R.H. Leighton (Rose) MSc
Promovendus Lectoraat Higher Education, Research and InnovationRose Leighton is sinds 2004 werkzaam als docent bij de opleiding Creative Business (Media, Informatie & Communicatie). Met haar achtergrond in de algemene uitgeverij introduceert ze studenten in de wereld van het boekenvak in de minor International Publishing. Ook geeft ze lessen in Tekstschrijven, Redactievaardigheden en Social Media Research, en is ze afstudeer-, stage- en studieloopbaanbegeleider.
Naast haar werkzaamheden als docent, is Rose bezig met haar promotieonderzoek binnen het lectoraat Higher Education, Research and Innovation. In haar promotieonderzoek richt ze zich op de manier waarop docenten in het hoger beroepsonderwijs omgaan met crossmediale studiematerialen, en hoe zij deze materialen selecteren, structureren en presenteren.
Rose heeft de bacheloropleiding Boekhandel & Uitgeverij (2001, Hogeschool van Amsterdam), de Lerarenopleiding Nederlands (2006, Hogeschool Windesheim) en de master Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (2011, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) afgerond.
Explaining Curational Behaviour
Leighton, R., Griffioen, D. M. E., & Elen, J. (2024). Explaining Curational Behaviour. Poster session presented at CHER 36th Annual Conference, Belval.
Lecturers’ curational behaviour in higher education
Leighton, R. H., & Griffioen, D. M. E. (2023). Lecturers’ curational behaviour in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives, 28(6), 1207-1226. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2021.1872530
The Book Fair Game: teaching international rights trading in a shared module
Leighton, R., Biesma, L., & Silk, P. (2022). The Book Fair Game: teaching international rights trading in a shared module. Paper presented at By the Book7 International conference of the European Publishing Studies Association, Paris, France.
Selecteren, structureren, presenteren
Leighton, R., Griffioen, D. M. E., & Elen, J. (2021). Selecteren, structureren, presenteren: hbo-docenten als curators van educational resources. Poster session presented at Onderws Research Dagen 2021, Utrecht, Netherlands.
A research design to capture lecturers' curational behaviour
Leighton, R. (2020). A research design to capture lecturers' curational behaviour. Digital or Visual Products, Hogeschool van Amsterdam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSjNhX-3Hx8
Lecturers as Curators of Educational Resources: A Literature Review
Leighton, R., & Griffioen, D. M. E. (2019). Lecturers as Curators of Educational Resources: A Literature Review. Paper presented at Higher Education Conference 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Designing an International Publishing minor: three universities, one goal
Schlüter, O., Leighton, R., Dorresteijn, M., & Phillips, A. (2019). Designing an International Publishing minor: three universities, one goal. Paper presented at By the Book, Florence, Italy.
Lecturers as curators of crossmedia resources: a literature review
Leighton, R., Griffioen, D. M. E., & Oostdam, R. (2019). Lecturers as curators of crossmedia resources: a literature review. Paper presented at International Conference on Textbooks and Educational Media , Odense, Denmark.
Lecturers’ curational abilities
Leighton, R., Griffioen, D., & Oostdam, R. (2018). Lecturers’ curational abilities: selecting & structuring educational resources in higher professional education. Poster session presented at International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen, Norway.
Teaching journalism in a virtual and cross-border learning environment: Opportunities, challenges, and didactical implications
Rinsdorf, L., Vaagan, R. W., & Leighton, R. (2018). Teaching journalism in a virtual and cross-border learning environment: Opportunities, challenges, and didactical implications. Poster session presented at Journalism across Borders, Ilmenau, Germany.
Selecting and structuring knowledge in an age of content abundance: curation from a teaching perspective
Leighton, R., & Griffioen, D. M. E. (2018). Selecting and structuring knowledge in an age of content abundance: curation from a teaching perspective. Paper presented at By the Book, Florence, Italy.
Developing International Projects in Virtual Learning Environments
Christensen, N., Leighton, R., & Rinsdorf, L. (2017). Developing International Projects in Virtual Learning Environments. Paper presented at The 23rd Global, Cross-Sector Conference on Technology, Supported Learning and Training: Online Educa Berlin 2017, Berlin, Germany.
Curating Learning Materials in a Hybrid Reader
Leighton, R. (2017). Curating Learning Materials in a Hybrid Reader. Paper presented at By the book conference: By the Book4, Florence, Italy.
Over auteurs en uitgevers in de 21ste eeuw
Mulder, R., & Leighton, R. (2016). Over auteurs en uitgevers in de 21ste eeuw. Boekman, 108, 28-31.
Skills for Publishing
Leighton, R., & Rasch, M. (2016). Skills for Publishing. Paper presented at By the Book, Florence, Italy.
Onderzoekssamenvatting: Kijk op Onderwijs
Leighton, R. (2016). Onderzoekssamenvatting: Kijk op Onderwijs: Onderzoek naar de meest effectieve vorm van studiemateriaal voor de hedendaagse student. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Experiential Learning in Publishing: From Amsterdam to Oxford
Leighton, R. (2015). Experiential Learning in Publishing: From Amsterdam to Oxford. Paper presented at By the Book2, Florence, Italy.
A Publishing Studies Museum: on Curatorship in Education
Leighton, R. H. (2014). A Publishing Studies Museum: on Curatorship in Education. Paper presented at By the Book, Florence, Italy. https://prezi.com/t9sirkr69vhz/a-publishing-studies-museum/?present=1
Not the tool, but the target: on designing e-learning tools
Leighton, R., & Devilee, B. (2012). Not the tool, but the target: on designing e-learning tools. Paper presented at Online Educa Berlin 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Ways of using eTextbooks in Higher Education
Leighton, R. (2011). Ways of using eTextbooks in Higher Education. Poster session presented at 18th international conference of the Association for Learning Technology, Leeds, United Kingdom. https://prezi.com/okeu3xnytqrk/alt-c-september-2011/?present=1
Docenten en hun voorkeuren: zijn studenten met één type leerstijl favoriet?
Leighton, R. (2009). Docenten en hun voorkeuren: zijn studenten met één type leerstijl favoriet? In J. Schoonenboom, W. van den Heuvel, R. Leighton, L. Dols, W. Visser, & S. van Steijn (Eds.), Kolb in de klas: vijf docenten in het hoger onderwijs onderzoeken de waarde van Kolbs leerstijlen voor hun eigen onderwijspraktijk (pp. 15-22). Onderwijscentrum VU.