C., Groen, M., Meys, W., & Niederer, S. (2021). Mapping microplastics: hybrid workshop wrap up, Visual Methodologies Collective. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Turning to the Birds
Niederer, S., Dockett, A., De Gaetano, C., & Clarke, K. (Eds.) (2021). Turning to the Birds: Episode 5: Machine learning from cli-fi, listening with Sabine Niederer, Andy Dockett & Carlo De Gaetano. In J. Boomgaard, K. Clarke, & N. Scholts (Eds.), Hinterlands: How to do transdisciplinarity? (pp. 46-59). ARIAS.
Confronting bias in the online representation of pregnancy
Bogers, L., Niederer, S., Bardelli, F., & De Gaetano, C. (2020). Confronting bias in the online representation of pregnancy. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(5-6), 1037-1059. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354856520938606
The Politics of Social Media Manipulation
Rogers, R., & Niederer, S. (Eds.) (2020). The Politics of Social Media Manipulation. Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1b0fvs5, https://doi.org/10.5117/9789463724838
The circulation of political news on Twitter during the Dutch elections
Niederer, S., & Groen, M. (2020). The circulation of political news on Twitter during the Dutch elections. In R. Rogers, & S. Niederer (Eds.), The Politics of Social Media Manipulation (pp. 123-146). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1b0fvs5.6
Data in Beeld
Niederer, S. (2019). Data in Beeld: Visualisaties betrekken bewoners bij complexe processen. In S. Majoor, M. Poel, & M. de Waal (Eds.), Big data in een smart city: Verhalen uit een seminarreeks van het PMB Leerhuis (pp. 40-45). (Thematische seminarreeks PMB Leerhuis). Leerhuis/Projectmanagementbureau, Gemeente Amsterdam.
Visual Methodologies for Networked Images: Designing Visualizations for Collaborative Research, Cross-platform Analysis, and Public Participation
Niederer, S., & Colombo, G. (2019). Visual Methodologies for Networked Images: Designing Visualizations for Collaborative Research, Cross-platform Analysis, and Public Participation. Diseña, 14, 40-67. http://www.revistadisena.uc.cl/index.php/Disena/article/view/151
Niederer, S. (2019). CLICKNL 60": SABINE NIEDERER @ HOGESCHOOL VAN AMSTERDAM. Digital or Visual Products, CLICKNL. https://www.clicknl.nl/clicknl-60/sabine-niederer-hogeschool-van-amsterdam/
Networked Content Analysis
Niederer, S. (2019). Networked Content Analysis: The case of climate change. (1 ed.) (Theory on Demand; No. 32). Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Lectoraat Netwerkcultuur. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/tod32-networked-content-analysis-the-case-of-climate-change/
The social media life of climate change
Pearce, W., Niederer, S., Özkula, S. M., & Sánchez Querubín, N. (2018). The social media life of climate change: platforms, publics, and future imaginaries. WIREs Climate Change, 10(2), Article e569. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.569
Networked images
Niederer, S. (2018). Networked images: visual methodologies for the digital age. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
The Study of Networked Content: Five Considerations for Digital Research in the Humanities
Niederer, S. (2018). The Study of Networked Content: Five Considerations for Digital Research in the Humanities. In G. Schiuma, & D. Carlucci (Eds.), Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice (pp. 89-100). (Data Analytics Applications). CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b19744
Networked Content Analysis
Niederer, S. M. C. (2016). Networked Content Analysis: The Case of Climate Change. [Research HvA, graduation external, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. http://hdl.handle.net/11245/1.534737
Forensics and fashion
van Calmthout, M., Henseler, H., Daanen, H., Niederer, S., Meijer, G., & Eikelenboom, T. (Ed.) (2016). Forensics and fashion: de gevolgen van digitalisering voor forensisch onderzoek en de mode-industrie. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Niederer, S. M. C. (2016). Introduction: objects of citizen participation. In M. Denecke, A. Ganzert, I. Otto, & R. Stock (Eds.), ReClaiming participation: technology, mediation, collectivity (pp. 13-17). Transcript Verlag.
Smart Citizens
Niederer, S., & Priester, R. (2016). Smart Citizens: exploring the tools of the urban bottom-up movement. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 25(2-3), 137-152. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10606-016-9249-6
Meijer, G., & Niederer, S. (2016). Voorwoord. In T. Eikelenboom (Ed.), Forensics and fashion: de gevolgen van digitalisering voor forensisch onderzoek en de mode-industrie (pp. 2-3). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Wikipedia’s miracle
Niederer, S. M. C. (2016). Wikipedia’s miracle. In Lausanne: EPFL Press (pp. 53-61)
Deconstructing the cloud
Niederer, S., & Taudin Chabot, R. (2015). Deconstructing the cloud: responses to big data phenomena from social sciences, humanities and the arts. Big Data & Society, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/2053951715594635
Analyse van Citizen Empowerment Tools in Amsterdam
Priester, R., & Niederer, S. (2014). Analyse van Citizen Empowerment Tools in Amsterdam. Citizen Data Lab - University of Applied Science Amsterdam.
Wisdom of the crowd or technicity of content?
Niederer, S., & van Dijck, J. (2010). Wisdom of the crowd or technicity of content? Wikipedia as a sociotechnical system. New media & society, XX(X), 1-19.