Ondersteuning voor kwetsbare jongeren in Amsterdam
E.J.L. van Dijck (Egbert-Jan)
Student agency
van Dijck, E. J. L., Meijer, M. J., Roest, T., van den Berg, F., & Kalkman, R. (2023). Student agency: a different paradigm for learning. In I. Ordóñez, P. Sustersic, L. Buck, H. Grierson, & E. Bohemia (Eds.), Responsible innovation for global co-habitation (pp. 655-660). The Design Society / Institution of Engineering Designers. https://doi.org/10.35199/EPDE.2023.110
Benutten datacenter restwarmte: casus Amstel III
Willems, E., van Dijck, E.-J., & Heller, R. (2021). Benutten datacenter restwarmte: casus Amstel III: Proces aanpak voor een gedragen oplossing in de gebouwde omgeving. https://rira-project.nl/publicaties/
An in depth analysis to understand barriers and identify solutions to delivery, and understand the routes of transition to 4DHC
Heller, R., van Dijck, E.-J., & Suurenbroek, F. (Ed.) (2020). An in depth analysis to understand barriers and identify solutions to delivery, and understand the routes of transition to 4DHC. Interreg, North-West Europe. https://guidetodistrictheating.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/HeatNet-NWE_Evaluation-Report_District-Heating.pdf
Practical guidelines for conducting a situational analysis at meso-level
van Dijck, E.-J., & Heller, R. (2020). Practical guidelines for conducting a situational analysis at meso-level: a framework and a practical process to support the transition of your city towards sustainability. Interreg, North-West Europe. https://guidetodistrictheating.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Guidelines-for-Conducting-a-Situational-Analysis_District-Heating.pdf
Progress towards 4DHC in different national and regional contexts
Heller, E. M. B., van Dijck, E. J. L., & Suurenbroek, F. (2019). Progress towards 4DHC in different national and regional contexts. 151. Abstract from 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark.
If you are a Niche - Act like one!
van Dijck, E. J. L. (2019). If you are a Niche - Act like one! Lessons from a multiple case study of 4DHC Transition in NW Europe . Poster session presented at International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa, Canada.
Effective use of Stakeholder Management Technology to stimulate system innovation
van Dijck, E. J. L. (2019). Effective use of Stakeholder Management Technology to stimulate system innovation: initial lessons from a multiple case study of 4DHC in NW Europe. 115. Abstract from 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems in Copenhagen, on 10-11 September
2019, Copenhagen, Denmark. -
Van reststof naar rendement
Kraaijenbrink, J., Oskam, I., Boerema, M., van Dijck, E.-J., van Hees, M., Martina, R., & van Winden, W. (2018). Van reststof naar rendement: een gids voor het ontwikkelen van reststof-gedreven business modellen. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Organising smart city projects
van Winden, W., Oskam, I., van den Buuse, D., Schrama, W., & van Dijck, E.-J. (2016). Organising smart city projects: lessons from Amsterdam. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.