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The Purchasing Behavior of Public Organizations

Publication - January 2016

This paper presents 3 studies on the purchasing behavior of public organizations and its impact on city logistics. The studies aimed to give insight into the transport volume related to the delivery of products and services at 3 key locations: a university in Newcastle, 2 academic institutions in Amsterdam, and the municipality of Rotterdam. Furthermore, the role of the public organisations as large receivers and promoters of sustainable transport is discussed.

The paper concludes that public organisations play a key role in the organisation and extent of city logistics planning, albeit they may not be making beneficial use of their impact. Key barriers are the lack of standardised logistics information in procurement information systems, and incentives that promote sustainable and efficient delivery among purchasers.

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City Logistics research group

Clean and sustainable cities are attractive places in which to live, work and invest. At the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the City Logistics research group is conducting practice-oriented research into opportunities for smart and clean city logistics.