Forensisch Onderzoek
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Introducing object-oriented modelling to cybercrime scripting
Publication - October 2024
Crime script analysis as a methodology to analyse criminal processes is underdeveloped. This is apparent from the various approaches in which scholars apply crime scripti...
Crime Scripting
Publicatie - september 2024
Het boek Crime Scripting is bedoeld voor wetenschappers, beleidsmakers, professionals en studenten die zich bezighouden met kennisontwikkeling over of de aanpak van crimi...
Male DNA on Female Worn Undergarments
Publication - August 2024
In cases of sexual assault, the interpretation of biological traces on clothing, and particularly undergarments, may be complex. This is especially so when the complainan...
Scenariogericht werken van plaats delict tot de rechtszaal
Publicatie - april 2024
Het strafdossier dat door het Openbaar Ministerie aan de rechter wordt voorgelegd, bestaat uit een reconstructie van vermeende strafbare feiten die hebben plaatsgevonden,...
Publication - January 2024
Crime scene investigations are highly complex environments that require the CSI to engage in complex decision-making. The following exploratory research project is compar...
De menselijke factor in forensisch onderzoek
Publicatie - januari 2024
De vierde druk van het handboek Politie is volledig vernieuwd en uitgebreid. Onderzoekers van de HvA droegen bij aan het hoofdstuk 'De menselijke factor in forensisch ond...
Impact of Pellet Size on Shotgun Spread
Publication - January 2024
This article is about the relationship between pellet size and shotgun dispersion patterns. When reconstructing a shooting incident with a shotgun, the muzzle-to-target d...
Van opsporing tot bewijsvoering
Publicatie - januari 2024
Het NFI bundelt in dit onderzoek de krachten met TU Delft en de Hogeschool van Amsterdam om te kijken naar de werkwijze van forensisch onderzoekers (FO’ers) op een plaats...
Criminal Investigations of Organised Crime
Publication - January 2024
Producing evidence that can be used in court is a central goal of criminal investigations. Forensic science focuses with considerable success on the production of pieces...
Criminal clickbait
Publication - December 2023
This article contains the results of a panel data analysis on the attractiveness of online advertisements offering stolen data. Few studies have examined the sales of sto...
Towards Onsite Age Estimation of Semen Stains
Publication - July 2023
The age estimation of biological traces is one of the holy grails in forensic investigations. We developed a method for the age estimation of semen stains using fluoresce...
Rapid DNA Analysis
Publication - April 2023
Technological innovations enable rapid DNA analysis implementation possibilities. Concordantly, rapid DNA devices are being used in practice. However, the effects of impl...
Forensic Body Fluid Identification
Publication - February 2023
This article discusses specific fluorescent signatures for body fluid identification using fluorescence spectroscopy. Non-invasive, rapid, on-site detection and identific...
Friction ridge impressions: activity level propositions
Publication - January 2023
Fingermarks have proven to play an important role in criminal investigations for identification purposes. However, in some cases, the donor of the fingermark is not dispu...
The Interpretation of Forensic Conclusions by Professionals and Students
Publication - 2023
Are professionals better at assessing the evidential strength of different types of forensic conclusions compared to students? In an online questionnaire, 96 crime invest...
What Are They Doing in the Dark?
Publication - 2023
This study is about police strategies and working methods in fighting crime on the Tor Network. The dark web is creating difficulties for traditional policing. Previous s...