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Decision-making in urban construction logistics

Publication - January 2016

Construction is necessary to create more attractive, sustainable, and economically viable urban areas. However, the transportation of construction-related goods and personnel can have negative impacts on the surrounding environment.

Multi-actor participatory decision-making in urban construction logistics 

A lack of early and accurate information on how the construction site and goods will be organized can lead to disputes and disruptions, which in turn harm both the construction process and the community.

This paper presents a method for evaluating alternative construction logistics measures in a multi-actor participatory setting. The method, using MAMCA software, was demonstrated in a role-playing scenario with 20 students from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

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City Logistics research group

Clean and sustainable cities are attractive places in which to live, work and invest. At the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the City Logistics research group is conducting practice-oriented research into opportunities for smart and clean city logistics.