Programma Ondernemerschap
S.P.J. Ramaekers (Stephan) PhD
Lector Professioneel Redeneren en Gedeelde BesluitvormingStephan Ramaekers (1958) is fysiotherapeut en onderwijskundige. Hij promoveerde in 2011 aan de Universiteit Utrecht op het proefschrift 'On the development of clinical reasoning; can it be taught or can it only be learned?'. Sinds 2016 is hij opnieuw verbonden aan de HvA als opleidingsmanager van de opleiding Fysiotherapie, met een reguliere Nederlandse variant en een intensieve (3-jarige) internationale variant.
In december 2018 werd Stephan benoemd tot lector Professioneel Redeneren en Gedeelde Besluitvorming in de Gezondheidszorg. Hiervoor werkte hij onder meer als revalidatie fysiotherapeut, (medisch-)onderwijskundige en universitair hoofddocent voor Evelyn Hone College en de University of Zambia/UTH in Lusaka, de Universiteit Maastricht, de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (’92-’98), en de Universiteit Utrecht.
Rode draad in zijn werk als innovator/onderzoeker zijn vragen over competentieontwikkeling in kritisch-onderzoekend denken, het bijbehorend curriculumdesign en programmatisch toetsen. Stephan Ramaekers participeert in diverse advies- en overlegorganen.
Challenges to Students' Learning and Wellbeing During Placement Abroad: A Qualitative Study Using Rich Pictures
Wijbenga, M. H., van der Goot, W. E., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Teunissen, P. W., Duvivier, R. J., & Driessen, E. W. (2024). Challenges to Students' Learning and Wellbeing During Placement Abroad: A Qualitative Study Using Rich Pictures. Perspectives on Medical Education, 13(1), 666-676.
Challenges, coping and support during student placement abroad
Wijbenga, M. H., Duvivier, R. J., Driessen, E. W., Ramaekers, S. P. J., & Teunissen, P. W. (Accepted/In press). Challenges, coping and support during student placement abroad: a qualitative study. Medical teacher, 45(12).
Course of recovery of respiratory muscle strength and its associations with exercise capacity and handgrip strength: A prospective cohort study among survivors of critical illness
Major, M., van Egmond, M., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D., Ramaekers, S., Engelbert, R., & van der Schaaf, M. (2023). Course of recovery of respiratory muscle strength and its associations with exercise capacity and handgrip strength: A prospective cohort study among survivors of critical illness. PLoS ONE , 18(4), Article e0284097.
Reliability and validity of assessment methods available in primary care for bladder outlet obstruction and benign prostatic obstruction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms
Vredeveld, T., Van Benten, E., Beekmans, R. E. P. M., Koops, M. P., Ket, J. C. F., Mollema, J., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Pool, J. J. M., Coppieters, M. W., & Pool-Goudzwaard, A. L. (2022). Reliability and validity of assessment methods available in primary care for bladder outlet obstruction and benign prostatic obstruction in men with lower urinary tract symptoms: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 12(4), 1-16. Article e056234.
Generalized Joint Hypermobility and Anxiety Are Serious Risk Factors for Dysfunctioning in Dance Students: A One-Year Follow-Up Study
van Die-de Vries, J., Verbunt, J., Ramaekers, S., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2022). Generalized Joint Hypermobility and Anxiety Are Serious Risk Factors for Dysfunctioning in Dance Students: A One-Year Follow-Up Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), Article 2662.
Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning
de Vries, J., Verbunt, J., Stubbe, J., Visser, B., Ramaekers, S., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. (2021). Generalized joint hypermobility and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, the impact on physical and psychosocial functioning. Healthcare, 9(5), Article 525.
Feasibility of a home-based interdisciplinary rehabilitation program for patients with Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: the REACH study
Major, M. E., Dettling-Ihnenfeldt, D., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2021). Feasibility of a home-based interdisciplinary rehabilitation program for patients with Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: the REACH study. Critical Care, 25, Article 279.
Initiation of student participation in practice
Wijbenga, M. H., Teunissen, P. W., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Driessen, E. W., & Duvivier, R. J. (2021). Initiation of student participation in practice: An audio diary study of international clinical placements. Medical teacher, 43(10), 1179-1185.
