N. van Dijk (Nynke)
Understanding the effect of an educational intervention to optimize HIV testing strategies in primary care in Amsterdam – results of a mixed-methods study
Bogers, S., Nieuwkerk, P., van Dijk, N., Schim van der Loeff, M., Geerlings, S., & van Bergen, J. (2023). Understanding the effect of an educational intervention to optimize HIV testing strategies in primary care in Amsterdam – results of a mixed-methods study. BMC Primary Care, 24, Article 201. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-023-02161-y
Improving provider-initiated testing for HIV and other STI in the primary care setting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Bogers, S., van der Loeff, M. S., Boyd, A., van Dijk, N., Geerlings, S., & van Bergen, J. (2023). Improving provider-initiated testing for HIV and other STI in the primary care setting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: results from a multifaceted, educational intervention programme. PLoS ONE , 18(3), Article e0282607. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0282607
Ethnic minority GP trainees at risk for underperformance assessments
van Moppes, N. M., Willems, S., Nasori, M., Bont, J., Akkermans, R., van Dijk, N., van den Muijsenbergh, M., & Visser, M. (2023). Ethnic minority GP trainees at risk for underperformance assessments: a quantitative cohort study. BJGP Open, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.3399/BJGPO.2022.0082
Walking the line between assessment, improvement and learning
Van Der Winden, D., Van Dijk, N., Visser, M. R. M., & Bont, J. (2023). Walking the line between assessment, improvement and learning: a qualitative study on opportunities and risks of incorporating peer discussion of audit and feedback within quality improvement in general practice. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e066793. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066793
Office-Based Minor Surgery
van den Dool, H., Jochemsen-Van der Leeuw, R., & van Dijk, N. (2023). Office-Based Minor Surgery: An Ever-Increasing Challenge Not Only for the Dutch General Practitioner. Family Medicine, 55(1), 27-33. https://doi.org/10.22454/FamMed.55.740827
Implementation of motivational interviewing in the general practice setting
Boom, S. M., Oberink, R., Zonneveld, A. J. E., van Dijk, N., & Visser, M. R. M. (2022). Implementation of motivational interviewing in the general practice setting: a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care, 23(1), Article 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-022-01623-z
Views of breast cancer survivors on work participation guidance by general practitioners
Sarfo, M. C., van Asselt, K. M., Frings-Dresen, M. H., de Jong, F., van Dijk, N., & de Boer, A. G. E. M. (2022). Views of breast cancer survivors on work participation guidance by general practitioners: a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care, 23(1), Article 152. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-022-01768-x
Kenmerkende beroepsactiviteiten
Bonnie, L., Visser, M., Kramer, A., & van Dijk, N. (2022). Kenmerkende beroepsactiviteiten: geen toetsmiddel, wel een leermiddel. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 65(10), 28-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12445-022-1558-z
What are the characteristics of excellent physicians and residents in the clinical workplace? A systematic review
Khawar, A., Frederiks, F., Nasori, M., Mak, M., Visser, M., van Etten-Jamaludin, F., Diemers, A., & Van Dijk, N. (2022). What are the characteristics of excellent physicians and residents in the clinical workplace? A systematic review. BMJ Open, 12(9), Article e065333. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065333
Feasibility, and validity aspects of Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)-based assessment in general practice training
Bonnie, L. H. A., Nasori, M., Visser, M. R. M., Kramer, A. W. M., & van Dijk, N. (2022). Feasibility, and validity aspects of Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA)-based assessment in general practice training. Education for Primary Care, 33(2), 69-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2021.1951127
Longitudinal training models for entrusting students with independent patient care?
Bonnie, L. H. A., Cremers, G. R., Nasori, M., Kramer, A. W. M., & van Dijk, N. (2022). Longitudinal training models for entrusting students with independent patient care? A systematic review. Medical Education, 56(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.14607
Benefits of EPAs at risk? The influence of the workplace environment on the uptake of EPAs in EPA-based curricula
van Loon, K. A., Bonnie, L. H. A., van Dijk, N., & Scheele, F. (2021). Benefits of EPAs at risk? The influence of the workplace environment on the uptake of EPAs in EPA-based curricula. Perspectives on medical education, 10(4), 200-206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40037-021-00658-9
Rationale, design and initial results of an educational intervention to improve provider-initiated HIV testing in primary care
Bogers, S. J., Schim van der Loeff, M. F., van Dijk, N., Groen, K., Groot Buinderink, M. L., de Bree, G. J., Reiss, P., Geerlings, S. E., & van Bergen, J. EAM. (2021). Rationale, design and initial results of an educational intervention to improve provider-initiated HIV testing in primary care. Family Practice, 38(4), 441-447. https://doi.org/10.1093/fampra/cmaa139
Diagnostic yield and accuracy in a tertiary referral syncope unit validating the ESC guideline on syncope: a prospective cohort study
de Jong, J. S. Y., Snijders Blok, M. R., Thijs, R. D., Harms, M. P. M., Hemels, M. E. W., de Groot, J. R., van Dijk, N., & de Lange, F. J. (2020). Diagnostic yield and accuracy in a tertiary referral syncope unit validating the ESC guideline on syncope: a prospective cohort study. Europace. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/euaa345