A.C. Dockett (Andy)
The Symbiotic City
de Gaetano, C. A. M., Niederer, S. M. C., & Dockett, A. C. (2024). The Symbiotic City: Expo at ARTIS-Groote Museum. Exhibition https://www.artis.nl/nl/ontdek/nieuws/2024/06/25/symbiotic-city/
Making Waves #2
Fernandez Mora, M. (Ed.), De Gaetano, C., Yilmaz, M., Armin, J. E., Piña, A., Niederer, S. M. C., Cull Ó Maoilearca , L., De Vries, P., & Dockett, A. C. (2024). Making Waves #2. https://research.rietveldsandberg.nl/files/p/opt.70.making_waves_zine_2compressed2.pdf
Design voor dialoog over zeespiegelstijging
Verouden, N. W., Dockett, A. C., Niederer, S. M. C., de Gaetano, C. A. M., & Bessembinder, J. J. E. (2023). Design voor dialoog over zeespiegelstijging. Exhibition
Making Waves
Andreatta, I., Armin, J., Cull Ó Maoilearca , L., De Gaetano, C., Dockett, A., Fernández, M., Groene, M., Niederer, S. (Ed.), Pinheiro, F., Prins, L., Rege Turo, L., Spierenburg, K., & de Vries, P. (2023). Making Waves. Artefact, Visual Methodologies Collective. https://flowpaper.com/online-pdf-viewer/?theme=dark&pdf=https://visualmethodologies.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/makingwaves1_apr_2023.pdf&wp-hosted=1&title=&header=&singlepage=auto&thumbs=1&modified=2306141208#page=1
All Gone: Co-authoring climate imaginaries with AI
De Gaetano, C., Dockett, A., & Niederer, S. (2021). All Gone: Co-authoring climate imaginaries with AI. Exhibition, Visual Methodologies Collective. https://www.artistsforplants.com/alberoni
Pillars of Hope
Dockett, A. C., Groen, M. N., & Xu, D. (2021). Pillars of Hope. Design
Turning to the Birds
Niederer, S., Dockett, A., De Gaetano, C., & Clarke, K. (Eds.) (2021). Turning to the Birds: Episode 5: Machine learning from cli-fi, listening with Sabine Niederer, Andy Dockett & Carlo De Gaetano. In J. Boomgaard, K. Clarke, & N. Scholts (Eds.), Hinterlands: How to do transdisciplinarity? (pp. 46-59). ARIAS.