Barriers and facilitators to ask for lower urinary tract symptoms in people with low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. A qualitative study
Vredeveld, T., Eberlein, A., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Coppieters, M. W., & Pool-Goudzwaard, A. L. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to ask for lower urinary tract symptoms in people with low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal science & practice, 48, 1-6. Article 102155.
Preparing undergraduate students for clinical work in a complex environment
Major, M. E., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Van der Schaaf, M. (2020). Preparing undergraduate students for clinical work in a complex environment: evaluation of an e-learning module on physiotherapy in the intensive care unit. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 20, Article 130.
Finding your feet
Wijbenga, M. H., Duvivier, R. J., Sheehan, D. C., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Teunissen, P. W., & Driessen, E. W. (2020). Finding your feet: student participation during initiation of international clinical placements: Student participation during initiation. Perspectives on Medical Education, 9, 41-48.
Anamnese bij rugpijn
Eberlein, A., Vredeveld, T., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Coppieters, M. W., & Pool-Goudzwaard, A. L. (2019). Anamnese bij rugpijn: wat zijn ondervonden barrières en factoren die bijdragen aan het uitvragen van plasklachten?. Poster session presented at Dag van de Fysiotherapeut 2019, Den Bosch.
Survivors of critical illness and their relatives
Major, M. E., van Nes, F., Ramaekers, S., Engelbert, R. H. H., & van der Schaaf, M. (2019). Survivors of critical illness and their relatives: a qualitative study on hospital discharge experience. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 16(11), 1405-1413. Article 31394924.
Finding your feet
Wijbenga, M., Duvivier, R., Sheehan, D., Ramaekers, S., Teunissen, P., & Driessen, E. (2019). Finding your feet: student participation during initiation of international clinical placements. Poster session presented at NVMO-congres, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Hoe haal je alles uit je stagiair?
Ramaekers, S. P. J. (2018). Hoe haal je alles uit je stagiair? Over het faciliteren van leren tijdens stages. Paper presented at Dag van de fysiotherapeut 2018.
Bewegen van eigen zekerheid naar gedeeld vertrouwen
Ramaekers, D. S. P. J. (2018). Bewegen van eigen zekerheid naar gedeeld vertrouwen. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Physical fitness, generalised joint hypermobility and psychosocial behaviour in young professional dancers
de Vries, J. E., Verbunt, J., Stubbe, J. H., Visser, B., Scheper, M. C., Ramaekers, S. P. J., Calders, P., & Engelbert, R. H. H. (2018). Physical fitness, generalised joint hypermobility and psychosocial behaviour in young professional dancers. Poster session presented at World Congress on Pain from the IASP, Boston.
Applicability of progress testing in veterinary medical education
Favier, R. P., van der Vleuten, C. P. M., & Ramaekers, S. P. J. (2017). Applicability of progress testing in veterinary medical education. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44(2), 351-357.
Script concordance test; a tool to assess cognitive integration?
Ramaekers, S. (2016). Script concordance test; a tool to assess cognitive integration?. Paper presented at International Association of Medical Science Educators 2016, Leiden, Netherlands.
Onderwijs op de universiteit
Ramaekers, S. (2014). Onderwijs op de universiteit. TvHO, 32(2), 208-210.
Students' motives for using online formative assessments when preparing for summative assessments
De Kleijn, R. A. M., Bouwmeester, R. A. M., Ritzen, M. M. J., Ramaekers, S. P. J., & Van Rijen, H. V. M. (2013). Students' motives for using online formative assessments when preparing for summative assessments. Medical teacher, 35(12), E1644-E1650.
Effectiveness of a programme design for the development of competence in solving clinical problems
Ramaekers, S., Van Keulen, H., Van Beukelen, P., Kremer, W., & Pilot, A. (2012). Effectiveness of a programme design for the development of competence in solving clinical problems. Medical teacher, 34(5), E309-E316.
An instructional model for competence development in solving clinical problems.
Ramaekers, S. P. J., & Breukelen, van, P. (2011). An instructional model for competence development in solving clinical problems. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 38(4), 360-372.
Effective teaching in case-based education: patterns in teacher behaviour and their impact on the students’ clinical problem solving and learning
Ramaekers, S., van Keulen, H., Kremer, W., Pilot, A., & Breukelen, van, P. (2011). Effective teaching in case-based education: patterns in teacher behaviour and their impact on the students’ clinical problem solving and learning. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 23(3), 303-313.