Collaborative Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Duurzaam duurzaam
-Het project 'Duurzaam duurzaam' heeft tot doel de kloof te overbruggen tussen de intenties van mensen om duurzamer te leven en hun daadwerkelijke gedrag. Welke communicat...
-Het project Modelling Dynamic Lifecycle Impacts of Circular Procurement in Healthcare (MODLI) beoogt de transitie naar circulair inkopen in de gezondheidszorg te bevorder...
The image project
-In general, European urban peripheries have not had a positive reputation over the last decades. In contraposition with the liveliness of urban city centres, peripheral a...
SDG Barometer
-Waar staat Nederland, met de 2030 deadline voor het bereiken van de Sustainable Development Goals in zicht? De SDG Barometer geeft belangrijke inzichten in de adoptie en...
Collaborating with competitors for sustainability
-We have developed tools to assess and steer competitive tensions and to monitor the value creation and capture in multi-stakeholder collaborations. Orchestrators or other...
Collaborative networks for sustainability (Conesu)
-Collaborative networks are emerging rapidly as the preferred way of organizing to address urgent societal challenges such as persistent poverty, climate change and rapid...
The Alliance for Responsible Denim
-The Alliance for Responsible Denim (ARD) was a research project from the Collaborative Innovation & Entrepreneurship professorship at the Amsterdam University of Applied...